Paper Summary

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A Systematic Review of Data Collection and Analysis Methods in K–12 Educational Games

Sun, April 14, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B


This paper reports on systematic literature review that examined learning theories and data collection and analysis methods used to study game-based learning in research on educational digital games for K-12 populations. Through electronic database, hand, and ancestral searches, we identified 25 empirical studies (29 educational games) published in peer-review journals that report evidence of how students learn through in-game and out-of-game data collection and analysis methods. Taking an approach to game-based learning as identity-driven and situated, we found that while games do not take such an approach to game-based learning, games tend to collect data on players’ social interactions and collaborative experiences. The review also highlighted the opportunity for providing real-time feedback and data to players during gameplay.
