Review of David Fraser Part 2 of 2

Release Date: January 4th 2023
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Citizen Lab - I am sorry for the abstract nature of this. I didn 't plan this or know about you until recently. That being said, it would seem your approach is very similar to my assumptions about this kind of software and it would seem at some point our stories crossed in some way... Now, I 'm not asking you to side with me, agree with me or say anything... This is just something to think about. Also... cool article.

David T.S Fraser,

Continued from Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 9:47 AM. I had to wait a few days so their IT people could put their opinions in.

Consider Citizen Lab and how they basically infected themselves, then backtracked. These parties will gather and look for the similar data with your website. And if they find even a single connection, they will question the other IP 's, the detailed fingerprints and they will also then be curious if they ever engaged you or your family. Think about this... what services do they use in other countries, do they use TikTok? And really think about this David, Your contract Started around November 2, 2015 so they have a really wide time span to be curious about and would query right back too months before you started the contract. While just because Citizen Lab didn 't fingerprint an infection pointing to you, doesn 't mean there wasn 't an just means they don 't have the IP or Heuristic data of other implementations.

"In February 2019, Associated Press reported that at least four more individuals - three lawyers, and one journalist - were pursued by undercover operatives for their work on NSO."

While your services are hosted with Amazon in the US who in different circumstances may not be able legally tell you if there was a warrant especially as you are not American. And the fact is that compared to Canadian Law, you have very few paths to changing those laws while it 's also more difficult for you to seek legal recourse for yourself, or anyone targeted. So let 's review:

1. Basically you said something very similar to what I 'm saying now.

2. As a business case Google and other Search engines de-rank sites that don 't have SSL, now more so than 2014 while the net effect is becoming more prominent.

3. SSL is free with your hosting platform Amazon Web Services (How to Guide).

4. SSL is like $70 bucks a year, this is a 5 Million Dollar Contract and our National Security.

Nord VPN - David, Let 's illustrate the point further With ISP or service providers, tracking cookies and Data slipping through other Countries (International Connection points). In this example I 'll use NordVPN, a common VPN Service Provider to which I pay for a standard subscription connected to Montreal, Canada. First, I could set my IP directly to another country which would affect my services which is obvious. But in my case I 'm doing basic google searches and watching YouTube videos when I notice the Google and YouTube logo switches from CA to DE. I confirmed this in a Google search. In another instance much later on it was AU. But it seemed more specific with DE while how many countries or times in between one can only wonder but there seemed to be sometimes large gaps and it wasn 't persistent. But also, some geographic IP tools thought I was in Germany. So naturally curious I did some light digging and found that for some reason the ISP that NordVPN used to carry traffic seemed to be registered to an old abandoned House, in Germany ... Which someone should maybe look into... But the point is the effect rippled so far that my Google Account thought I was in Germany and in another case Australia. In the case of Google Search, it directed me to German Links. And may have caused my googles accounts to query those respective geographic servers for Content but also cached details. This while serving up region specific ads and maybe even account replication. While it exposed me to direct Phishing from those regions. And if any sites or resources were not SSL enabled it would also expose detailed fingerprints to additional "heuristic considerations". But to add a strange, 1% twist... in July 2019, my last month working at JDIrving and the start month of EMIC contract # 1 which has links to EMIC, DND and Dutch Military. Devices on a different local network where I was staying seemed to start pulling up Dutch Subreddits and Dutch resources without VPN... making this even more difficult to untangle (But might make sense if something was calling out!?!)...

NordVPN - Can Google track me if I use a VPN?

"There are some other ways Google can track you online. For example, cookies and browser fingerprinting can also trace your activities back to your account. However, you can minimize tracking by using privacy-oriented browsers and cookie blockers. "

HIDE AND SEEK - Tracking NSO Group 's Pegasus Spyware to Operations in 45 Countries

Citizen Lab

Today in the United States we have somewhere close to four or five thousand data points on every individual ... So we model the personality of every adult across the United States, some 230 million people.

Alexander Nix, chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, October 2016.

"Meta-data tells you as much about the... the communications as the the content of communications" and

"You cannot build in a back door that cannot be exploited."

David Fraser

Here is an interesting way to think of this - December 23rd 2021

Which brings up an interesting point about Citizens Lab and the USB Stick and Phone I dropped off to CSIS August 2nd 2022 before my illegal Arrest and Illegal Captivity by HRP. It confirms my assumptions and what I did was the right thing because just as Citizens Lab can backtrack and query Servers, if CSIS finds Spyware they can do the same and maybe find where it came from. All of which leads to another example. Consider Ecum Secum in terms of input and output of people or events like RCMP interactions. Take a look at the Business Analytic Blimps August through September 2021, then July 2022... how could you capture that in a city? But then consider slower internet connections of 7Mbps it allows you to notice interruptions and bulk downloads, while a specific IP or domain would stick out. There is less radio noise, less towers and less user data to sort through. While the data pattern out here is very regular creating a great comparative baseline. Meaning in this case they only need to search a very small pool. Basically reducing the data heap for "Them" and me.

"...police are getting production orders for tower dumps un in in some places in Ontario where it involves getting information about tens of thousands of people where one person in that pile of tens of thousands of people is the one person you suspect of robbing that Jewelry Store buy you 're getting the information about tens of thousands of other people because its digital and you can just kind of get an order requiring the telco to hander over the information about every customer that was within a mile with their cell phone and in a city that 's that 's a large number of people..." - David Fraser 00:42:39

As for mid, late 2021 I did a slow burn hoping that if something serious was happening, security services were watching the right people. First I typed up the general flow of data in Google Docs hoping they would see the direction I was heading. I gave them time and a strategy to check for leaks and cracks and/or for them to contact me to end this. Which is why there was such a big gap in late 2021. As for these emails, every time someone or a bot opens an attachment their IP and other details are logged with Google. These events would create clear blips for security services. While my GPS was clearly being tampered with, possibly even to the extent that entries may have been deleted from my GPS log, I used NIANTICS servers to keep a secondary GPS log for security services to evaluate for deviations. While it shows I wasn 't trying to hide.

Again you are probably wondering why I 'm telling you this... It 's because by the time these parties catch up and realize I 'm right they will realize I 've already won and that the bigger Players already see this...

Which brings me to the question of you enabling SSL, your semi regular yearly meeting with CTV, Privacy lawyer David Fraser on street checks - Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017 and then to the public recommendations laid out by the Privacy Commissioner to "Establish the Commissioner as responsible for independent privacy oversight for municipalities."

Combine the access and privacy rules contained in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP), Municipal Government Act Part XX (MGA), Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act (PIIDPA), and Privacy Review Officer Act (PRO) into one complete Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act"

Now you can talk directly to HRP, the Municipal Board, Tim Houston, NSHA, Privacy Commissioners, RCMP, Daddy, Justin Trudeau, JDIrving and Canada. And you can be sure "They" are listening. While none of these recommendations or topics are new, you were already publicly talking about them in some capacity. And it has very little, if nothing at all to do with me... This is perfect.


Happy New Year 's and Good Luck.

**This is meant to illustrate a point and Educate and is not to demean David Fraser or his skills as a Lawyer. His skills are proven with time, clients and in the courts and are not decided by me. And due to contract obligations he cannot respond as to defend himself. Please remember this is not a typical situation, Players or Approach but a Challenge to see if he 's prepared.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"