Hero Doctor Gives Saline Instead Of Death Shot: Doctor’s Bravery Saved Thousands Of Lives

1 year ago

A Utah doctor took more than two thousand doses of the Covid-19 bioweapon vaccine and heroically dumped them down the drain.
Dr. Kirk Moore is here to explain how and why he decided to reject the dangerous bioweapon vaccines.
Dr. Kirk Moore is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon in Midvale/Sandy, Utah.
Parents took their children to Dr. Moore and requested he give them a saline solution instead of the deadly clot shot in order to satisfy the tyrannical mandates of the government.
The federal government has charged Dr. Moore with crimes and he just spent the last 12 days in jail.
If Dr. Moore is convicted and gets the maximum sentence he will serve 25 years in jail.
The only thing that Dr. Kirk Moore is guilty of is abiding by his Hippocratic oath and taking care of his patients the way they wanted to be taken care of.
He has been indicted for not killing and maiming people while other doctors have destroyed lives by injecting millions with the deadly vaccines.
Apparently, an FBI agent visited his office and that is what led to the federal government indicting him.
The AMA Code of Ethics calls for moral usurpation of legal mandates when they conflict with the ethical values of the physician and patient.
He abided by that moral code in treating his patients, as they asked to be treated.
To donate to Dr. Moore’s legal defense go to https://www.givesendgo.com/Fight4moore
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