So far, these are the top three earners!

MIB is the top dog! Make up to $2k on each sale!

This is a Forced Matrix! Each account tops out at $35K/mo!

Make $12k/mo giving away free domains!

Friday, April 3, 2009

What is affiliate marketing?

Even though affiliate marketing has been around forever, the internet has made it much more powerful and effective! Many of the internet giants of today like Amazon, Yahoo and Google used affiliate marketing to get them where they are today! Now 90% of the successful companies online use affiliate marketing as the back bone of their marketing plan.

Affiliate marketing offers many advantages to online merchants. It is an easy way to hire and train a very large group of highly motivated sales team rather quickly and with little to no risk! The sign up process requires no interview. The training is all online and if the partnership does not work out there are no hard feelings and no one gets hurt / fired!

This style of marketing is very beneficial for to the affiliate also. The interview process consists of filling out a little form on their computer. The need to purchase or lug around product is eliminated. There is no commuting; everything the affiliate needs to do can be done from home! Time and income potential is now in the hands of the affiliate. He/she is in control of their life! Making the multiple six figure income is pretty cool too. Making 100k+ is normal for full time affiliates once set up this business virtually runs itself!

I will take you through the process so you can understand what this looks like in the real world. An affiliate does some research and finds a company that sells some product that he / she is interested in. The affiliate finds and clicks on the affiliate info tab or link and is prompted to fill out a form. 30 seconds later the new affiliate is sent to the get affiliate tools section where they are supplied with some training, banner ads and an affiliate link (a custom URL used to track customers from the affiliate to the merchant's site) this link is the only way that the merchant will know that the customer was sent by the affiliate; this is a great tracking tool. When a customer uses this link and arrives at the merchant's site and clicks on an ad or makes a purchase (depending on the agreement) the affiliate gets paid! If the customer does not use the affiliate link, the affiliate will not get credit for the clicks/sales he/she generates.

Some companies will pay a fixed commission to the affiliate every time a customer clicks on an ad on their site. Other companies pay a flat rate commission when a customer makes a product purchase; this arrangement is the most common of all (only about 1% of all companies use a cost-per-click remuneration system).

A good affiliate will use many different traffic generating techniques to collect and direct traffic to there merchants site. Traffic is usually sent through on-line links on the affiliate's website - or through email marketing, blogs, rss feeds and many other kinds of on-line communication.
As you can see from this brief overview affiliate marketing can be a win / win situation for both the Merchant and the Affiliate. There is no cost incurred by the Merchant in the set-up process - in other words, it is free to sign up, train the affiliate and it costs nothing to place advertising banners on the affiliate's site. Also the merchant only pays when a sale is made.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to grow a business and the best way to make money online (or offline for that matter)!

Submitted and written by, Clint Larlee. See a new blog about his most highly recommended affiliate programs!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I found the motherload of targeted traffic!

Have you put hours and hours into building your online business? Are you getting frustrated by the lack of traffic you have been getting? Are you making the kind of money you want to make?

Let me show you how to get 2,500 – 100,000+ hits every month like clock work! You would not be reading this article if you were happy with the amount of traffic you were receiving. You need an answer to a very pressing question! I have the answer! Even the best website, offering the hottest products available, cannot survive without a continuous flow of targeted traffic; it is what every successful online business has!

More traffic = more leads = more sales = more money! Could you and your family use more money? You need more traffic! “Yah… I know, but how do I get it?”

I was asking the same question a few months ago and I found the answer! I found a great company that can send you an endless flow of targeted traffic for pennies on the dollar! As much as you can handle!

I used to spend as much as $9,000/ month with ppc advertising to get less traffic than you can get from my secret source for $350 / month! You can start for as little as $20 / month! How much targeted traffic do you want?

It took me about 5 minutes to get everything set up! I started off with a 10,000 visitor package (you choose how much traffic you want) they have several packages to choose from. You can pick from several packages between 2,500 – 100,000 targeted visitors every month.

The amount you choose will depend on your advertising budget and your ability to process orders. How would you like to have an extra 2,500 – 100,000 customers / month! Would this affect the bottom line of your business? You bet! On their website, there are more than 300 testimonials you can read through about how this new system has exploded the businesses of other people just like you!

This company has been around for 10+ years! All of their traffic is GUARANTEED! You will get all of the traffic you paid for! Once you are all set up, you will start receiving traffic the same day!

Where does this sudden flood of traffic come from? This company has a network of specialized high traffic niche websites. These sites receive thousands of customers every day. When you set up a campaign, this company then places ads with your link on their network of sites. Their customers click on the ads and get sent directly to your website!

You also have the opportunity to become one of their affiliates for free! As an affiliate, you will earn 20% monthly commissions selling targeted traffic to online businesses! This alone can make you an extra $2,000 - $3,000 / month! Do you know anyone who does not need more traffic!
I have benefited greatly from this company and just wanted to let you know about it.

I have been in your shoes. I know how it feels to pour your self into a business and have it fail due to lack of traffic. That’s all I have to say, check it out for yourself below if you are interested.

Get more traffic now with Revisitors!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heres an easy 3 step plan for making big money online from home!

Step one!

  • Get set up with GDI for a 7 day free trial. Just follow this link at the bottom of this page. You get a domain name and a full website that you can start promoting within just a few minutes!

Step two!

  • Send out an invitation to everyone you know to come check out your new website and get their free domain and chance to make over $12k/mo! It's not hard to give something away! This step is all done from your GDI Back Office!

Step three!

  • Start telling people you know about this awesome new way to make money! You can do this on YouTube, FaceBook, MySpace etc. It really is that easy!

The cool thing about GDI is that it is free to join and you make money right away!

GDI pays two ways:

  1. They pay you $100 for every five sign ups you generate! This adds up fast! 10-20/day!
  2. You get $1 per month for everyone in your downline each month! They pay five levels deep! Many members have thousands of people under them in just a few months! Word of mouth works fast!

Check out the video of me proving my income. I show you my downline and my PayPal account! It is at the top right of this page!

You can work from home or anywhere that has a computer and an Internet connection!

It is almost too easy to make money online these days!

There you have it, a simple 3 step plan for making big money online from home!

Leave me some feedback a few weeks from now and let me know how it is working for you!

Until next time,


Friday, March 13, 2009

Free strategies for making big money online!

Our goal

To take the fear out of starting your own online business!

What is this website about?

We are a community of online professionals who already own and run there own online business. Our goal is to create a platform from which we can further the education of the online community. When people are searching for an online business opportunity, the chances of them falling victim to a scam artist is huge. We are here to make sure it doesn’t happen to you! We are taking all of the guesswork out of how to set up and market your online business.

There are so many great opportunities out there it will blow your mind!

Do not waste your time with companies that require you to purchase expensive products, e-books, training programs etc. All legitimate companies provide free training for every one of there affiliates! Did you almost fall over there! It is true! I will prove it!

You do not need to have a product to sell to make money online!

I don’t mean just a little money either; I mean more money than you can imagine! I know that it sounds like I’m trying to sell you something but I’m not; I never will! EVER! All I am doing is pointing you in the right direction! Don’t worry about me! I have more money than I know what to do with! Let me help you, help yourself! Remember the saying “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!” Author unknown. I am, as we speak, teaching you how to fish!.

Are you doing the things you love?

What do you spend most of your time doing? Working or doing the things you love? If you are like most people, you are living pay-check to pay-check. Most people are one pay-check away from financial disaster!

Jobs are not as secure as they once were.

Look at how many people were laid-off just over the past year! You must have more than one income stream to make it in the new global economy! Thousands of “secure jobs” are being lost every day! The really scary thing is that it is not just the people with little or no education that are being affected by the financial crisis. No one is safe.

“Just go to school and get a degree or become skilled in a trade!”

I have done both of these personally. There is nothing more valuable than education! Knowledge is power! Everything you study and learn about shapes who you become and determines what you can achieve! You can apply everything you learn to countless situations throughout your life. Education is king! However it does not guarantee your success! Especially when you are using your education to get or keep a job! Don’t let it happen to you!

You have the power to change your life!

Just make a conscious choice everyday to take steps toward your dream! You will never get there unless you take action and do something about it! Plan ahead and set up some extra streams of income today!

I know that it is no accident that you are here!

You are in the right place at the right time! There has never been a better time to make money online! People need to make extra money just to survive now days. You can be the one to change their lives forever!

How can you start making money today for free?

Are you wondering what I’m talking about? Let me show you!
Check out my website at

PS: Let us know if you find a great opportunity or if you already have one that is working for you. What marketing techniques are creating sales etc.