Aug 16, 2016, 12:51 IST

Astrology and mental Disorders

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Every astrologer should have some knowledge about basic psychology which helps him to judge the strength and weakness in a particular horoscope, Particularly the combinations mental weakness and mental disorders. This helps one to strengthen the weak points in the growing years especially if the parents know the particular combinations which need to be given special attention and help in nurturing the children in their growing years. We will see the relation of astrology and mental disorders in this article.

The advantage of knowing these things much in advance can go a big way in avoiding the problems to become severe. Pre-caution is always better than cure. Moon, mercury and venus are the primary planets which govern the mental hemisphere of the person. Moon particularly indicates nourishment of the mind, a badly placed moon renders the horoscope weak. A well nourished mind can positively contribute to mental strength and fertile imagination.

Mercury indicates the retention capacity of the brain, the activity of the nerve centers in the brain, it governs the nervous system and the respiratory system in the body. Venus is the planet of love and beauty when afflicted can make that love fall to base instincts and activate the animal instincts. The unsatisfied desires lead to mental maladies or outbursts of energy in a wrong way. These 3 planets when bearing maximum affliction along with the 5th have in the horoscope play a huge role in astrology and mental disorders.

The mental disorder can be classified into many types as follows :-

  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Neurastheni- a
  4. Phobia
  5. Mania
  6. Schizophrenia
  7. Obses- sive compulsive disorders

Like the above there are many more, but most of us suffer from more or less of the above problems like anxiety, phobia, OCD with more or less intensity whereas there are others who can suffer from Phobias, Schizophrenia etc which can bring havoc if not treated in time. A weak moon in the horoscope indicates bad nurturing or lack of proper care during the growing years which definitely makes an impact depending on the weakness in the horoscope.

When Moon is afflicted by Saturn, the ascendant and moon both coming under influence of Saturn create depressive feelings, depressive tendencies. Moon with ketu will cause low self esteem, inferiority complexes, vacillations of mind etc. Moon with rahu creates phobias, hallucinations. these are wild and accidental when mars aspects moon, saturn aspecting moon can create deep psychosis. This works in conjunctions and oppositions which are within 7 degree orbit of moon and especially when they are applying or going to happen.

Mercury when afflicted similarly creates anxieties, obsessive compulsive disorders, hyperactivity, phobias etc, It affects the nervous system, functioning of brain and respiratory systems. Venus on other hand creates weird thoughts regarding sex and sexual activities, it can indicate animal instincts, weird preferences and sometimes no interest in these activities to very high indulgence and forced physical activities. It can make one act like an animal in those weak moments. when uranus conjuncts with moon, mercury or venus it lends eccentricity and weirdness to the karakatwa of these planets.

People having such problems do have 2 out of 3 planets severely afflicted along with the 5th house of the horoscope. They can even be very normal people in social life but these things can often be seen in private life of theirs. Some disorders like Schizophrenia, anxieties, phobias etc are openly known but others which give weird sexual preferences, sadomasochism etc cannot be known until one is very close to that person. There are many such variations of mental maladies which can be ascertained through astrology and prevented if such people are protected and counseled in time.

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