Session Summary

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Whose Science? Interrogating the Foundations of "Nature of Science," Uncovering Epistemic Injustices in Science Education

Sun, April 24, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), Division Virtual Rooms, Division C - Section 1d: Science Virtual Paper Session Room

Session Type: Symposium


For almost a century, scientists and science educators have argued that it is crucial for students to learn about the assumptions and processes that underlie knowledge construction in science, what some have called the “Nature of Science” (NOS). Drawing heavily on scientists and science studies scholars (sociologists, philosophers, and historians of science) NOS advocates describe universal assumptions that drive science, as well as argue for why NOS is indispensable for the PK-12 science curriculum. In this session, we interrogate the intellectual lineage of those assumptions, paying close attention to the knowledge and ways of knowing that the NOS scholarship systematically included and/or excluded, and debate the impact on furthering epistemic injustices in science classrooms.

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