White Kobold Gift Exchange

It's the thought that counts!

Bring your wrapped gift (valued at 25k or less) to Paupers's royal blue canvas tent on Icemule South Road to share, and get a gift in return!

  • Wrapping can be a (plain or fancy) sack or gift box.

All the gifts will be gathered so no one knows who brought what item (unless you want to tell your contribution).

Each participant will take a turn selecting a gift, but don't get too attached! Once everyone has selected and opened their gift, each will take a turn to keep . . . or trade with someone else.

Need a gift idea?

  • a collection of simple wands or scrolls

  • candles

  • a bottle of wine

  • perfume/cologne

  • simple clothing

  • a chipped brick

  • a dull gold coin