Forums - TensorFlow SSD MobilenetV2 Conversion to DLC Failed (model is empty)

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TensorFlow SSD MobilenetV2 Conversion to DLC Failed (model is empty)
Join Date: 12 May 21
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2021-06-29 09:38


I am trying to convert an SSD MobilenetV2 object-detection SavedModel that I performed transfer learning on using TF2.x (I am using snpe- When running the snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc command, however, it gives me the warning 'WARNING: Layer ... of type ... is not consumed by converter.' for all of the layers of the network and eventually says: 'ValueError: After pruning disconnected nodes, this model is empty'.

I am confused because all of the layers that produce that warning are supposed to be supported by the conversion tool, as mentioned on the SNPE SDK Reference Guide 'Supported Network Layers' page. Am I doing anything wrong? I am able to convert the original SSD MobilenetV2 model with no issues, but the re-trained model is the ones I am having issues with.

I would really appreciate some help with this if possible!



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Join Date: 13 Oct 21
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2021-10-13 23:56

The input_node is  "Preprocessor/sub"

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