Hello Kitty netbook released. Japanese schoolgirls jump for joy

Posted on 22 November 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

It was bound to happen. Here it is, the worlds first Hello Kitty branded netbook. And my oh my is it cute. On the inside however it comes with what we now consider standard netbook specifications (1.6 Atom, 10″ screen, 120GB HD), and a shell fairly reminiscent of the orignal EEE 701. Its available to order now for the crazy price of $890 from GeekStuff4U. Expensive? Yes. But its the only netbook that will perfectly fit in with your collection of Hello Kitty items. That includes the Hello Kitty outfit you bought without your wife’s approval and have been hiding in your closet. Its ok. One day us kitty fans shall rule the world… ;)

4 Comments For This Post

  1. JLM says:

    Only for Fans…
    But it´s a good idea.
    Netbook are all equals.
    This is the way to create an different.
    First step…

  2. L says:


    Here is an article posted on Oct 24th that oulines Medion’s Hello Kitty Akoya Mini:


    Don’t ask me how I knew that, but I can promise you I am not interested in the Hello Kitty products (although my girlfriend is)


  3. Kevin says:

    As noted else where, an extra few hundred $ for the HK logo to be slapped on a computer with the exact same specs.

  4. Rafael Souza says:

    @kittykills RT @garotasemfio: Foi só convocar os twtrs e meu inbox lotou de fotos do netbook da maligna… bah! http://tinyurl.com/6blch4

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