Haiti earthquake: criminal gangs return to rule slums after escaping from prison

Gang members who once ruled Haiti's largest slum with violence and intimidation have returned to the streets after stealing guns from prison guards at the collapsed National Penitentiary and destroying all records of their crimes.

Port-au-Prince -  Haiti earthquake: criminal gangs return to rule slums after escaping from collapsed prison
Youths collect empty boxes after a food distribution by the UN near Cite Soleil, where escaped prisoners are thought to be heading

More than 3,000 inmates broke free from the prison after the earthquake hit last Tuesday, brandishing assault rifles and mounted on motorcycles, before returning to the Cite Soleil shanty town.

It is understood that the criminals, including a hardened killer known only by the street name "Blade", descended on the rubble of Haiti's collapsed Justice Ministry and set it on fire to destroy any records of their incarceration or criminal history.

Records held at the prison itself had also been incinerated.

Ridding the slum of its warlord rulers had been among President Rene Prevail's most celebrated achievements since taking office in 2006.

But they have now flooded back to Cite Soleil, a warren of shacks and open sewers with a poverty-stricken population of 300,000.

"It's only natural that they would come back here. This has always been their stronghold," said a Haitian police officer in the slum.

He and other policemen, who asked not to be identified, said the notorious armed gangs had begun making their presence felt.

The fear is that large scale violence could break out, hampering the efforts or rescue workers and preventing the spread of vital aid.

"They got out of prison and now they're going around trying to rob people," said Cite Soleil resident Elgin St. Louis, 34. "Last night they spent the whole night shooting," she added.

Forrestal Champlain, another resident, said: "They're armed, they have no morals and they could do anything."

Another added: "No one's in charge except the (gang) bosses."

It is understood the gangs overpowered a number of guards in the confused aftermath of the quake, stole their guns and burned all records held at the prison in a small windowless cell.

Two lame guard dogs were found in another cell that had been blocked up by mattresses.

Among the escaped prisoners are men so violent that tales of their crimes have become urban legend and feature in popular Haitian rap songs.

However, Haiti's National Police Chief Mario Andresol had a warning for the gangs. He said: "My message to all those armed bandits that are trying to take advantage of this situation is that we will arrest them just as we did in the past."