Forums - DSP MPPS slow down

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DSP MPPS slow down
Join Date: 2 Apr 19
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2021-01-07 01:55

hi i am developing base on qcs605

my team developing intelligent CCTV. 

so, i try to work RTSP Streaming while running SNPE DNN on qcs605.

when i run to program in qcs 605, some times later it start to slow down DNN inference spped.

so , i checked Snap Dragon Profiler. it showed to me MPPS ,HVX MPPS Slow down(?) --> i dont know what mean's MPPS.

when slow down MPPS, DNN inference time is slowing down.(it takes double the time)

i thinke it related with temperature. but tigger temp is so low.. i dont know how temperature trigger is work.

thank you

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Join Date: 2 Apr 19
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2021-01-07 01:59

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