Author Topic: Sylvia's NPC Directory (Read 573 times)

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 Sylvia's NPC Directory
« Sept 20, 2009 15:39:15 GMT -6 »

This is an exhaustive list of NPC's that play a role, whether large or small, with regards to Sylvia's story. Please note that each character portrayed may or may not have an extensive past and may be recognized by other RP'ers. They can, and in some cases, will interact, but do note that they are not standalone characters and require Sylvia to be present in one form or another.

Considering the nature and presentation style, certain details may not be present until a certain point in the story is reached. Thus, this thread will be updated as more details become available.

Narrators are characters that exist within the storyline and narrate the event using Limited Third-Person Narrative form. Sylvia's state-of-mind is not known, but guessed by the narrator. This creates different voices with different interpretations on who Sylvia is, depending on implicit interactions between her and the narrator. The narrators are highlighted with their separate biography in the directory below.

~NPC Directory~

« Last Edit: Oct 4, 2009 9:15:59 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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 Sylvia's NPC Directory
« Sept 20, 2009 16:03:20 GMT -6 »


« Last Edit: Sept 30, 2009 11:20:04 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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 Sylvia's NPC Directory
« Sept 20, 2009 17:30:16 GMT -6 »

Name: Sukimoto, Setsuna
Alias: Setsie/Sets/せいちゃん
DOB: January 23, 1986
Age: Twenty-three Years Old
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese
Blood Type: O-
Marital Status: Single (?)
Height: Five feet, Eleven inches
Weight: One-hundred, Fifty-Three Pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye: Brown
Handedness: Right
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual

School: O'Hare University
Year: Graduate
Occupation: Research/Teacher's Assistant for Dr. Sudakar Rahjad
Position: N/A

A young man with a toned yet thin figure, numerous scars, though barely visible to the naked eye, remain writ in his back and shoulders as blade marks and bullet wounds stretch from his upper back to his lower thigh. His limbs have suffered the loss of muscle to his physically-lacking but mentally-strenuating line of work, but remain firmly shaped with muscle lines still prominent to his broad shoulders and rigid waist. His abdomen and chest remain toned, thanks to his daily but short exercise regiments. All in all, he is a healthy built man whose painful past shows clearly on his body.


Quiet; the singular word that vastly explains his general persona, being the type to prefer discreetness and subtlety. Manipulative and calculating, he has foregone much of his kindness and sincerity, watching and waiting for any weaknesses he can exploit in others, or advantages he can use for his own gain; it would be a mistake to trust him on his word. Yet on the other, there is a tiny fragment of honesty left inside, however overshadowed by his cunning, that remains strong, giving him a small fabric of morals to secure his machinations around.

The outer persona is a hardworking, prompt individual who lacks a smile, yet presents a pleasant exterior; one would be hard-pressed to find someone who dislikes him. He is soft-spoken by those who know him, considered shy by his female colleagues, and highly sensitive to the atmosphere and emotions surrounding him. By those who knew him during his high school years, there wouldn't be any visible differences between his younger self and his matured persona.

If faced, however, with a situation that calls for an urgent need for action and precision, he becomes merciless, preferring to use the fastest/strongest/most practical method of execution without care for the consequences. It is here, that the kind shell he presents to others would be a pleasant, but mere, memory.

~Known Background Information~

A graduate student of the Biology Department of O'Hare University within the Collective, he spent most of his undergraduate years studying in Osaka University before transferring over to America to continue and complete his studies. Working as both a research and teacher's assistant to Dr. Sudakar Rahjad in the field of genetics, he simultaneously spends his time as a private tutor for both undergraduate and high school students within the Collective in a variety of subjects, ranging from mathematics to the biological sciences.

Outside his academic pursuits, he is an avid pianist at a "certain" jazz bar with his services often being paid for whenever he comes by. If approached on the topic, he often does not recall being in a "jazz bar" or being a "pianist" at all, often citing his extensive work with Dr. Rahjad as his excuse for being tardy.

His friendship with Sylvia is what he considers to be an accident of nature, but refuses to elaborate beyond that. Whatever the case may be, Sylvia has decidedly taken advantage of the relationship to make use of his services, as a tutor to raise her grades and further her academic goals.

Unfortunately, she still doesn't not know his name, referring to him as, "That Really Smart Guy", or simply, "That Guy". Either case, it hasn't changed his pessimistic view of their relationship.

Narration Style: Setsuna's relationship with Sylvia has some effect on his re-telling, where he tends to remember the worst of her, and rarely her best, often with conflicting details in his account. He is very biased as he believes that Sylvia is hiding something behind her cheerful personality, and tends to narrate as if there is something wrong going on with her; whether or not that is true, however, he doesn't know for sure. His knowledge of the events tends to range from limited to exact details based on his interest.

« Last Edit: Oct 7, 2009 13:25:05 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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 Sylvia's NPC Directory
« Sept 30, 2009 11:09:50 GMT -6 »

~Selena Foster~

Name: Foster, Selena
Alias: N/A
DOB: September 17, 1993
Age: Sixteen
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: German-English
Blood Type: AB+
Height: Five feet, Seven inches
Weight: One-hundred, Forty-four Pounds
Hair Color: Ponytail/Pigtail Brown
Eye Color: Hazel (Blue with Contacts)
Handedness: Left
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

School: John C. Fremont High
Year: Junior
Occupation: N/A
Position: N/A

~Physical Appearance~

A boyish girl with a penchant for fighting, her tomboy clothes outside the Collective hides a rather feminine and slender figure she has been unwillingly to show off to others. An all around average girl in terms of her measurements with greater parts muscle with some fat comprising her abdomen; a direct result of her laziness and willingness to ignore responsibilities. Her limbs are thin but fitted with some muscle, capable of maintaining her violent tomboy image and her athletic self.

Within the collective, she is easily identifiable as she constantly wears the same colors: An indigo themed uniform with the white dress shirt and formal shoes. She has attempted to change to slacks, but has been reprimanded several times. Outside of the school, she tends to wear clothes often identified to be for men, and rarely is she seen wearing anything close to a skirt or other female garments; she has them, she just believes them to be uncomfortable.


Cheerful with a short fuse, she generally hates crowds and prefers a few close friends compared to a massive list, but isn't unwilling to add more to her outer and inner circle. Somewhat forgetful, it isn't uncommon for her to forget test dates or anniversaries, but if asked what she did several weeks ago, she tends to recall with a near-unerring accuracy. More of a slacker and a skilled procrastinator, she sometimes finishes things ahead of time, but mainly leaves them unresolved, purely for the thrill of beating the deadline.

Around friends and acquaintances, she is typically talkative, though she knows when to speak and when to listen, she often doesn't follow this, resulting in a few unwanted clashes between her and some friends. She prefers keeping secrets to herself, but will willingly divulge rumors and gossip the minute she hears them; there are a few exceptions, however, but they are few in number. Anyone else, she tends to act a little more controlled with a tight lock on her mouth, but she tends to act more violently, especially if something irritates her.

If forced in a dangerous situation, however, a 180 degree change in her persona with the much-needed patience and calmness would surprise anyone, if said person knew her outgoing side only. She tends to behave coolly, not unlike her rash and bratty self, but is prone to nervousness out of pure inexperience.

~Background Information~

A junior in John C. Fremont High, she has transferred from multiple schools due to financial difficulties suffered by her caretaker, moving them across the country until they settled in San Diego. Somewhat of a troublemaker, she has been cited by teachers as a "problematic student" who required correction under the System, but after meeting Sylvia, has long since calmed down.

Having met Sylvia a month after her transfer, she has had a rocky relationship with the girl. On one end, she heavily dislikes the girl for her general attitude and her nearly impeccable reputation with her teachers. On the other, she admires her sense of justice and her willingness to involve herself in dangerous situations, often requiring Selena to bail her out. In a way, she has taken the role of friend, bodyguard, mother, and sister, with one or more roles being fulfilled simultaneously.

Thought there has been several heated arguments between the two, however, all of them have resulted in Selena giving up as Sylvia is, as Selena says, "naive". However, if the name of a certain graduate student is mentioned, she often forgets her arguments with Sylvia and criticizes him like no other; she often cites him as the reason for her troubles, both real and imaginary. She has fought him numerous times with the current score being, zero-fourteen against her.

For all intents and purposes, she is a friend willing to give up a great deal just for her.

Narration Style: Being a close friend of Sylvia's, she tends to see only the best in her, but accepts the harsh reality with some veiled or explicit references to herself. She is extremely biased in showing Sylvia at her best, but her accounts all are consistent with details fitting neatly in place; there may be conflicts with other narrators' account, especially of the same event. She tends to know only some details about the event, relying purely on Sylvia's explanation, unless she was physically present.

« Last Edit: Oct 7, 2009 13:30:13 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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« Sept 30, 2009 11:16:01 GMT -6 »

~Alicia Reynolds~

American Name: Reynolds, Alicia Marie
Japanese Name: 白鳥・アリシア
Alias: N/A
DOB: April 9, 1992
Age: Seventeen
Nationality: Japanese/American (Student Visa)
Ethnicity: French/English
Blood Type: A-
Height: Five feet, Six inches
Weight: One-hundred, Thirty-three Pounds
Hair Color: Long, irregular bangs, Orange-red
Eye Color: Light Brown
Handedness: Right
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual

Transfer: Hircine High
School: John C. Fremont High
Year: Junior
Occupation: N/A
Position: N/A

~Physical Appearance~

Healthy with an athlete's build, her body contains a slightly greater muscle/fat ratio of 75% with much of her legs and abdomen toned, but her arms still remain typical. With modest curves and a defined figure, her chest is a below average; she appears flat-chested if she wears thick clothing. Fair skinned with any signs of blemishes and scars, any perceived deformity is much more emphasized; her right arm possesses a birthmark of erratic design, resembling more like a long chain of islands or a bunch of small, irregular shapes, mainly seen as an atypical burn wound. She wears long sleeves to hide this.

Not a true fashionista, but not the type to wear plain clothes either, she prefers modest, comfortable, and affordable clothes that look good with a cheap price tag. Thanks to her life in Hircine, she's gotten used to wearing other clothes aside from her uniform wear from Japan, but due to the Collective's dress code, she's returned to that style with indigo themed wear. Outside of the Collective, she prefers casual clothes of many styles and colors, but she, out of habit in the Collective, wears a variation of her school uniform, in the event she meets teachers outside. She may randomly change her sense of style, but this has yet to happen, even in America.


Much of her persona has been the end result of a conforming society with her interpretation of her own perceived identity. She tends to be quiet with the goal of a useful pursuit in her spare time, signified even around her friends, where she prefers to remain in the background and listen. Unwilling to break the standard to which her life had been measured by, but always waiting to do so, she remains highly perceptive, calm, with a unusual mix of moderate sarcasm and anger. She does make unintentional insults or comments with a straight face, often giving most people the impression of a angry, serious girl, but as she doesn't allow her emotions to control her, only to drive her actions, the former is nothing but a consequence.

Though she follows a set of principles assigned by her life in Kendo, and her short-lived term with Karate, she is more willing to let injustices, any wrongdoing, or any immoral actions performed by anyone, for later retribution if the time is right. Her life experiences have both diluted and strengthened her martial values, but she still remains an apathetic person; although she is now willing to interfere in anything if it goes against her own philosophy. She understands the CPS - Corporal Punishment System - having lived under a passive version of it in Japan, and a active, militant version of it in America, but prioritizes anything involving it as a secondary issue, dealt only at a convenient time and place for her.

~Known Background Information~

A Junior with John C. Fremont High, she is a transfer from Hircine High, having spent a short-lived enrollment there before her immediate transfer to the Collective for safety reasons. Her liaison, Michelle Tanaka, was changed to a man named Michael Fuyusaki who had connections within California with many of the school boards. Since then, Michael has been keeping an eye on her based on Michelle's information, but has made no motion to warn her yet.

Not really a true friend of Sylvia, but more of a close acquaintance, she tends to listen to Sylvia's more deeper conversations regarding her own past, while managing to avoid the overly optimistic side her other friends had to endure. More of a older sister to her and a role-model, around her she tends to act on her very best, not wanting to influence the naive Sylvia in the wrong way. Still, she has an shaky feeling around her, but she does not know what it is.

Whether or not she regards Sylvia as a friend is not important, but her relationship with her is what she places as a primary issue. Even what happens in the Collective becomes a tertiary issue. Whatever happens, it is a safe bet that she'll act on anything that would harm Sylvia, whether physically or emotionally.

Narration Style: She tends to have very intimate knowledge about the event either from her own experience, or from re-constructing it based on what Sylvia and others tell her. She's very unbiased by stating exactly what happened, but tends to either guess at Sylvia's state-of-mind, or offer reasons for her actions. She also has a very sarcastic tone whenever Sylvia does anything anyone wouldn't normally do, but is sincere during times when she's serious.

« Last Edit: Oct 7, 2009 12:48:23 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top