Dirk can you give an opinion on this. Off base or on track.
Jet stream Meridional flow.
The jet stream flowing more in a north to south direction, you could make a case for Meridional flow contributing to global cooling. A pump bringing warm air north into a wider radiation window.
If cold lobes of air push further into the south and warmer air mass moves unexpectedly high into northern latitudes during the winter months won’t that warm air mass be exposed to shorter days much shorter in some cases? That is allowing overnight radiation for
greatly extended nighttime hours.
The sun is only a finite provider of heat. The background temperature of space is an infinite source of cold. Dislodging warm air from the equator and moving it to the north expose it to a fridges environment with an over abundant
space earth connection to the infinite cold provider deep space.
This hadn’t previously thought about this but I can’t think why you may be wrong. However changes in cloud cover that could happen in this scenario need to be taken into account. Warm air, especially over the oceans will contain a lot of water vapour, as that air moves north (or south in SH) it’ll cool and tend to produce clouds that’ll trap some of the heat at least temporarily reducing heat loss Arctic air moving south will be relatively dry leading to less cloud cove at lower latitudes hence less more solar radiation will reach the surface where it could cause some warming. Obviously areas that are affected will still see low temperatures due to the source of the air but if there’s increased cloud cover at higher latitudes and decreased at lower latitudes this will lead to overall warming.
Liberals seem to sympathize with predators (save the wolves, save the bears) and conservatives seem to sympathize with people, but no one seems to sympathize with prey (like fish and mice and rabbits).
After the flares stop we go zonal, no external input. Cyclone off Kamchatka controlling the jet stream for last three years. Cyclone from Iceland volcano and from warm Atlantic from flares controlling the jet stream. Further North those two cyclones go from heat the colder the air available to pull into the cyclone. Watch the Movie Day After Tomorrow again it’s about cyclones pulling cold air from the poles, cyclones from global warming. These cyclones are from the weak mag shield. After the flares stop there’s still the solar wind from coronal holes, that’s what happened in 2016 record El Nino no flares no spots. I saved pics of all the coronal holes monitoring global temps that year freaking out watching things die of heat. https://www.windy.com/-SO2-tcso2?tcso2,62.158,-0.538,5,i:pressure,m:fvfaf1C https://www.windy.com/-Temperature-temp?temp,62.158,-0.538,5,i:pressure,m:fvfaf1C
IF the sun gets quiet with no sunspots and no solar flares and no solar wind storms from coronal holes and IF I’m still alive and IF the internet is still up then I can watch what happens IF that happens.
X flares forecast going into hurricane season now with a warmer than ave Atlantic O. Typhoons, cyclones. Mercury in retrograde August.
Noted Above: polar bears ‘health and numbers’ has improved which is thought to be due to higher prey availability.
Of course they are healthier and more numerous. What do they eat? Seals. Seals must sleep, but to do so they must be out of the water. When there is less sea ice seals MUST go onto the sea shores to sleep. Polar bears are smart so they just sit on the bluffs above beaches waiting for the seals to swim to the beach and fall asleep. Polar bears can run very fast. Results are fat and numerous polar bears because they do not have to walk hundreds of miles across the frozen seas hunting for seals.
https://extinctionclock.org/ has the earliest Arctic ice-free prediction as by 2000, that is before the end of 1999, that was made May 18th 1972. So the Arctic was to be ice-free three years before Great Bumturd was even born, so they had been wrong for over a decade before her skool stryk fur klimut. 51 predictions have reached their due-by date, and not one has been correct. But us “deniers” who said they wouldn’t come true have been 100% correct, yet the sheep still follow the climate liars.
The thing is, pouring all of your time and attention and energy into solar flares or WWIII or any other bad news does not improve the situation one jot or tittle.
It just feeds THE dark side and YOUR dark side. Do you really want to do that every minute of every day of your life?
Well, if this is your version of smelling the roses, it’s not bad, but it’s still online. It would be way better if you actually drove up one of those mountains and sniffed up the fresh air.
Try to do something in the real world every day. It’s good for you.
I’m nagging about your obsession with all the worst things happening in the world. Just as many good and Godly things are happening, if not more.
I know you understand the satanic tactic of distraction. Every thing that is not of God pulls us away from God and puts us more firmly in the grip of satan.
I don’t like it when it happens to me, and I don’t like it when it happens to someone I care about. It’s all about the choices we make each minute. Stop drinking from the rivers dark!
Dirk can you give an opinion on this. Off base or on track.
Jet stream Meridional flow.
The jet stream flowing more in a north to south direction, you could make a case for Meridional flow contributing to global cooling. A pump bringing warm air north into a wider radiation window.
If cold lobes of air push further into the south and warmer air mass moves unexpectedly high into northern latitudes during the winter months won’t that warm air mass be exposed to shorter days much shorter in some cases? That is allowing overnight radiation for
greatly extended nighttime hours.
The sun is only a finite provider of heat. The background temperature of space is an infinite source of cold. Dislodging warm air from the equator and moving it to the north expose it to a fridges environment with an over abundant
space earth connection to the infinite cold provider deep space.
This hadn’t previously thought about this but I can’t think why you may be wrong. However changes in cloud cover that could happen in this scenario need to be taken into account. Warm air, especially over the oceans will contain a lot of water vapour, as that air moves north (or south in SH) it’ll cool and tend to produce clouds that’ll trap some of the heat at least temporarily reducing heat loss Arctic air moving south will be relatively dry leading to less cloud cove at lower latitudes hence less more solar radiation will reach the surface where it could cause some warming. Obviously areas that are affected will still see low temperatures due to the source of the air but if there’s increased cloud cover at higher latitudes and decreased at lower latitudes this will lead to overall warming.
The seals can’t be very happy with all these big polar bears trying to eat them.
Liberals seem to sympathize with predators (save the wolves, save the bears) and conservatives seem to sympathize with people, but no one seems to sympathize with prey (like fish and mice and rabbits).
Something to ponder, eh?
Svalbard ice free from heat from solar flares. SST warmer than ave .
Deb…Save the Whales!
Pretty much neither natural predator nor prey. Man kills the whales.
I miss the Garden of Eden.
After the flares stop we go zonal, no external input. Cyclone off Kamchatka controlling the jet stream for last three years. Cyclone from Iceland volcano and from warm Atlantic from flares controlling the jet stream. Further North those two cyclones go from heat the colder the air available to pull into the cyclone. Watch the Movie Day After Tomorrow again it’s about cyclones pulling cold air from the poles, cyclones from global warming. These cyclones are from the weak mag shield. After the flares stop there’s still the solar wind from coronal holes, that’s what happened in 2016 record El Nino no flares no spots. I saved pics of all the coronal holes monitoring global temps that year freaking out watching things die of heat.
New El Nino chart: https://ggweather.com/enso/oni.png
Mystic –
Dirk’s answers always go into great detail, but I often feel he’s answering some other question. Is it just me? Maybe he’s too far over my head.
IF the sun gets quiet with no sunspots and no solar flares and no solar wind storms from coronal holes and IF I’m still alive and IF the internet is still up then I can watch what happens IF that happens.
X flares forecast going into hurricane season now with a warmer than ave Atlantic O. Typhoons, cyclones. Mercury in retrograde August.
Noted Above: polar bears ‘health and numbers’ has improved which is thought to be due to higher prey availability.
Of course they are healthier and more numerous. What do they eat? Seals. Seals must sleep, but to do so they must be out of the water. When there is less sea ice seals MUST go onto the sea shores to sleep. Polar bears are smart so they just sit on the bluffs above beaches waiting for the seals to swim to the beach and fall asleep. Polar bears can run very fast. Results are fat and numerous polar bears because they do not have to walk hundreds of miles across the frozen seas hunting for seals.
Not fair.
If polar bears are decreasing, it’s due to global warming.
If polar bears are increasing, it’s due to sleeping seals.
Somebody’s got their thumb on the scale.
https://extinctionclock.org/ has the earliest Arctic ice-free prediction as by 2000, that is before the end of 1999, that was made May 18th 1972. So the Arctic was to be ice-free three years before Great Bumturd was even born, so they had been wrong for over a decade before her skool stryk fur klimut. 51 predictions have reached their due-by date, and not one has been correct. But us “deniers” who said they wouldn’t come true have been 100% correct, yet the sheep still follow the climate liars.
It’s not what is true or false, it’s who has the more effective propaganda machine.
The U.N. and its IPCC seem to have the biggest propaganda machine and it has been very effective in the Western countries.
WW3 going on and you’re talking about happy polar bears.
The thing is, pouring all of your time and attention and energy into solar flares or WWIII or any other bad news does not improve the situation one jot or tittle.
It just feeds THE dark side and YOUR dark side. Do you really want to do that every minute of every day of your life?
Venus now in view after going behind the Sun.
Well, if this is your version of smelling the roses, it’s not bad, but it’s still online. It would be way better if you actually drove up one of those mountains and sniffed up the fresh air.
Try to do something in the real world every day. It’s good for you.
Like you have any idea what you’re nagging about, wasn’t even sunrise yet.
I’m nagging about your obsession with all the worst things happening in the world. Just as many good and Godly things are happening, if not more.
I know you understand the satanic tactic of distraction. Every thing that is not of God pulls us away from God and puts us more firmly in the grip of satan.
I don’t like it when it happens to me, and I don’t like it when it happens to someone I care about. It’s all about the choices we make each minute. Stop drinking from the rivers dark!
Ben Davidson vid two days ago — How long will high solar activity last?
Weak SC26 needed a weak SC25 to stay on trend.

Do you ever stop and smell the roses