Click here =><= to sign the petition to Request Facebook to Remove over 50 Anti-Sikh / Anti-Turban Pages. Like, Share, Comment, Forward & Click here =><= to sign the petition now. .
How many of you know that there is an Audience of over 3 Million Users Receiving Anti-Sikh Messages...
Can we get 3 Million Sikhs to Petition the removal of these pages ? We need your help now.. come to =><= to sign the petition now.

We all love Facebook, the world’s most popular social networking site. But, we have identified a disturbing trend of over Fifty (50) Anti-Sikh or Anti-Turban pages are currently reaching a combined audience of over 3 million individuals. While some of these pages may have been created as attempts at humor, they have serious implications for the global Sikh community.

The pages contain offensive wall posts, pictures attempting to link Sikhs to terrorism, and even imagery of Sikh Gurus and Sikh historical figures.  Besides these pages being hurtful to the sentiments of the Sikh community, we are concerned about such pages leading to possible bias or violence against Sikhs.

Sign in the form below to give your support and comments to this petition and get all your friends and family to come and do the same too.

Among the most disturbing and potentially dangerous comments, some examples include:

•    turban wearing arabs are pleb f%^*!…. f*#$ off back to the desert out of our countries… we don't like you and you stink out taxis and elevators
•    stupid a** diaper heads, and sand ni$#*@s, GO HOME WE WERE HERE FIRST

(You can view the list of offensive pages inside, when you click submit.)

We have been in contact with Facebook and discussed the effect that these pages have on the global Sikh community. Our efforts have resulted in around a dozen pages – those that are most offensive or endorse violence against Sikhs or turban-wearing individuals – being removed. However, there is still work to be done.

To ensure the voice of the community is heard, and that action is taken on the remaining pages, we encourage community members to sign a petition addressed to Facebook and report the offensive pages to them as well.

“The majority of the challenges we face in this country – whether related to racial profiling, hate crimes, or school bullying – result from misconceptions about the Sikh identity and faith,” said a leading young Sikh. “Misinformation reaching such a broad audience undermines our educational efforts. It is crucial that we take measures to get these pages removed and ensure that accurate informational sources about Sikhs and Sikhism are available to the public.”

We are grateful to vigilant community members that brought these disturbing pages to our attention.

Take Action:

1.  Sign the Petition to Facebook below
2.  Report the offensive pages to Facebook – visit each page and click ‘report this page’
3.  Remain vigilant – Notify Us  of additional Facebook pages and Report any incidents you or your children face


Request Facebook to Remove Anti-Sikh Pages:

To whom it may concern,

I love Facebook and the opportunities it provides to connect with my friends and also interact with the world.

I am writing to express my concern about the recent increase in Anti-Sikh and Anti-Turban pages on Facebook. The pages contain offensive wall posts, pictures attempting to link Sikhs to terrorism, and imagery of Sikh Gurus and Sikh historical figures. I am concerned about these pages not only because they hurt the sentiments of our community but also because they increase the possibility of bias or violence against Sikhs.

By way of background, Sikhs are members of the world's fifth largest religion and are easily distinguishable by their religiously mandated articles of faith. Sikh men and some women wear daastars (Sikh turbans) to cover their uncut hair. There are over 25 million Sikhs worldwide.

I humbly implore you to consider taking the following steps to address this serious matter:

1. Remove the Anti-Sikh / Anti-Turban fan pages. (You can view the list of offensive pages inside, when you click submit.)
2. Continue to work with the Sikh organizations to define standards for appropriate content to prevent the creation of future Anti-Sikh pages.
3 Carry on the good, positive work you are doing on Facebook to bring the World together.

Thank you.
Please read the Petition above and fill in your particulars and click submit to show your support and sign this Petition. Thank you.
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