Synonyms zab; umuB; tif; lexB; recH; rnmB; srf
Accession IDs EG10823 (EcoCyc)
P0A7G6 (UniProt)
Length 1062 bp / 353 aa
Map Position
[2,822,708 <- 2,823,769] (60.809998 centisomes, 219°)
Location cytosol Inferred by curatorInferred by computational analysis
Reaction Chi-site containing double stranded DNA with a blunt end + ATP + RecA DNA recombination and repair protein + H2O → double stranded DNA with a RecA protein loaded 3' overhang + ADP + phosphate + H+
Inferred from experiment
Inferred from mutant phenotype [Clark73]
Assay of protein purified to homogeneity [Little80]