Paper Summary

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Working Toward an Equitable Future in California Dual Enrollment Programs

Sat, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B


This study examines California Dual Enrollment (DE) programs, particularly their underrepresentation of Black and Latinx students, raising concerns about equity. Through Critical Policy Analysis (CPA) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the research explores how DE staff center equity and improve programs through collaboration with K-12 districts. Findings highlight the significance of collaboration and accountability among K-12 districts. Challenges arise from limited involvement and resources from districts. Staff define equity in DE as providing opportunities and support for diverse students, but interpretations vary. DE's potential as a tool for social justice and bridging the gap between secondary and higher education is recognized. The study concludes that addressing disparities and promoting equal access can lead to a more equitable educational landscape.
