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Netanyahu Threatens U.S After Begging To Block ICC Arrest



Netanyahu Threatens U.S After Begging To Block ICC Arrest; 'Will Destroy Palestinian Authority If..'


In a previous post[1] I wrote: 

Israel’s radix Sun [23ta40] is square radix Mars [28le18] in itself a violent, aggressive and bull-headed combination. It is placed in the 8th house over which Jupiter/Uranus are transiting.

Among other things, the Sun represents leaders. For Uranus in the mundane 8th , H.S. Green writes: Sudden and unexpected deaths, accidents..Death of a statesman. 

While the news is not literally about the death of leader...Netanyahu’s arrest (if it takes place) may be likened to the “passing away” of a leader. The 8th house is the “end of elements of life that are no longer fruitful or have served their purpose”. 

Israel’s radix Sun [23ta39] is conjunct the star Algol [25ta26] and Capulus [23ta28]. About this area of stars, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

There are issues of cold, brutal religious, racial or ethnic bigotry vs loving tolerance, of harsh wilful cruelty vs kindness, helping, healing; and simply war or peace. In mundane astrology Algol often marks great tragedies, the sort of events in which many die or are killed brutally. It is remarkable that the Chinese found this area extremely hateful as well; to them Algol was Tsi-Chi, “The Heaped-Up Corpses. Nevertheless the strong sword arm of Perseus, the Hero or Rescuer (ICC?) is here protecting the innocents from evil-doers. 

