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TV or film production runner

Alternative titles for this job include

TV and film runners work behind the scenes, doing small jobs and basic tasks to help productions run smoothly.

Average salary (a year)


Typical hours (a week)

39 to 50 variable

You could work

evenings / weekends / bank holidays away from home

How to become

Explore the different ways to get into this role.

How to become TV or film production runner

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course
  • a college course
  • an apprenticeship
  • working towards this role
  • volunteering
  • applying directly
  • training with a professional body


You could do a degree course although it's not essential. Relevant subjects include:

  • creative media production
  • film and television production
  • film and TV studies
  • performing arts

You might find it helpful to choose a course that includes practical skills, work placements and the chance to make industry contacts.

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree

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You could take a college course, which may help you to get into the industry. Courses include:

  • Level 3 Certificate in Media Techniques
  • Level 3 Diploma in Creative Media Production
  • Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts
  • Level 3 Diploma in Business

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, for a level 3 course

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You may be able to do an apprenticeship as a broadcast production assistant.

The BBC, ITV and Channel 4 also offer apprenticeship opportunities.

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English and maths, for an advanced apprenticeship

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You could start by working for a sound or camera equipment hire company to get some experience.


Get as much practical work experience as you can. This will show employers that you're committed to learning more about the industry. You can build useful experience through activities like:

  • student film or TV productions
  • community or student radio
  • work experience placements

You'll also get the opportunity to meet people already working in TV and film. Building a network of contacts could help you when you start looking for work.

The BBC, ITV and Channel 4 offer work experience placements, and 'insight' and 'talent days'. Competition can be tough, but if you're successful, it will help you get a better understanding of the industry.

You can search for film and TV companies to approach for experience through media business listing services like PACT and The Knowledge.

ScreenSkills also has information on finding work experience.

Direct Application

You can apply directly to become a runner. This job is often seen as a first step into the industry and employers could be more interested in your enthusiasm and initiative than your formal qualifications. Any work experience you can get will also help.

Other Routes

You could join The Production Guild. It's a membership organisation for professionals working in UK film and television. It offers training including a Runner's Basic Training workshop for people who want to get into the industry.

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Career tips

You should show that you have administrative and organisational skills, so any previous experience in areas like office work, customer service or hospitality would be useful. Having a fast typing speed and shorthand skills may also be helpful.

Further information

You can get more advice about careers in film and TV from ScreenSkills.

You can find out more about entry level opportunities in television from the Royal Television Society.

You can find out more about creative careers from Discover Creative Careers.

What it takes

Find out what skills you’ll use in this role.

What it takes

Skills and knowledge

You'll need:

  • the ability to work well with others
  • active listening skills
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • knowledge of media production and communication
  • to be flexible and open to change
  • the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • the ability to come up with new ways of doing things
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

Restrictions and Requirements

It can be useful to be able to drive and have use of a car.

What you’ll do

Discover the day to day tasks you’ll do in this role.

What you'll do

Day-to-day tasks

In this role you could:

  • collect and deliver equipment and scripts
  • pass on messages and post, and run errands
  • file and photocopy documents
  • answer the phone and greet visitors
  • drive vehicles around sets or between locations
  • find suitable props
  • keep sets clean and tidy
  • look after studio guests and provide refreshments

Working environment

You could work at a TV studio, at a film studio or on a film set.

Career path and progression

Look at progression in this role and similar opportunities.

Career path and progression

If you already have some industry experience or have completed training, then you may be able to apply for a ScreenSkills Trainee placement.

With experience, you could move into a production assistant, assistant producer (AP) or producer role.

Current opportunities

Find apprenticeships, courses and jobs available near you.

Current opportunities

Apprenticeships In England

Video Production Apprentice

  • Wage: £23,500 a year Annually
  • Location: Manchester, England

Courses In England

Certificate in Creative Media Production (QCF)

  • Start date: 05 September 2024
  • Location: Great Yarmouth

Certificate in Creative Media Production (QCF)

  • Start date: 01 September 2024
  • Location: Liverpool

Jobs In the United Kingdom

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