PC-23-0049 - Response to HRP Police Complaints Comissioner, Patrick H Curran regarding his March 22nd 2024 decision to close the case 2023.

Release Date: April 5th 2024
Original Document: Link
Document Tiny URL: https://tinyurl.com/53pxfdp7
HTML Tiny URL: https://tinyurl.com/5mtfdr75

Submitted By:

Scott Jewers (Pronoun and Preferred name is Daddy)


PC-23-0049 - Response to the Fraud Patrick H. Currans response March 22nd 2024 and decision to close the case


April 5th 2024

This document is meant to be used in conjunction with my response to Patrick H Curran's decision and form HRP Professional Standards emailed me March 22nd 2024. Both my response to Patrick H Curran and this document were released April 5th 2024.NEW

Direct Link is the Full URL while Tiny URL is a URL shortening and redirection service that maps tiny, or smaller URL's too much longer URL's. Tiny URL makes it easier for a human to read, and to type into an address bar. Meaning it's especially useful in printed documentation. You can access Direct Link by "Control + left click ". Or, more securely, Right click Direct Link - Choose Edit Hyperlink - And copy the URL as to inspect it for yourself. At the Bottom of this document, I have tried to main a list or mapping of these Long URLs to Tiny URL's so you can simply search that for the Tiny URL and get its full URL counterpart as to inspect it easier. Supporting Documents.

  1. August 2nd 2022 - HRP Police Report - HRP Police Report Page 1 of 2 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/5yw7e5ak and HRP Police Report Page 2 of 2 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/2x3e458a
  2. March 13th 2023 - Form 5 - My original Form 5 complaint. Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/mr456b7m
  3. March 23rd 2023 - Response to Patrick Curran. This was directly misquoted by Patrick Curran, Ron Legere and Jonathan Jefferies. This is where Patrick Curran removed the arresting officers from a complaint regarding a false arrest. Full blown Fraud - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/2tf2whjb (Added April 6th 2024)
  4. April 3rd 2023 -You can find my detailed submission to Jonathan Jefferies, on here - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/bdf6n957.
  5. July 7th 2023 - Form 11 - Jonathan Jefferies and Rob Legere Form 11 - Fraudulent, and intentionally misleading, and misquoted. Its slander and defamation done with Malice - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/3f5j8uve
  6. July 24th 2023 - Form 13 - My Form 13 response to the Frauds Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere regarding Form 11 sent on July 7th 2023 , Page 1 of 2 - https://tinyurl.com/4pkpknzb Page 2 of 2 - https://tinyurl.com/yjdk6yny
  7. March 22nd 2024 - Response from Police Complaints Commissioner, Patrick H Curran - Absolute FRAUD. Its slander, defamation and clearly retaliation. Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/mtp2re7r
  8. April 5th 2024 - (This Document) Response to Police Complaints Commissioner, Patrick H Curran and his response March 22nd 2024 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/53pxfdp7
  9. April 5th 2024 - Detailed Response highlighting the fraud of Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran Form 11 response on July 7th 2023. - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/yc3zxmy2
  10. April 5th 2024 - Personal Letter to Patrick H Curran. - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/ck4c27hw


  1. Introduction
  2. "On March 15, 2023, you filed a Form 5 Police Act complaint against unknown HRP officers for false arrest, assault and torture on August 2, 2022. The complaint did not include details of the alleged wrongful behaviour. "
  3. I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part: "
    1. "As I stated to your Officers.... I do not want them personally punished (Aside from Officer 5 who took the cuffs off) "
    2. "NSHA.... Had me arrested, falsely accused, stripped m[e] of my rights.... " Using HRP false arrest, as justification to torture and slander me again. "
    3. "Aside from my wallet being stolen.... the Following is still objectively true, and indicates serious crimes. The Wortley Report apology on November 19th 2019 - I got an email about a "Job" from Capital Health. Jim Perrin got his Transfer to JDirving Postmedia Gets their Journalistic Accreditation TorStar Shuts down their Halifax Office (Next Day) "
    4. "Officer 1,2 ,3 and 4 Didn't really mistreat me aside from Arresting me.... Officer 5 who took my Cuffs off - Should be fired and reprimanded immediately. The supervisor should be fired - that was criminal assault. "
  4. "Jewers did provide additional details of his complaint against officer #5: "
  5. "Your complaint was filed more than 7 months after your arrest on August 2, 2022 "
  6. "The Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act is a public statute of the Province of Nova Scotia. A police officer who makes an arrest under the provisions of that Act does not breach the Code of Conduct in Nova Scotia's Police Regulations. The fact that a doctor found it necessary to admit you to the hospital as an involuntary patient indicates that your arrest under the Act was reasonable. In any case, there is no evidence that Officer 5 arrested you. "
  7. "The "reasons" you included with your Form 13 were a two-page diatribe against the complaint investigator, Sgt. Jefferies, without a single mention of "Officer 5" or the alleged assault. "
  8. "Two officers sitting outside the room where a doctor is assessing a person in custody is not an improper act of any kind. Their duty was to be there with you until the doctor determined whether you would be released or held. "
  9. "You have alleged that a bag in your possession when you were admitted to hospital ended up with someone else after your admission. Apparently, someone at the hospital was involved in the transfer to the other person. There is no evidence or allegation that Officer 5 or any HRP officer was involved in the transfer. "
  10. Taken altogether, what you have presented is a theory that you were the victim of a conspiracy allegedly involving many disconnected events and numerous persons, corporations and agencies throughout Halifax, Nova Scotia and Canada. Your belief in a massive conspiracy aimed at you is not evidence that those events were connected. Your theory does not merit further consideration.
  11. "Having reviewed and considered all the information available to me associated with this complaint and investigation, I am satisfied there is no evidence upon which the Police Review Board could decide that Officer 5 or any Halifax Regional Police officer committed a breach of the Code of Conduct in Nova Scotia's Police Regulations during their dealings with you on August 2, 2022. "
  12. Supporting Documents
1) Introduction

Patrick H. Curran is a fraud. The sheer number of slanderous and defamatory statements is staggering. This isn't one mistake, or a few mistakes. This is absolutely a complete fabrication. And it was not caused by me, lack of evidence or non-cooperation. It was caused by Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran's over inflated sense of self-worth and self-importance. It was cause by their Bigotry, prejudice and bias.

The fact that Patrick H. Curran used to be a judge and made this many mistakes, while defending this kind of behavior is terrifying. And makes me wonder how many other victims must exist and how many lives this Fraud has ruined. In this case alone he has slandered and defamed me. He has intentionally misquoted me while he himself has fabricated dates. Patrick H. Curran couldn't even answer a single basic question about why he removed the officers, it was a year and nobody responded.

And this behavior should and already does terrify every single Canadian. They know exactly what kind of a bigot and abusive monster "men " like Patrick H. Curran are.

There is no resolution to this core issue in which Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere or Patrick Curran's keep their jobs. My recommendation is Criminal Charges while they are to be fired with formal reprimand on their files. My recommendation to CSIS is that they be stripped of any and security clearance for the remainder of their lives. While full investigations are done by both RCMP and CSIS.

All cases handled by these individuals should be passed to third party for review as it is the only way for Professional Standards and HRP to maintain even a bit of public confidence.

Thank you.

2) "On March 15, 2023, you filed a Form 5 Police Act complaint against unknown HRP officers for false arrest, assault and torture on August 2, 2022. The complaint did not include details of the alleged wrongful behaviour. "

Here is another example of the incompetence, fraud and illiteracy of Patrick H. Curran (Police Complaints Commissioner), HRP Professional Standards and Jonathan Jefferies. This is taken from their reply March 22nd 2023, 16 days after I asked the Crown Prosecutor and RCMP to persue formal charges of fraud against Jonathan Jefferies and Patrick H. Curran:

"On March 15, 2023, you filed a Form 5 Police Act complaint against unknown HRP officers for false arrest, assault and torture on August 2, 2022. The complaint did not include details of the alleged wrongful behaviour. "

And then this Fraud states:

"I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part:"

I filed the complaint on March 13th 2023 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/mr456b7m . Not March 15th 2023 (remember this fraud, Patrick H. Curran was a judge so he knows how badly, messing up dates on formal documents is). This is important because hours after filing Form 5 on March 13th 2023, A NSHA Director had me arrested, and NSHA again denied me a lawyer repeatedly and literally tortured me. I was completely cool, calm and collected the entire time, there is video evidence. While I sat calmly and respectfully at HRP HQ for over 30 Minutes. NSHA refuse my right to record while they held me until March 21st 2023. There are dozens to hundreds of witnesses, video evidence. I asked NSHA that especially given the circumstances if I could audio record the interactions which my right under 184 in the criminal code, and consistent with NSHA Policy. NSHA staff refused stating it was for their Privacy, which is fraudulent. I stated very clearly 184 in the criminal code, and the "One Party Consent " law. I advised it would be an issue recording in common areas, but not one on one. NSHA was clearly asked to produce their Privacy Policy and refused to produce a Privacy Policy. And for asking about my basic rights, they retaliated further. They told me if I insisted on record, I would just be locked up. While they then compelled me as a witness against myself, under threat of severe violence, forced confinement, kidnapping and literal torture. While they denied me a lawyer.


When I replied to Patrick H. Curran I was literally in shock. And didn't know what to do. Especially as NSHA explicitly stated that if I even mentioned JDIrving they would just have me arrested and pumped full of drugs. Think about that, I was just arrested after filing a complaint at HRP, and now I'm being told they will literally torture me if I mention NSHA or JDIrving. Here is my reply to Patrick Curran, especially and clearly stating that after filing this complaint NSHA arrested me. Which neither Patrick Curran, Jonathan Jefferies nor Ron Legere recorded all while each of them then claimed my statements about NSHA retaliating were from August 2022. This is Full blown fraud and intentional misrepresentation by all three:

The facts are that Patrick H. Curran and Jonathan Jefferies are Frauds. None of them even contacted me once. And their actions and negligence were absolutely done with Malice.

3) "I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part: "

"As I stated to your Officers.... I do not want them personally punished (Aside from Officer 5 who took the cuffs off) " - Mar 23, 2023, 9:27 AM

Here is the Police Complaints Commissioner and Fraud Patrick H. Curran lying and intentionally misquoting. The actual quote showing Patrick H. Curran intentionally cut parts out to fit his own Narrative, highlighting the Malice:

  1. "No TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR - As i stated to your Officers... I do not want them personally punished (Aside from Officer 5 who took the cuffs off). But if they lied on the record, there is nothing I can do. As stated... Dan Kinsella should have taken personal responsibility. The fact they would use this to extor his own Officers is an absolute Breach of Public Trust. "
  2. "If I hear of any of the Officers getting fired, or being targeted. I am going to have a very serious problem. So you will not just remove them without making it very clear why Dan Kinsella was not responsible. "
  3. "I heard the two officers who arrested me talking, they knew something was wrong, and it wasn't me. I was calm, cool and collected the entire time. Officer 1, 2, 3 and 4. Didn't really mistreat me aside from arresting me... Officer 5 who took my Cuffs Off - Should be fired and reprimanded immediately. The Supervisor should be fired - that was a criminal assault. "

Amazing right? Patrick H. Curran intentionally and maliciously left out the part just after the period "But if they lied on the record, there is nothing I can do. " Does anything in there sound like I asked them to not include the arresting officers? Absolutely not. Patrick H. Curran was a judge so he knows better than misquoting like he did. And he should be held to a very high standard when it comes to this sort of blatant negligence. It was blatant Malice. He knows Jonathan Jefferies and HRP Professional Standards were clearly asked why they removed the Officers. Different calls were made to HRP Professional Standards.

This highlights the pattern of abuses, lying, cheating and stealing of HRP professional Standards and Halifax Regional Police. And shows how blatant they will like when they think they can't be held accountable.

4) "I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part: "

Patrick H. Curran claims I said:

"NSHA.... Had me arrested, falsely accused, stripped m[e] of my rights.... " Using HRP false arrest, as justification to torture and slander me again. "

Patrick H. Curran intentionally cut parts out to fit his own Narrative. Here is the actual unedited quote:

"After filing this complaint, NSHA, who was involved in covering it up. And had serious quantified complaints made against them Had me arrested, falsely accused, stripped mof my rights... RCMP was shocked.... But this time the RCMP refused to arrest me, pushed back... But NSHA lied and forced them t because they faced serious shared liability, for slandering, lying, perjury and Torturing me. Using HRP false arrest, as justification to torture and slader me again. Then claimed "Plausible Deniability". It's absolutely criminal. But I digress... "

Patrick H. Curran (HRP Police Complaints Commissioner) intentionally misquoted me. He left out that they had serious quantified complaints against them, meaning as of March 13th 2023. What a specific and convenient omission right? It was obviously done intentionally and with malice as to specifically slander, defame and mischaracterize me to anyone reading his report.

While look at how he also left out the prefix of "After filing this complaint ". Because it obviously indicates i was referring to when I filed Form 5 meaning March 13th 2023. While remember Patrick H. Curran also misrepresented the dates of when Form 5 was filed, showing the pattern of lying, cheating ad stealing:

"On March 15, 2023, you filed a Form 5 Police Act complaint against unknown HRP officers "

But to make it worse, instead of representing facts Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran H. Curran then made fraudulent claims that I said NSHA conspired and retaliated on August 2nd 2022. When it's clear, I was stating NSHA retaliated on March 13th 2023. All of which could have been clarified in seconds if any of these frauds treated me like a human and picked up a phone.

I think everyone would agree after the false arrest and events of August 2022, and now March 13th 2023, and Jonathan Jefferies not answering why they removed the Arresting Officers form a complaint regarding a false arrest are very good, common sense reasons to not trust either NSHA or Halifax Regional Police. Jonathan Jefferies didn't even trust himself to answer a single basic question.

But let's take it further. I was released from NSHA about March 21st 2023 while Patrick H. Curran stated if I didn't reply by March 24th 2023, he would just close the case. I was still in shock. I was literally kidnapped, tortured, slandered, defamed and humiliated. I literally had to wash my underwear in a sink while I was shipped 12 hours away from Friends and Family while they systematically abused and humiliated me. While NSHA stated if I mentioned JDIrving they would just have me arrested and pumped full of drugs.

You can see why the frauds Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran H. Curran would misquote me and misrepresent this. They know how bad this looks on their file and they want to bias anyone reading it while they pretend they are heroes.

Make no mistake Patrick Curran is a fraud and his actions were absolutely done with malice.

5) "I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part: "

"Aside from my wallet being stolen.... the Following is still objectively true, and indicates serious crimes. The Wortley Report apology on November 19th 2019 - I got an email about a "Job" from Capital Health. Jim Perrin got his Transfer to JDirving Postmedia Gets their Journalistic Accreditation TorStar Shuts down their Halifax Office (Next Day) "

What was actually stated in those Emails was clearly me showing Motive, Means and Opportunity:

"Now April le 2019, the SAME day I get a speeding ticket, get pointed at RIGHT IN TRAFFIC and pulled over, there is HRP document, that somehow TorStar got their hands on, showing Robin McNeil and Board of Police Commissioners stating there would be further organization changes required before apologizing for Systemic Racism. Basically the Transfer of Jim Perrin which is generally reasonable. But then, his job with JDirving just happens to get Posted 10 days after HRP Magically finding my wallet, where Jim Perrin would have had control over the Case .... if there is ANY open case that so, CSIS HAS TO DENY MY SECURITY CLEARANCE, AND CANT TELL ANYONE. Allowing JD Irving to attach, frame and degrade by Proxy. THIS IS A FACT .... JDirving retaliated against me, when I did absolutely nothing. AND GUESS WHO JDirving then sends to investigate? JIM PERRIN..."

(While the above point was made because just 8 days prior, I had filed a HR complaint at Irving Shipbuilding, which would ultimately lead to the Investigation at Irving Shipbuilding early 2020) Here is an infographic further explaining April 18th 2019 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/ydk8emjt

But then they key entry they leave out is the third point about June 5th and 17th 2019. Which was talking about the overlap with HRP and my wallet it discussed:

"As a matter of Fact and clear record - I also informed all parties, RCMP, HRP and CSIS before going down. HRP was on thread for over a Year. Detailed public dates and data was submitted 20 Days before going down - and proves there are absolutely no random dates or made up connections. HRP knew the dates were right, in fact the supervisor confirmed a Date about what appears to be Jim perrins Job Posting with JDIrving 2019-06-17 . They said we're going to get you some information as to contact professional services, as they said the Officers don't take the complaints. Which is FALSE, she just didn't want to have to file the complaint against the chief and thes "right kinds of white". "

A much better infographic can be found here - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/bdf9m7vj

Showing I was presenting 3 SOFT Overlaps in the data pattern between Jim Perrin, HRP and myself. Before the hard overlap starting January 14th 2020 when I first learned of Jim Perrin and the January 27th 2020 when we would do a recorded meeting at Irving Shipbuilding as part of a serious investigation into harassment. So 3 Soft overlaps and then a hard overlap. It directly shows motive, means and opportunity which are key factors in any Criminal Investigation or any general investigation. Jim Perrin was dependent on this job with JDIrving as he was transferred after the Wortley Report. While due to him being superintendent and spokesperson it would be hard to now have him apologize for systemic Racism when before they called it Bias. There is no way to move him up, down or laterally. Meaning he may have been extremely dependent on this Job with JDIrving. Again there was only a 1% assigned. And this doesn't cover even a portion of the other evidence.

Patrick Curran, Jonathan Jefferies nor Ron Legere all intentionally mispresented these facts. This was done with malice.

6) "I wrote to you on March 15, 2023, asking for a detailed description of the alleged false arrest, assault and torture. In a 3-page reply sent by email to this office on March 23, 2023, you stated, in part: "

Patrick H. Curran claims I said:

"Officer 1,2 ,3 and 4 Didn't really mistreat me aside from Arresting me.... Officer 5 who took my Cuffs off - Should be fired and reprimanded immediately. The supervisor should be fired - that was criminal assault. "

What I really said:

"I heard the two officers who arrested me talking, they knew something was wrong, and it wasn't me. I was calm ,cool and collected the entire time. Officer 1, 2, 3 and 4. Didn't really mistreat me aside from Arresting me... Officer 5 who took my Cuffs Off - Should be fired and reprimanded immediately. The Supervisor should be fired - that was a criminal assault. "

Indicating the Supervisor (Officer 3) who authorized my initial False Arrest at HRP HQ. Yes it could have been clarified further, however it was implied. While these Frauds could have picked up a phone, or asked me to clarify right? RIGHT! But it also shows I clearly reported and said I heard the officers talking and they absolutely had reason to believe I was telling the truth and so reasonable doubt in their actions. I imagine, when their superior heard me list Jim Perrins job posting date, and her reaction those other officers immediately knew that was well prepared and knew what I was talking about.

When I told the Supervisor the dates about Jim Perrins job postings she said something like "Well you got that one right on the head "... She then reiterated they were a conflict of interest. Meaning, HRP themselves made a clear legal statement that in no uncertain terms that HRP should not and cannot be trusted. The supervisor said they would get me a form to file a complaint with HRP Professional Standards and then just came back and arrested me. The video evidence from HRP confirms this.

While Note, nowhere in any report did they mention "The Wolf and the Neural Network - Alpha ", the amalgamate evidence and clearly the premise of a book and research project. Nor does it indicate that I asked them to please sit down to discuss this. Nor does it list my credentials.


7) "Jewers did provide additional details of his complaint against officer #5: "

Patrick H. Curran then defers to Jonathan Jefferies response on Form 11, July 7th 2023. <LINK> All of which I obviously had already contested. This was all covered in <DATE>

Now, before we start you need to note how this time Patrick H. Curran didn't copy and paste. This is because he couldn't short hand and edit out what he didn't like. And so instead, Patrick H. Curran, Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere needed to fabricate an entire entry. In the Form 11, July 7th 2023, Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere made the fraudulent claims that:

"He stated that while being assessd by the doctor, officer 5 walked into the room called him by name and just stood there. She stated the officer then walked out of the room and sat down with Officer 4. He stated that he felt it was not appropriate for the Officers to be sitting outside the door.He then detailed that after the doctor advised him, he was being admitted, the doctor opened the door and he overheard the doctor talking and laughing at him and that "Officer 5 loved it " He states the Officer came over to him to remove the handcuffs and asked him "you have any questions for me ". He states he looked into the officers eyes and shook his head no and softly said that this wasn't right. He states the Officer then yelled in his face repeating the same question. He had just asked him. He stated he answered no, and the officer removed the cuffs. Jewers states that he felt the officer degraded him as a human being with his comments "

Now, what was actually written April 3rd 2023 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/bdf6n957 and was confirmed in my October 22 2022 submission detailing the False arrest and abuse by NSHA - Direct link - https://tinyurl.com/yrunkhrc . All showing how consistent I am and was:

"Now, when first speaking to the Admitting doctor. I asked about Privacy, The Admitting Doctor assured me anything I had said was between them and me. However, In the middle of discussion, Officer 5, who I had never met, and was under the impression I would be with Officer 4 until 6 am. This new Officer just walks into the room, says Scott and just stands there. But then awkwardly then goes into the room beside us, and sits right by the door with Officer 4. I simply asked how appropriate it was for that to occur, and that given they are right outside the door while given the complaint against them then I don't really feel comfortable discussing anything. The doctor said "That's kind of paranoid isn't it "... I said no, you're asking me questions that implicate these police and their superiors and given I'm saying they falsely arrested me, It's a rational thought while you (The doctor) said I should have a reasonable expectation of Privacy... This is where she says she is going to admit me... I was shocked. But then it gets much worse. The Admitting doctor then goes to open it half way and straddles it. They LAUGH OUT LOUD and say to the two Officers sitting there "HAHAHAH HE THINKS YOU CAN HEAR HIM ".... "HERE SCOTT TEST IT AND WELL SEE HAHAHAHA "... When I just asked how appropriate it was. But now Officer 4 and 5 were laughing. Officer 5 LOVED IT. Officer 5 and the Admitting Doctor were literally getting off on humiliating me, it brought them sincere Joy. I didn't not get that impression from Officer 4... But it's interesting seeing this police report, and knowing he said I hope I can "Trust " someone someday... But I remained cool, calm, collected and kind... I looked at her and calmly said "this is really inappropriate ", I again asked for a lawyer, she lied and said I was never denied a lawyer, when, how could she know about the last 10 Hours. She said I could call one, I said okay then, for privacy I'd wait until the Officers and Her left, she said okay. Officer 5 then got up, came over to take my cuffs off and asked "do you have any questions for me ", I looked in his eyes and shook my head no and softly said "man this isn't right ". Officer 5 then YELLED IN MY FACE - "I ASKED DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME " ... I said no, and Officer 5 took the cuffs off. No other Officer did anything like that. That person immediately degraded me as a human being while that Monster of an Admitting Doctor made it okay... I was just some retard. Think about this... the Officer was just told I was considered a Vulnerable Person and look how Officer 5 acted when they thought I was less than human they could get away with the abuse. I then went and asked for a Phone to contact a Lawyer, again Staff told me "Honey there is no phone ".

Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick H. Curran intentionally misrepresented and intentionally misquoted me because they know how bad this looks on record. This was absolutely done with malice.

8) "Your complaint was filed more than 7 months after your arrest on August 2, 2022 "

I am the primary caretaker for my severely mentally and physically disabled mother. The day I got out, August 12th 2022 we were informed by the doctor my mother has a 17CM tumor / cyst. It was leaking puss into her body. Within a month she was rolling around in her own excrement. She thought I was only in the hospital 3 days, it was 10. She fell and crushed a garbage can while I was in there. The tumor / cyst was leaking puss into her body making her delirious. Her operation was November 17th 2022, she would not leave the hospital again and would die January 29th 2023. I spent every minuet and dime I could with her. I had blisters on my feet from walking to see her. I also needed time to grieve afterwards. This was included in the complaints to professional Standards however as I'm not consider a human being to you people, nobody included it.

The morning of January 29th 2023 premier, Tim Houston showed up at the hospital. My neighbors reported lights in my house which was a possible break and enter.

I actually submitted a detailed report October 22nd 2022, highlighting the entire arrest and abuse I suffered. But as you can imagine, I was distracted taking care of her while what was stopping from HRP lying and retaliating again? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. While NSHA knew they were in a lot of trouble.

I couldn't risk them locking me up given what these monsters did.

Patrick H Curran is a Monster and Fraud.

9) "The Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act is a public statute of the Province of Nova Scotia. A police officer who makes an arrest under the provisions of that Act does not breach the Code of Conduct in Nova Scotia's Police Regulations. The fact that a doctor found it necessary to admit you to the hospital as an involuntary patient indicates that your arrest under the Act was reasonable. In any case, there is no evidence that Officer 5 arrested you. "

A very good description of events at QEII Emergency and then with Kristen Holm at Mount Hope can be found in the submission regarding Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere form 11 submission July 7th 2024 - section 9, April 5th 2024 submission - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/yc3zxmy2 .

Patrick H. Curran claims that I claimed Officer 5 arrested me. This is a fabrication. This is why Patrick H. Curran hasn't and can't provide a single quote or reference to such a statement. While as a general statement it makes absolutely no sense. Obviously Officer 5 didn't arrest me. 1, 2 and 3 did. Basic awareness of Numbers tells you that. And this Fraud, Patrick H. Curran knows it. His statement was absolutely made with malice.

But most concerning here is that Patrick H. Curran is stating that HRP didn't heavily bias the interaction by falsely arresting me and taking me to NSHA. Which any reasonable person would know it absolutely biased their opinion. I wouldn't have even been there if HRP didn't lie about it. Consider the scenario... HRP told NSHA staff that I was given due process and that HRP evaluated the evidence and I was making it all up. Which is fraudulent, a straight up lie. Patrick H. Curran is claiming that Putting me in handcuffs and parading me through QEII emergency didn't bias everyone who seen it. Obviously it did while consider his current actions it is a non-contestable fact that those very same actions from those Arresting Officers are literally biasing Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick H Curran right now.

Patrick H Curran has literally stated his implicit trust for police and implicit guilt for me. While he is actively using it to justify systematically stripping my rights. Which is exactly what NSHA did. This statement by Patrick H. Curran is ridiculous and Patrick H Curran 100% knows better. This was absolutely done with malice.

And a perfect example of this is that NSHA stated I found outside of HRP protesting, when I made it clear I went to file a serious complaint, HRP called themselves a conflict of interest and said they were getting papers to file a complaint and then just came back and arrested me:

Patrick H. Curran knows this is false. Nowhere in the HRP record does it state I was protesting. While this was the responsibility of both HRP and NSHA to clarify. While I never made any such claim as why would I claim I was protesting outside of HRP? It makes absolutely no sense and Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick H Curran know this.. While this is just one example of dozens of fabrications and outright lies in the NSHA records. This is while Nancy Murphy who was the Admitting Doctor from QEII Emergency when questioned by CPSNS (College) herself admitted that her record is incomplete:

Despite my consistent efforts to maintain complete patient records, on review, I find Mr. Jewers' particular chart is incomplete. " - Page 4 of Jewers_Response Letter_13 Sept 2023.pdf

What an amazing coincidence right? While what Nancy Murphy did record was filled with fabrications, convenient omissions and exaggerations. Nancy Murphy denied me a lawyer and knew I was being denied a lawyer. The facts are the Arresting HRP Officers Pulled the Trigger of Systemic Bias, and so NSHA treated me like a criminal, like processed meat. They bagged me and tagged me. A cattle literally had more rights and dignity than I did. While Patrick H. Curran knows it is a fact that if NSHA staff push back against HRP, on ANY issue, not just mine. Then NSHA staff would have legally testify against HRP. Meaning it is in their direct interest, if even only financially for me to be guilty.

Consider am a Global technical Expert. With 18 years' experience. I had the "Wolf and the Neural network - ALPHA " completed. 424 Data Points, all referenced and hyperlinked. So Ask Patrick H. Curran how could NSHA review the evidence? Patrick H. Curran knows NSHA objectively do not have the skills, time or faculties. But let's do a quick review of the number of sheer fabrications and omissions in Nancy Murphy's record is nothing short of Terrifying. She stated I lived with my parents which is fraud - I co-owned a House with my Severely Mentally and Physically disabled mother for whom I was caretaker. She claimed I said I was currently working at Dalhousie and that I claimed to work for RCMP and CSIS which is a wild fabrication. Neither HRP nor Kristen Holm ever recorded anything like this. She didn't record anything about "The Wolf and the Neural Network " or that it was clearly the premise of a book and research project by a technical expert. She didn't record that HRP called themselves a conflict of interest. None of it. Nancy Murphy then claimed I said Police were stalking me... this is completely fraud and you will find it nowhere in any of my work or email submissions. While Nancy Murphy, NSHA staff and Emergency Mental Health Doctor were directly involved in a Privacy Breach regarding my Book bag -> Wallet - Financial Information - Identity Information and Health Card (PHI - Personal health Information) Page 73 Jewers_Medical Record Copy_12 Oct 2023.pdf. Here is an infographic covering the Fraud - https://tinyurl.com/bdh67fuc

By the time this got to the Emergency Mental Health Doctor and after spending 10 + hours in handcuffs and being denied a lawyer. Both HRP and Nancy Murphy's compounded mistakes were basically a death sentence. They compelled me as witness against myself under threat of Kidnapping, Forcible Confinement and Torture. The Emergency Mental Health Doctor then claimed I never requested a lawyer when I asked 5 different times I even asked if habeas corpus could be applied as I'm being denied a lawyer and the length of detention was excessive. The Emergency Mental Health Doctor said I was paranoid about police following me - WHICH I NEVER SAID EVER while It's nowhere in any of my work. Nor is there a single example in any of their notes. The Emergency Mental Health Doctor claimed I didn't have a place to stay - when I did people were expecting me and I had $40 for a cab and food. While when I asked how appropriate it was she was forcing me to talk about this, she said "That's kind of paranoid isn't it "... while they were all involved in a privacy breach while my book bag got sent to Mount Hope before I had even seen the doctor while it seems to have ended up in the custody of Two HRP officers. Really stop and appreciate how bad that really is. She told me I wasn't denied a lawyer, and only allowed me to contact one after she already admitted me. And then when I went to ask Nancy Murphy for a phone to contact a Lawyer she said "Honey there is no phone ". This is really bad.

Kristen Holm, Psychiatrist at Mount Hope is then on recording literally lying about the contents of our interactions. Literally she fabricated events and statements. She stated we discussed Bell Media and Stephen Harper... there is nothing said about any of that. It's actually terrifying. You can listen to it for yourself - https://youtu.be/dsiMHhaeOvY. You can't trust anything she put in her record as its clear she committed fraud, she knew NSHA staff made a lot of mistakes and she needed to make certain omissions so she could claim Plausible Deniability. Check out section 9, regarding Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere form 11 submission July 7th 2024 - section 9, April 5th 2024 submission - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/yc3zxmy2 .

10) "The "reasons" you included with your Form 13 were a two-page diatribe against the complaint investigator, Sgt. Jefferies, without a single mention of "Officer 5" or the alleged assault. "

A full and detailed review of Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere Form 11 Submission on July 7th 2023 can be found here:

"The "reasons" you included with your Form 13 were a two-page diatribe against the complaint investigator, Sgt. Jefferies, without a single mention of "Officer 5" or the alleged assault"

My Completed Form 13 was only two pages in total and didn't even use the entire second page. So it technically wasn't even 1 page long.

Blank Form 13 showing its one full page without user input - https://tinyurl.com/2wrhaavm

Completed Page 1 of Form 13 showing its less than 2 Pages - https://tinyurl.com/4pkpknzb

Completed Page 2 of Form 13 showing its less than 2 Pages - https://tinyurl.com/yjdk6yny

Patrick H. Curran exaggerated this intentionally. This was done with malice as to bias any reader and to mischaracterize. Also, it clearly shows Jonathan Jefferies was asked repeatedly and clearly asked why he didn't include the arresting officers, in a complaint regarding a false arrest. It clearly stated I was a Technical expert, and asked how my GPS got set to 9330 Highway # 7 Stillwater NS, why there were pictures of the registered owner at Irving Shipbuilding and why they had signed certificates from Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. It asked again about the associations with EMIC. Again it highlighted we did a serious investigation at JDIrving. While provided video evidence of the connections between 9330 Highway #7 Stillwater NS and EMIC. Literally they were spoon fed by a Global Technical Expert.

All of which the Fraud Patrick H. Curran left out of his final report March 22nd 2024. Patrick H. Curran did this as to specifically bias the reader and is direct evidence he absolutely acted with malice.

11) "Two officers sitting outside the room where a doctor is assessing a person in custody is not an improper act of any kind. Their duty was to be there with you until the doctor determined whether you would be released or held. "

I never at any stage stated the officers sitting outside were violating my rights or anything like that. This is a direct fabrication of Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick H. Curran. This why they never copy and pasted or quoted me. I made it clear, that to the Emergency Mental Health Doctor that forcing me to talk about this while given this involves their chief, these arresting officers, other HRP Officers, and their previous commander Jim Perrin that it was really inappropriate to be forcing me to discuss this. Remember, HRP called themselves a conflict of interest which is HRP making a legal statement that in no uncertain terms they cannot and should not be trusted. That includes, when they falsely arrested me. This was covered in much more detail in my response regarding Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere <LINK>

Nancy murphy and Emergency Mental Health Doctor compelled as a witness against myself under threat of kidnapping me, forcible confinement and torture all while they actively denied me counsel. Really stop and appreciate how bad that is...

Patrick H. Curran was a judge. He knows how bad that is. While he could have copy and pasted, but chose to intentionally lie and misrepresent. This was absolutely done with malice.

12) "You have alleged that a bag in your possession when you were admitted to hospital ended up with someone else after your admission. Apparently, someone at the hospital was involved in the transfer to the other person. There is no evidence or allegation that Officer 5 or any HRP officer was involved in the transfer. "

First off if there is no allegation, why is Patrick H Curran even mentioning it? Please really stop and appreciate how ridiculous that is. There is evidence to support my book bag was taken into custody by the Two HRP Officers holding the other person. In fact, NSHA Director of Privacy directed me to HRP suggesting HRP do an inquiry. Here is a section from Director of Privacy, Karen Hornberger response May 25th 2023 - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/f3pr5n8s

"I would suggest that you bring your concerns regarding police access of your bag to the HRP as a complaint "

And so I directly included Jonathan Jefferies to verify, as per Karen Hornberger. Karen Hornberger stated it wasn't their employee, and so it very well may have been the HRP Officers. This is an extremely logical and reasonable step and set of statements. While if this was those Officers holding Person 1 then not only is this a Privacy Breach but also a Theft, Fraud and Identity theft which is are very serious criminal offenses.

What's especially concerning here is that, the Officers holding Person 1 who was sketched out and self admittedly on drugs heard me talking about how much JDIrving would pay to stay out of Jail. And then, my book bag which had a HUGE sticker on it saying SCOTT, then seems to have ended up in the possession of Person that they were holding. While Person 1, Unprompted, came to me the next morning, and warned me about police. While I said nothing to them, nor did I ask them.

Now in Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere form 11 submission July 7th 2023 they completely misrepresented this issue. While slandering and defaming both me and the person who alerted me to the events of my book bag. And so for a more complete description of the issue I defer to my full review of their Form 11 response <LINK>

Patrick H Curran is a fraud.

13) Taken altogether, what you have presented is a theory that you were the victim of a conspiracy allegedly involving many disconnected events and numerous persons, corporations and agencies throughout Halifax, Nova Scotia and Canada. Your belief in a massive conspiracy aimed at you is not evidence that those events were connected. Your theory does not merit further consideration.

What people, what corporations and what agencies? Patrick H Curran can't even articulate a single point while he blames me and intentionally misquotes me. Patrick H Curran knows I was stripped of due process. Patrick H Curran knows HRP called themselves a Conflict of interest, meaning in no uncertain terms they cannot and should not be trusted. Period. Patrick H Curran knows Jonathan Jefferies lied through his teeth, Patrick H Curran knows they never took a statement from the arresting Officers.

Patrick H Curran knows a custom fact Checking Platform www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com exists where incredible, well detailed evidence gathered by a Global technical Expert was been amalgamated. While Patrick H Curran intentionally left out that we did a serious investigation at Irving Shipbuilding early 2020.

While the facts are I never said anything about a conspiracy. I have only presented evidence. I have detailed motive, means and opportunity. In fact, the events with my wallet and Stephen McNeil were only given a 1% chance of applicability. And I don't need my wallet or Stephen McNeil to win my point. One simple set of questions exist that completely disprove his point and absolutely crush the credibility of the frauds Patrick H Curran, Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere:

How did my GPS get set to 9330 Highway #7 Stillwater NS. Why are there pictures of the registered owner at JDIrving? What are the associations with EMIC -> SCL group -> Cambridge Analytica (Spyware and Global Election Interference)

Patrick H Curran is a fraud.

14) "Having reviewed and considered all the information available to me associated with this complaint and investigation, I am satisfied there is no evidence upon which the Police Review Board could decide that Officer 5 or any Halifax Regional Police officer committed a breach of the Code of Conduct in Nova Scotia's Police Regulations during their dealings with you on August 2, 2022. "

How can Patrick H Curran conclude this if you removed the arresting officers and don't have any statements from them? Especially with all his misquoting, and Jefferies, Ron Legere pathologically lying throughout Form 11. <LINK>

Patrick H Curran stripped my rights to due process. He stripped my rights to face my abusers. He took 1 year to answer why he removed the arresting officer's form a complaint regarding a false arrest. Really stop and appreciate what kind of disgusting bigot does something like that...

Patrick H Curran is a fraud. What he did is the definition of Criminal negligence. He absolutely knows better. And here he is misquoting while he can't even articulate basic facts about the core issue. Or did he list my credentials. And her he is pretending he is the victim and some kind of hero...It's disgusting.

And then for him to pretend Jonathan Jefferies is a victim when he was literally spoon fed and lied repeatedly is a disgrace. It's spitting in the face of 42 million Canadians.

15) Supporting Documents

Tiny URL is a URL redirecting service that allows you to map long and complex URL's to shorter, more readable URL's. Allowing for easier reference inside of documents. Below, is a full mapping to the direct links hosted on https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/DreamResources.html

  1. November 17th 2018 - Image of RCMP vest, a vest from an Officer from Sheet Harbour RCMP detachment who stalked me out of my sisters driveway because I'm gay -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/yux2xdd4
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2018-11-17_Police%20Vest%20Danny%20Ronaghan%20I%20think%20found%20Around%20November%2017th%202018.jpg
  2. July 5th 2019 - Start of EMIC Contracts, leading me to 9330 Highway 7 Stillwater NS where I would ultimately find my GPS was set.
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/bde6y2mc
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2019-07-05_EMIC%20%20%20%20%20AMI%20%20%20%20%20Postmedia%20showing%20matching%20October%202016%20dates.jpg
  3. June 17th 2020 - Newspaper Articles discussing Police stalking me while protesting racism in 2020.
    1. Page # 1:
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/rycaz93u
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2020-06-17_Guysborough%20Journal%20June%2017%202020%20Front%20Page.jpg
    2. Page # 2:
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/yh72dy8x
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2020-06-17_%20Guysborough%20Journal%20June%2017%202020%20Second%20Page.jpg
    3. Here is the infographic regarding Sheet Harbour RCMP stalking (Witnessed by multiple Locals)
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/3t289xf9
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2020-06-10_Police%20Stalking%20June%2010th%202020.JPG
  4. July 11th 2022 - Release of "The Wolf And The Neural Network - ALPHA ", these are delivery confirmation from Halifax Regional Police, and proof I gave THEM A LOT OF FAIR WARNING AND THEY WERE AWRE OF THIS ISSUE regular updates:
    1. Tiny URL: - https://tinyurl.com/2327xhjh
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2022-07-11%20-%20Delivery%20confirmations%20of%20ALPHA%20delivery%20to%20HRP.jpg
  5. August 2nd 2022 - (Released July 5th 2023) Video regarding the false arrest on- "Ep 8 False Arrest by HRP, and Subsequent Torture and Coverup by NSHA, Government and RCMP " https://youtu.be/adxbgpiOaN0.
  6. August 2nd 2022 -
    1. HRP Police Report Page 1 of 2 -
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/5yw7e5ak
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04/2022-08-02%20HRP%20Police%20Report%201.jpeg
    2. HRP Police Report Page 2 of 2 -
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/2x3e458a
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04/2022-08-02%20HRP%20Police%20Report%202.jpeg
  7. August 2nd and 3rd 2022 - Here is a detailed breakdown, including screenshots of Mount Hope staff confirming the Privacy Breach but also contents of my wallet, confirming PHI Breach occurred -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/3t3zdfky.
    2. https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/NM/august%203rd%202022%20email%20showing%20i%20mentioned%20topics.jpg
  8. August 2nd 2022 - Showing massive Google Business Analytic Property spikes and my accounts being locked. Indicating a very high level of situational awareness by RCMP, CSIS, DND and HRP before walking down to HRP. Also shows my google accounts being locked because of suspicious activity (Hacking attempts)
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/24rk38fv
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2022-08-02_Google%20Analytics%20from%202021%20and%202022,%20dates%20showing%20my%20account%20locked%20and%20that%20they%20tried%20to%20delete%20EMCI%20contracts%20.jpg
  9. August 2nd 2022 - Emails and data showing Valent Legal and Burchells LP reported serious events, including Hacking, Phishing and Identity theft. This in tandem with the google analytics property spikes and my account lock outs show there were serious issues and event right up to within Hours of arriving at HRP
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/yc6k4576
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2023_08_30/2022-08-02_August%2001%202022%20-%20Phishing%20Attempt%20From%20Valent%20Legal.jpg
  10. August 2nd 2022 - HRP Police Report
    1. Page 1 of 2
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/5yw7e5ak
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04/2022-08-02%20HRP%20Police%20Report%201.jpeg
    2. Page 2 of 2
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/2x3e458a
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04/2022-08-02%20HRP%20Police%20Report%202.jpeg
  11. March 13th 2023 - Hours after filing Form 5 at HRP HQ, NSHA had be arrested by RCMP. Here is a Video regarding the Second False arrest on March 13th 2023 - Ep 11 - False Arrest, Torture and Retaliation by NSHA, HRP, RCMP, CSIS, DND on March 13th, 2023 - https://youtu.be/iZrDSPeiyiY.
  12. April 3rd 2023 -You can find my detailed submission to Jonathan Jefferies, on here -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/bdf6n957.
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/2023-04-03_Email%20To%20Jonathan%20Jefferies%20of%20HRP%20professional%20Standards.docx
  13. June 28th 2023 - Ep 7 - HRP investigator caught lying, cheating and stealing to avoid investigating serious crimes. - https://youtu.be/nc6HJDoPlG4
  14. July 7th 2023 - You can then find Jonathan Jefferies Fraudulent, and intentionally misleading, and misquoted response in his Form 11 on here - Direct Link - https://tinyurl.com/3f5j8uve
  15. July 24th 2023 - Form 13 response to the Fraud Jonathan Jefferies (Form 11 he sent on July 7th 2023) ,
    1. Page 1:
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/yjdk6yny
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2023-07-07%20HRP%20Professonal%20Standards%20Form%2013%20Page%202%20review%20request.jpg
    2. Page 2:
      1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/2wrhaavm
      2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2023-07-07%20HRP%20Professional%20Standards%20form%2013.png
  16. April 3rd 2023 here - You can find my detailed submission to Jonathan Jefferies
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/bdf6n957.
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/2023-04-03_Email%20To%20Jonathan%20Jefferies%20of%20HRP%20professional%20Standards.docx
  17. July 7th 2023 - You can find Jonathan Jefferies Fraudulent, and intentionally misleading response on here -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/3f5j8uve
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2023-07-07%20Response%20from%20HRP%20Professional%20Standards%20Jonathan%20Jefferies%20Form%2011.pdf
  18. March 6th 2024 - Requests to crown prosecutor for 12 charges and to contact RCMP for a statement in writing.
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/45yhw7pt
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2024-03-06%20-%20Request%20to%20Crown%20Procecutor%20for%20charges.docx
  19. March 26th 2024 - Requests to crown prosecutor for 14 charges and to contact RCMP for a statement in writing.
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/bdf8d477.
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Add_2024_03/2024-03-26%20-%20Request%20to%20Crown%20Procecutor%20for%20charges%20against%2017%20people.docx
  20. April 5th 2024 - (This Document) Response to Police Complaints Commissioner, Patrick H Curran and his response March 22nd 2024 -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/53pxfdp7
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04_05/2024-04-05%20Response%20to%20Police%20Complaints%20Comissioner%20Patrick%20H%20Curran%20and%20his%20repsonse%20March%2022nd%202024%20regarding%20PC-23-0049.docx
  21. April 5th 2024 - Detailed Response highlighting the fraud of Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran Form 11 response on July 7th 2023. -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/yc3zxmy2
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04_05/2024-04-05%20-%20%20My%20response%20to%20Jonathan%20Jefferies%20and%20Rob%20Leger%20Form%2011%20July%207th%202023%20regarding%20PC-23-0049.docx
  22. April 5th 2024 - Personal Letter to Patrick H Curran. -
    1. Tiny URL - https://tinyurl.com/ck4c27hw
    2. Direct Link - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/Media/Resources/Added_2024_04_05/2024-04-05%20-%20Personal%20Letter%20to%20Patrick%20H%20Curran%20regarding%20PC-23-0049%20.docx

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"