第26屆通識月簡介-堅持所愛 超越自我
by 徐珮瑜, 2023-10-01 20:37, 人氣(803)

第26屆通識月-堅持所愛 超越自我▶活動專頁https://tinyurl.com/ysmwwkc9

#第26屆通識月 #大師講座 #講座 #工作坊 #客家 #堅持所愛 #超越自我


通識月主題:堅持所愛 超越自我

To be true to what we love and to be more than what we are



Dreams are often the beginning of pursuing dreams. In the process of pursuing dreams, action and persistence are often the most powerful and resilient. Persistence is a manifestation of willpower, and it is also a good way for us to face obstacles and overcome failures. Persistence is also a form of courage. It is a rare thing to persist in doing one thing well throughout one's life. In the long river of human life, only one's persistence in life and love can achieve one's own success. From persisting in faith, persisting in what one loves; to breaking through and surpassing oneself, as well as a series of trials, challenges, and conversations with oneself are all the "touchstones" of life. 'To be true to what we love and to be more than what we are' may seem ordinary, but it is not simple. Here lies the strongest heart, the most self-discipline, and a heart that never dies out, always having the greatest enthusiasm for choosing what one loves!





徵件競賽「跨界、探索與自我拓展」10/06~11/20: ~獎金最高5000元 http://lms.ntpu.edu.tw/board.php?courseID=42736&f=doc&folderID=330289&cid=3769371
排名活動「應援!第26屆通識月活動」10/02~12/20:限定本校學生,有機會獲得250元禮物卡 http://lms.ntpu.edu.tw/board.php?courseID=42736&f=doclist&folderID=330328
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