A KIDDERMINSTER train driver who has covered more than 1,000,000 miles has retired after 60 years of service.

John Price, aged 75, pulled into the Severn Valley Railway station in Kidderminster for his final shift this week.

Mr Price started his career with British Railways at a time when teenagers left school at 15. He said: “In 1962 times were different, at 15 years old you were sent into working environment very different to today”

“I have had an interest in railways since the age of around three or four and would spend all day of family holidays in Weymouth riding on the engines that were working on the quay.

"Who’d have thought 60 years later I am still as enthusiastic as ever."

Kidderminster Shuttle: Debbie Price, John Price, and SVR volunteers Tom Clarke and Harry BradleyDebbie Price, John Price, and SVR volunteers Tom Clarke and Harry Bradley

Mr Price first joined British Railways Western Region at Tyseley as an engine cleaner.

In March 1975, he joined The Severn Valley Railway Motive Power Department and was a fireman before being made a driver.

On December 22, John drove his last steam engine, the West country Taw Valley 34027.

Jon Teuwen, the SVR’s volunteer locomotive crew manager: “I’ve known John since I first got involved with the SVR as a child. It’s been a pleasure to work with John both at the SVR and professionally as a fellow train driver on the national network.

"He was always very good with us youngsters, very supportive and keen to pass on his wealth of knowledge and expertise.

"It is a sad day to see him retire, especially as he will be the last of the British Railways era of steam enginemen still active on steam at the SVR, but as they say, all good things must come to an end. We wish John all the very best for a long and happy retirement.”