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Investigation on Medication Adherence among Tuberculosis Patients in Consolidation Period and Intervention Effect



Abstract: OBJECTIVE To survey the situation of medication adherence among tuberculosis patients inconsolidation period and its influencing factors and explore the intervention effect onmedication adherence and related aspects among tuberculosis patients in consolidationperiod and provide ideas and reference for further research. METHODS 1. A total of100consolidate period pulmonary tuberculosis patients from athird-class hospital in Hubei province were selected by convenience sampling, and astructured questionnaire was used as measurement tool to collect information aboutdemographic, medication compliance, prevention knowledge and self-efficacy. 2. This research used a quasi-experimental study,88tuberculosis patients wererecruited from Wuhan medical treatment center by cluster random sampling method.All of people conformed to the standards of tuberculosis made by Chinese medicalassociation in2004were randomly allocated to the experimental group(n=45)and thecontrol group(n=43). Twenty tuberculosis patients of the experimental group wereinterviewed before the research and the eight topic words were refined and recordedfrom the reasons of being unable the medication adherence as follows lackingknowledge, bad perceived effects, poor memory, medication consciousness, unhealthlife styles, economic difficulty, negtive emotion, lack of social support. According thetopic words and the related information of the tuberculosis patients, the individualintervention were made for3months. Information of tuberculosis patients andintervention effect were analysised and evaluated. On the basis of the conventionaltherapy, the control group did not receive any other additonal treatment. Threequestionnaire, including Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, Health behavior scale of turberculosis, questionnaire of tuberculosis knowledge were used to evluateintervention effect. Data were analyzed by the following statistical methods such as theDescription Analyze, Chi-saquare Test, the Independent t-test, Paired t-test and so on. RESULT 1. The mean score and standard deviation of medication compliance was low.Multiple regression analysis showed that the prevention knowledge, self-efficacy, livingpattern and culture degree were factors exerting infuence on the tuberculosis patients,which indicated significantly statistic signifcance (P<0.05). 2. Eighty-eight patients have funished3months study, the experimental groupmissed6,the control group missed8.(1) Before intervention the average score ofmedication adherence among tuberculosis patients in consolidation period was3.61±1.92, being lower middle level. After3month intervention, the average score ofmedication adherence in the experimental group was7.08±0.84, and making acomparison of before and after experiment themselves and with control group, therewas the significance difference (P<0.01) while the control group was not (P>0.05). (2) After3month intervention, the average score of physical situation, psychologicasituation and tuberculosis knowledge of the experiment group had been improvedgreatly, there was the significance difference (P<0.05) while the social support was not(P>0.05).(3) Before the intervention both groups make a comparison, there were nosignificance difference (P>0.05). After3month intervention, the average score of theexperimental group had significant improvement,and was made a comparison of beforeand after experiment themselves and with control group, there was the significancedifference (P<0.01). CONCLUSION 1Medication adherence of tuberculosis patients in consolidation period is generally lowat present. 2Personalized medication adherence intervention mearsures can improve medicationadherence and tuberculosis knowledge of tuberculosis patients in consolidation periodeffectively. 3Personalized intervention mearsures can improve health behavior of tuberculosispatients in consolidation period.
  • Series:

    (E) Medicine & Public Health

  • Subject:

    Clinical Medicine

  • Classification Code:







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