The moment when Houston Rockets guard Austin Rivers went close to Los Angeles Clippers head coach (and Austin's father) Doc Rivers to urge the referees to give him a technical and have him ejected — the scenes it created was meme-worthy in and of itself as you rarely see a child throwing his parent under the bus the way Austin did.

However, that's exactly what happened during the close game between the Clippers and the Rockets, a game Houston won with much comfort. The image of Austin putting up the tech symbol has been forever immortalized and is already making its rounds in NBA meme pages all over social media.

The younger Rivers understood the gravity of what he did and explained how he figured that as the right time to urge the referees to give him the T. Jonathan Feigen recounted what Rivers saw during that moment:

“I knew it was coming. I’ve seen that look before, many times. Once he starts blinking his eyes really fast, that’s when I know. I just tried to tell Tony to get him. He got him. He was out of here. Doc’s got to keep his cool.”

No one knows a father like his son, after all.

Doc was cordial about the moment and didn't have any hard feelings about his son's actions. They're both basketball men who are just trying to win the game. They will do everything they can to get the dub, and Doc will likely do the same to his child if the tables were turned.

However, Austin did say that his little stunt may have made Thanksgiving this year a bit hard to go to.