CONTEST: Andrew Allen

We love finding out just how creative our favourite artists can get, so after chatting with Andrew Allen, we decided to put him to the test. As a result… we have an exclusively designed & signed card that you can win! If you haven’t checked out our interview with Andrew Allen yet, check it out here.

Here’s how to win…

1) Follow us on Twitter @asapmusicblog and RT this message:

RT @asapmusicblog: Win a card designed by Andrew Allen! – – RT to win! #aaasap

2) Like us on Facebook: – find the designated Andrew Allen contest status and “Like” it.

Feel free to enter both ways, but keep in mind that you will only be eligible to win one of the two pictures! We will be choosing one winner, per social networking platform. Fans from all over the world are welcome to enter! :)

Rules & Regulations: Contest will begin on October 17, 2012 and will end on October 27, 2012 – 11:59 PM (PST). There is one (1) card designed and signed by Andrew Allen to win. One (1) winner will be chosen from Twitter and/or Facebook, and will be contacted within 24 hours after contest closes. We reserve the right to void any entries we deem as duplicates, or if we are unable to contact the winner within 72 hours after the contest closes. One entry per account, per platform.

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