EVERY little bit helps in the climate crisis.

This year the city council has decided that the buses that serve the park and ride at Barfield Close will no longer go into the car park but instead pick up passengers on Barfield Close itself.

The distance saved inside the elongated car park is probably 200 yards, so with, what, 50 trips a day that's probably 10,000 yards saved, or about five miles a day, over six days 30 miles, over a year 1,560 miles. Quite a lot of fuel.

A council spokesman said: "Since January buses have been using the Park & Ride Shelter on Barfield road as it provides quicker access to the Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. The new stop also gives drivers a clearer view if passengers are waiting at Barfield Close. This bus stop will continue to operate once the new Park & Ride car park is completed.”

Mind you, there are people who say the park and ride buses could perhaps have been routed instead into the car park of the Sport and Leisure Centre...

As an aside, Belgarum prefers to get some exercise and walk in from Barfield Close as many people do. It is often quicker than waiting for the bus.