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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread: >>4221001
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J/u/stice for Girls?
J/u/stice for Girls!
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"Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku" (Flower and Asura) TV Anime

How gay is the source?
>story by Ayana Takeda
Let's better put the question this way:
How much less (or more) cause for the average /u/ser to have a fit here than in Eupho?
It's not. Typical poster that excludes all the male characters to appeal to waifufags.

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any thoughts /u/?
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Seriously I just think amberpricefield is cute.
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>Rachel only cared about Chloe to the extent that she was a potential ride out of town
I'm a little more generous to Rachel, I do think she liked Chloe ... as a friend. But I also don't think she would have ever tried to be Chloe's friend if she didn't think Chloe would get her out of Arcadia Bay.
I wonder if Kate survived and I can imagine Victoria being much more mature and mellowed out in her 30s.
>as a friend
Sort of a weird way to treat a friend really. Basically how I would expect a sociopath to treat her 'friends'.
>I wonder if Kate survived
She was in a medical center that I think is implied to be in the nearby town of Tillamook given the centers size. So she would not have been in the path of the storm.
Even if the medical center were somehow in the Bay, Kate did say that her parents were picking her up "in the morning", meaning the day of the storm. But since the storm did not seem to hit until the later morning, it is very possible that they could have been out of the Bay by the time things got bad. So very, very solid chance Kate survived.
>I can imagine Victoria being much more mature and mellowed out in her 30s
More mellow and comfortable with herself for sure. Likely long since moving past the point of only being able to express her feelings for girls she likes by possessively bullying them.
But I imagine she still keeps Kate on a short leash. Both figuratively and literally. They are good for each other.
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Victoria lost her Stacy mojo

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Previous Thread

>Some places to read fics

>A (somewhat old) archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, anything goes as long as it's yuri.
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Not to riff on you, but that is just a silly request. Soulsborne games barely have anything going on, much less something people agree on. So little plot and so much gameplay focus... what's there to write? Even if someone was crazy enough to write a longform Souls fic, there is zero chance it would be yuri. It would just be some grimdark redo story.
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NTA but this doesn't make much sense. Fanficiton is built on extrapolation, especially slash fiction. There's nothing stopping people from writing long form stories about a specific set of characters or taking place in the sitting. We've had anons on this very board produce soulsborne highschool AU stuff.
Sounds insipid.
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Sounds like you hate fun.
High school AUs and coffee shop AUs are the flavorless oatcakes of fiction. You eat them, but you taste and feel nothing. You're not even sure if it fills your stomach, but you go through the chewing motions so your brain thinks you are getting fed. A food substitute at best.

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Continued from >>4229615
Translation Thread >>4199643
Buythread >>3944605
Raw Thread >>4200226

https://mangadex.org/chapter/ad973dee-f6a8-453f-a11c-71706afddd67 (Rough SuleMio Comic ch15)
https://exhentai.org/g/2947709/ce47253df3/ (Touchy Feely Lessons)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/526ed14b-ee11-434b-b330-cda292b0d92e (The Doctor and the Maid, pic related)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/dd1baf14-2f25-42d2-8361-fe643cef44b0 (Sherbet ch22)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/5015bfa2-2b61-4e86-adc7-c24ba (Drunken My Boss ch3)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/1993f80f-36f7-4773-a3ba-89d1746d08a2 (Heartbeat Inaccuracy X ch5)

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>but that doesn't mean someone who put a lot of time and effort into translating the series
You pirating the series has absolute nothing to do with the author, stop projecting your problems into others.
Kinda torn about this series because if it was the exact same thing but the cabaret lady was a man it'd be annoying to read since so far it's basically just a story about an innocent-seeming young adult realizing with an older partner that she's an M. Maybe I just need to turn my brain off when reading this kind of yuri.
I get that it will continue as a web comic, but it honestly pisses me off that this got canned.
Shy na Anoko ni Natsukaretai ch1

Blooming After Reincarnation
>Shy getting TS'd

Previous thread: >>4180945
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is this what it means to power bottom?
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Who is Chisato looking at?
She's not looking at anyone she is averting her gaze from Takina
>Her face is slightly away and blush but her eyes don't stare at the reader.
>Takina's "Oh, dear" blushed face

Will Topina top Chisatom as usual in the last part of this book?

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Thread for yuri content from the Undertale/Deltarune series, canon or otherwise.

No NSFW images of the anthro characters, please.

Previous thread: >>4090105
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It's the 12th again, so that means it's Alphyne day!
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Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.

Previous threads:


Read the book (in epub)


And post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
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So was Marnie a ghost, or was it some time travel shenanigans?
>Novel implies it is a ghost.
Wait, so grandma Marnie, knowing Anna is her granddaughter still does all the yuribaity stuff with her?
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>What I want to know was, was the original novel so yuribaity

It very much was, the movie is actually toned done somewhat.

https://jayfax.neocities.org/marnie This blog is a great repository of various Marnie lore and tidbits. The writer stopped by a few times in previous threads (of the blog, not Joan Robinson, she's long dead).
I'm sure Anna will find another nice blonde girl to wife up someday...
Til there was a yuri Ghibli movie

Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

Previous thread:
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stupid literotica mods making me wait
I'd say paste the RAWs here but I'm sure you want the hits to your profile
Sorry I'm not the author, just an anxious fan. I looked up the process for mod approval on literortica and they have humans that manually approve each entry. Cool I guess, but I want to put my eyeballs on the story now
Mother/daughter is at its best (in my opinion) when exploring the emotional turmoil a mother goes through when she reaches the point-of-no-return with her daughter and sullies their previous bond for simple carnal pleasures. It’s an inherently selfish act that only extremely desperate/lonely individuals who should know better would commit. And that’s sexy.

Bushiroad stuff goes here, you know the ones.
Previous Thread:>>4173198
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Wow a Futaba that's actually pretty.
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Moesode bondage TomoAno

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New chapter delayed a week.

Previous thread here >>4156752
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>release date denial
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Wasn't the last chapter 3 weeks ago? I thought that's a built-in delay already. Or is 1ch/3weeks the normal release schedule?
I hope that extra chapter in the tank is going to be good.
>I hope that extra chapter in the tank is going to be good.
And I hope it's about Tomoko, you know, the main protagonist.
no, 2 weeks is the regular schedule, that doesn't mean a built-in delay can't be delayed once again
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>Asukaaah, you promised this week I could...
>Shhh Tomo-chan, be a good girl and just take it.

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You know the drill! Share your ideas for an anime or manga all about girls loving girls!
I guess it's only fair I start off with an idea of my own, so here's this:
>A young woman is down on her luck, bogged down by student loan debt and finding it hard to get a job with her degree. Her parents try to support her, but it's hard, especially since they have the rest of the family to take care of and she's struggling
>To try and help her parents and to hopefully make some money for herself, the young woman accepts a job offer that will have her take part in a science experiment that is supposed to revolutionize the world
>What she doesn't know is that the project is based on human cloning, and she is to become the first person to have clones made of her
>The experiment is a success...maybe too much of a success, actually, because instead of there only being one clone, there are five! Five clones with their own unique personalities
>But while each clone is unique, they all share one thing in common besides their appearances: they're all in love with their original self!
>Eager to test this, the scientists offer the startled, baffled young woman additional money to partake in an ongoing experiment where she interacts with her clones to find out just why they'd fallen for her, and if this would be the case for other clones
>What follows is a romantic comedy anime about the MC and her harem of clones, who are all finding out who they are even as they continue to pursue the original, with the main questions throughout the series be why ARE the clones in love with the original girl, and in the end, are they truly their own people even though they're clones?
The main character is called Yuri.
Plot twist it's yaoi.
That's just yuri on ice but with the character instead of the title
>The Labrys Empire is one of the most powerful nations of the Lilium continent. The empire is known for their powerful mages that not only are very powerful but very numerous.
>The secret to the empire's pòwer is the discovery that female children with magic power can develop their power 5 times faster than their male counterparts and are more likely to have magic aptitudes.
>With the help of an unknown power for most, the labrysian managed to make that two women can have child, guaranteeing that their child will be female. This power made in the lapse of half of a millenia that every labrysian was a female and that 70% of the populance has magic aptitudes. This blessing is so powerful that a labrysian woman can get an outsider pregnant and have a daughter.
>With the sheer dominance of this power, the empire jelously control their populance knowing that a single female could bring a full generation of powerfull mages, the empire became a rather closed place from the outside.
>Among the labrysian mothers, those who give birth the the strongest daughters either has enough power or marries so the can be part of the high council.
>The high council is formed of a select number of women who either have lots of wealth or have very strong genes that makes their influence abundant amoung the country. These people are led by the empress. The imperial family and the nobles form the high council and share the country between them.

Here comes the fun part (finally)

>The protagonist is the heiress of the [insert cool name] family, last child of 7 sisters, her mother died shortly after giving her, making her feel responsable for her dead. Because her 6 sisters either married a woman or became mages, she holds the family title at her young age (18).
>MC family is one of the nobles who is declining and on the verge of losing their title. MC must recover her faimily honor and prestige by gaining favor, making relevant deeds or forming alliance with other families.

Continued from >>4177231
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Different sorts of series get judged by different metrics. For a thread appropriate food analogy, imagine you have two cheeseburgers of supposedly good quality ingredients. Dungeon meshi is one that actually does have good ingredients in it and also has bacon on top, the bacon being the yuri subtext in this case and can be discarded by someone not interested in it without compromising the burger. In the shows that get complaints for their subtext, the burger patty turns out to have fillers in it, so the main point of the dish is lower quality for it with nothing saving it.
Appreciating the old stuff is perfectly fine, but doing so for newer content that could just have an explicit romance is just masochistic.
The real problem is that many people seem to forget (or are stupid) to understand that these are series with a specific theme/plot and the yuri subtext is an added/complementary element.

The series that are yuri have the obligation to deliver yuri, but when it is subtext there is no obligation, that in the end some of them deliver at the end is a good thing, but it is not a valid reason to treat something like shit (while the real shit as bait, is ignored)
>Different sorts of series get judged by different metrics.

The problem is that that's not the case, which is why a bunch of idiots have to first ask if something is "yuri" while ignoring everything else, even if the series actually has yuri it is once again treated like garbage because the characters don't have it. sex at the end or at no point do they declare that they are gay.
Learn English.
It helps that no couples are formed in the end, not even Chilchuck and his estranged wife. The manga also shuts down Falin/Shuro and Marcille/Laios, while Falin/Marcille can still easily happen.

Lots of band show threads this season but no Bocchi.

Previous thread: >>4133151
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The best part was the doki doki and the blush.
>Hm? Senpai, You went to the beach with Hitori-chan?

>Why is this picture in here!?

>(let's go again)
>Um... Bocchi-chan? It's kinda hot, but...


>Bocchi-chan? Bo-...




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This time starting off with sleeping with the fishes.

Previous thread: >>3977022
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