*Music Obsessive Compulsive Disorder*
“obsessive [əbˈsɛsɪv]
1. (Psychiatry) Psychiatry motivated by a persistent overriding idea or impulse, often associated with anxiety and mental illness
2. continually preoccupied with a particular activity,...
This MOCD FRIDAY FLASHBACK brought to you by Austrian producer Cid Rim, with his brilliant remix of duo Ogris Debris’s track, “Brainfreeze”. Cid Rim’s sleek style shows much respect to this amazing originals electric flow and dramatic release of...

This MOCD FRIDAY FLASHBACK brought to you by Austrian producer Cid Rim, with his brilliant remix of duo Ogris Debris’s track, “Brainfreeze”. Cid Rim’s sleek style shows much respect to this amazing originals electric flow and dramatic release of expressive and adrenaline-fueled head banging beats. Much respect to all involved with this project… still hits its mark with mint condition freshness one year later.

Posted by: MsGem