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Welcome to Randomised Gaming

You ever get that feeling you may have bought too much of something? If that’s the case then let me ask you this, when does a hobby turn into a collection?

The problem with video games is that the average game takes about 10-15 hours to finish. While they’re a hobby you have plenty of time to finish all the games you own, but when they become a collection it’s a whole different story. While many of us are guilty of owning at least one game which you just never played, barring perhaps a quick go when you first got it.

For some of us, it then turns to ten, twenty, thirty plus unplayed video games and the likelihood is when you have that many games some of them will just sit on a shelf forever gathering dust never to be played.

So Randomised Gaming came up with an interesting solution to that dilemma what if you took down all the names of the video games and consoles you own. Then placed them into a Randomiser and then play the game that it chooses for you, whatever that may be? Including those games you wish you hadn’t purchased and the ones you forgot you even own.

Well that is exactly what Randomised Gaming is all about. Randomised Gaming will be covering and reviewing everything from the 8-Bit gaming era including the Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System, up to the modern 256-Bit generation of the PlaySation 3 & Xbox360. Expect some PC and Amiga games in there too along with the Wii U.

Don’t expect to see any of the lesser known consoles like the PC Engine, Amiga CD32 or 3DO just yet, but they may turn up in the future.

We want to make it fun but at the same time include a serious and professional journalistic style to all our reviews and articles.


The Randomised Gaming team.

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