Issue 13 | Aug. 21st, 2021                                               

Reify 8&21

Welcome to your 3-minute pause. 

Let's focus on your practice of pursuing awesome.


 8 and 21


The name "Reify 8&21"

represents our promise to publish

twice a month on the 8th & 21st.


But once a year, the numbers 8 and 21 

align for a magical date: 



Happy 8&21 day!


Reflection for celebration 


Once upon a time, before we were editors of Reify 8&21, we were both instructors at the same university. 


And while we were there, we both talked with our students about the importance of reflection


We've found that the practice of reflecting on what you've learned can help you commit more information to memory, celebrate how far you've come, and grow confidence in your ability to learn 

Sarah Glova and Sarah Egan Warren - also known as The Two Sarahs

Creators and Editors of Reify 8&21


“Reflection gives the brain an opportunity to pause amidst the chaos, untangle and sort through observations and experiences, consider multiple possible interpretations, and create meaning. This meaning becomes learning, which can then inform future mindsets and actions.”

From the Harvard Business Review article

“Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection (Even If You Hate Doing It)”

by Jennifer Porter


So this 8&21 Day, 

let's take time to reflect.

From your editors: 

Sarah Glova

I took something away from each Reify 8&21 issue that we created, but I continue to revisit 

Issue 5: Con·​fi·​dence (n)


In that issue, we explored the term “confidence” from its root, reclaiming the term's foundation in trust. 


I've been working on trusting myself more—especially when an outcome is uncertain—and when I need a little inspiration, I like to go back and re-read that issue. 


Sarah Egan Warren

My favorite issue this year (so far) was 

Issue 10: Priority (Singular)


Although I still need to purposefully practice, I have learned that time boxing is one way that I can be completely present. 


By focusing on ONE priority at a time, I can be more effective and more engaged—whether that is with my work, family, friends, projects, or even focusing time on self-care. 


The myth of multitasking left me feeling like I was doing nothing well—stretched and distracted all the time. So, I intentionally schedule time for different priorities so that I don’t feel pulled in many directions at once.


"When I see a Reify 8&21 email, I either open it right away or save and savor it later. Who doesn’t like to be reminded to build your confidence, be more resilient, and to feel inspired, all while weeding out regret?


The three or so minutes it takes to wander through a Reify 8&21 email twice a month is taking precious moments to feed one’s soul!


One theme that really resonated with me was in 

Issue 11: When stars align 

How the process of realignment is not a 

one-time fix, but rather, something to be mindful of, and to revisit frequently."  

- Dr. Lisa M. Paciulli, Department of Biological Sciences at 

North Carolina State University



"When I read 

Issue 6: What if we call it “practice”? 

I remember loving the idea of calling something that you're working on 'a practice'.  That's a fun mental shift."  

- Dawn Daria, Education Director with Flow Circus and 

Engagement Specialist with Energizing Events


(Dawn also recommended the quote by Alice Walker, shared below, 

as another quote for this issue's “reflection” theme.)


“The wisdom 

is in the pause.”


- Alice Walker, author of 

The Color Purple, and the first 

African-American woman 

to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction


Want to look back?

Here are the themes we've explored so far this year:


“The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself.”


- Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018), American novelist best known for her science fiction works, including the Earthsea fantasy series



Take a second to reflect. 

What's a big lesson you've learned so far this year? 

How is it serving you?



Great job!

Way to take a pause and give 3 minutes to your practice of pursuing awesome with this issue's theme. You rock!


Reify 8&21 is a digital publication 

intentionally sent on the 8th and 21st
to disrupt your status-quo 

with an encouraging reset.


Photo Credits: 


Calendar book photo by JESHOOTS.COM

Abstract light photo by Sharon McCutcheon

Lavender  photo Photo by Daiga Ellaby

Books under the window photo by John-Mark Smith 

Person on computer photo by Mimi Thian