Geotourism is defined as tourism that sustains or enhances the distinctive geographical character of a place—its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture, and the well-being of its residents. About Geotourism.
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Geoturystyka – forma turystyki bazującej m.in. na obiektach geologicznych, ściśle związana z geologią stosowaną, ochroną przyrody nieożywionej i edukacją geologiczną. Szansą dla rozpowszechnienia idei geoturystyki na szeroką skalę okazała się... Wikipedia
Geotourism z en.wikipedia.org
Geotourism is tourism associated with geological attractions and destinations. Geotourism deals with the abiotic natural and built environments. Geotourism ...
Geotourism z www.nationalgeographic.com
As a membership society for those who have a passion for knowledge, adventure, new discoveries, and all things real and amazing, National Geographic has ...
Geotourism z wa100.dnr.wa.gov
Explore the geologic stories of 100 great places to see geology on public lands in Washington State, told through hundreds of photographs paired with clear, ...
Geotourism is defined as "tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place - its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well ...
Geotourism a new way to think about travel. In this framework, travel is seen as a positive force in the world we explore and success is measured not just by ...
Geotourism z tourismteacher.com
19 sie 2023 · It ploughs money into local causes and communities, while improving an area so that future generations can visit and enjoy too. It teaches ...
Geotourism z industry.traveloregon.com
Geotourism, a term popularized by National Geographic, refers to tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place — its environment, ...
Geotourism based on geographical character is an approach, embracing all distinctive aspects of a locale. But the word is also used to describe a niche topic, ...
2. Geological tourism is a basic tool for the conservation, dissemination and cherishing of the history of Life on Earth, including its dynamics and mechanisms.