Coloradans ‘pie’ it forward to help local ailing residents

December 2, 2013

Project Angel Heart, a nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nutritious meals to ailing women, men and children in the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs is pleased to announce a record-breaking year for the Pie in the Sky pie sale.

A total of 2,956 pies were sold generating net revenue of more than $75,000 and allowing the organization to provide more than 15,000 meals to Coloradans fighting cancer, kidney failure, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses.

All the pies were fresh-baked and generously donated by Bluepoint Bakery. Sponsors included Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta, ANB Banks in the Southern Colorado region, Andarko Petroleum Corporation, 5280 Magazine, OutFront Colorado, Colorado Label Co., team Packaging and Vollmer’s Bakery.

For more information on Project Angel Heart, go to or call 303-830-0202.


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