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Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century

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In this beautifully-written guide, Chief Druid Philip Carr-Gomm shows how the way of Druids can be followed today. He explains the ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids; Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal-, and herb-lore; the mysteries of the Druids' seasonal celebrations; their use of magic; and how their spirituality relates to paths such as Wicca. This guide shows how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world, and our sense of ancestry.

192 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2002

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About the author

Philip Carr-Gomm

61 books168 followers
Philip Carr-Gomm was born in London, raised in Notting Hill Gate, and educated at Westminster School and University College London.

He met his first spiritual teacher, Ross Nichols, the founder of The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids, when he was 11. He began studying with him when a teenager, and joined the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids at 18. He studied meditation with Olivia Robertson in Ireland, who later founded the Fellowship of Isis, and in his twenties he founded The Esoteric Society in London, which organised journeys for members to Bulgaria and Egypt, and hosted talks by well-known authors such as Gareth Knight, W. E. Butler, and Arthur Guirdham.

In 1975 his Druid teacher died, and he followed a Bulgarian teacher, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov for seven years, giving talks on his teachings and helping with the translation and publishing of his books into English. He also travelled to Bulgaria and studied the work of Aivanhov’s teacher, Peter Deunov, visiting Sofia annually for fourteen years, teaching Deunov’s Paneurhythmy dance in England and at Findhorn in Scotland. In his thirties he turned to a study of psychology, taking a BSc degree at University College London and Jungian analysis, with plans to become an analyst. On discovering Psychosynthesis, he trained instead as a therapist at the Institute of Psychosynthesis in London and began a private practice.

In 1988 he was asked to lead the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. He organised the Order’s teachings into a distance-learning course, and edited his teacher’s book with John Matthews [1]. Since that time, the Order has grown to become the largest Druid teaching order in the world.

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Profile Image for Tommy /|\.
161 reviews5 followers
December 10, 2010
Quite possibly, this is one of the most profound introductions to a belief system that I have ever read. Granted, I may have some bias in that statement, given that I am currently taking the Bardic Grade training within OBOD. However, removing that particular aspect, I found many of the insights shown throughout the book to be quite comfortable assessments of particular questions and issues I have contemplated and turned over and over in my own spiritual life of years past. If you are looking for information on classical Druidry, you're not going to find much within this book. However, if you're looking for a potential template that you can use and mold to your own life -- this may be the best introduction that you could possibly find. For me, it was an eye-opening read with many 'aha!' moments throughout. At 174 pages, its not exactly a large book - adding to that I'm not a completely fast reader either - but I find myself having to set this book down from chapter to chapter to think about what I had just finished reading. At the end of each chapter is an exercise for an individual to use towards meditative processes correlating to the chapter's materials. I highly recommend that the reader not skip those exercises, and try them. For me, it made the experience of reading this book into something that had a simplistic beauty of walking through a forest with no clear path...serene, quiet, and perfectly balanced between the here and then. Extremely highly recommended on my part!
Profile Image for Lee.
42 reviews
September 14, 2015
I was recommended this book as an excellent introduction to druidry, and I suppose it is. However, I found that it focuses much, much more on the ancient past and history of druidry and not enough of the current practices. If I were to have read this book with the intent to start practicing, I wouldn't get enough information. (This coming from someone without any local groves of druids to guide). Nonetheless, an introduction.
Profile Image for David Olmsted.
Author 1 book12 followers
November 1, 2012
Druidry is a growing nature based spiritual movement and the author is the leader of the only truly organized path based movement (as opposed to dogmatic religious movement) that I have ever run across. Modern Druidry begins where the old European tribal spirituality (Druidism) left off, further extending it into the modern age by incorporating humanity's additional insights. Unlike general New Age movements Druidry's respect for nature grounds its spirituality in reality only extending it as far as scientific uncertainty permits. It values the experiential experience equally with objective knowledge making for a powerful combination not found anywhere else.
Profile Image for Jonathan Donihue.
131 reviews10 followers
July 8, 2021
This is a great introductory book on the path of Druidry. If you are interested in learning more about this peaceful, earth based spiritual tradition, I highly recommend Druid Mysteries.
Profile Image for Tiago Chança.
13 reviews
October 20, 2022
A very good introduction (sometimes not so superficial) to everyone interested in Druidism and Wicca. Made me want to read other books from this author.
Profile Image for Joey Dye.
75 reviews7 followers
October 25, 2012
This was a great book about Druidry, both historical and as a living practice. Some parts were dry, but as a whole this was a very thought-provoking book. The most poignant parts for me were the discussions of the Wheel of the Year, the Spirits of the Circle, and the brief discussion of Druid magic. "When you can look at life, and experience that none of it belongs to you, quite magically and paradoxically you can feel then--in the depths of your being--that you truly belong in the world." For someone who sees spirituality as a quest after mystery, this is an excellent book.
141 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2016
My intention was to skim this book as part of some research for a children's book I'm writing, but I read it more thoroughly than I intended. It seems to do a great job of laying out the principles of Druid thought and practice, but it also draws in modern and scientific thinking to explain old practices. It made me want to be a Druid!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
Author 16 books125 followers
April 11, 2012
Fabulous introduction to Druidry, with an emphasis on the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.
Profile Image for Laura.
418 reviews31 followers
June 7, 2021
I am so glad that I picked up Druid Mysteries as my second book on Druidry after my first did not work for me. I've been feeling interested in druidry for quite some time, and this book really left me feeling much more interested, if anything -- the Druidry Carr-Gomm presents feels like a practice and a tradition that really speaks to me. What this book does wonderfully well is give a good idea of what contemporary Druids are up to -- after going through some history (which is contested and at times fragmentary), Carr-Gomm explores significant concepts, practices, and observances that Druids find meaningful today, including the grades of Bard, Ovate, and Druid, the wheel of the year, working with animals and plants, the Ogham alphabet, and more. I would recommend this book to someone considering whether OBOD's study program is right for them, as it really gives a good idea of what the syllabus covers. Carr-Gomm's writing is approachable and welcoming, and the Druidry he presents is inclusive, flexible, non-dogmatic, and relevant for contemporary nature-based spirituality practitioners. I will say that what this book doesn't do is provide the basis for starting a druidry practice of your own -- in other words, this book is much more "what contemporary Druids believe and do" and not so much "here's how to be a druid," which I mention not as a criticism but to prevent any prospective reader from having expectations to the contrary then ending up disappointed.
I will say that this otherwise excellent book contains two passages that I found very concerning and that I truly, truly hope would be removed if this book is re-issued in a newer edition. One is a paragraph that utilizes sexual assault as a metaphor, and the other treats autism as a metaphor; neither is remotely okay, and both have the potential to perpetuate harmful misunderstandings.
166 reviews
October 17, 2023
Este livro é fantástico para perceber a sabedoria dos druidas e como o seu conhecimento pode ser aplicado actualmente.
Philip Carr-Gomm leva-nos numa incursão pelo mundo celta, com particular destaque para os seus sacerdotes, os druidas, fazendo uma abordagem muito completa desta espiritualidade que cada vez tem conquistado mais adeptos. Isto por ser uma doutrina inclusiva que celebra a vida, a sexualidade, a natureza, a terra, a paz. Além disso, pela ausência de regras, dogmas ou obrigações torna-a bastante abrangente, podendo ser praticada em grupo ou de forma individual. Ao longo dos tempos foi mudando, evoluindo, inspirando-se em várias doutrinas (como a escola Pitagórica, a religião egípcia...).
Actualmente a Humanidade vive um grave problema que é a sua separação da Natureza, o que pode inclusivé colocar em causa a existência da espécie humana. Talvez por isto, o Druidismo tem vindo a ser bastante procurado.

Alguns dos seus temas retratados são:
- A presumível origem do vocábulo "druida", sendo o mais provável provir de "dru" (carvalho) e "wid" (saber) = "sábio do carvalho"
- As prováveis origens dos povos celtas;
- Registos que provam a existência de ambos os sexos; podendo as mulheres ser designadas por Druidesas ou simplesmente Druida.
- Teorias das origens desta doutrina: há quem invoque a queda da Atlântida e a sobrevivência dos seus sábios como os futuros druidas celtas.
- Philip Carr-Gomm defende a teoria de que os povos que construíram as grandes estruturas megalíticas (dólmens, antas, menires, Stonehenge) foram proto-celtas.
- A sobrevivência do Druidismo graças ao Cristianismo - o que não deixa de ser irónico, pois esta religião monoteísta de tudo tentou para erradicar os seus rivais - devido à continuação do uso de lugares sagrados antigos; a adopção de festas religiosas pagãs; a transformação de divindades pagãs em santos cristãos; a preservação do conhecimento celta em manuscritos elaborados por monges cristianizados, isto no contexto irlandês.
- A construção das bases do Cristianismo sobre o Paganismo. As práticas antigas permaneceram como herança cultural e espiritual das sucessivas gerações codificadas em contos antigos, no folclore e na própria paisagem.
- O período do Renascimento foi importante para o renascimento do Druidismo através da leitura de autores clássicos e o interesse pelo nacionalismo. No século XVIII foi formada a Antiga Ordem Druídica fundada por William Stukeley, que foi a precursora da OBOD fundada no século XX por Ross Nichols, conhecido por Nuinn (freixo em galês). Philip Carr-Goom também nos revela a sua iniciação na OBOD.
- São mencionadas as diferenças e pontos fulcrais dos bardos, ovates e druidas.
- O ciclo do ano e a Roda dos 8 festivais e celebrações. O sol era adorado pelos druidas, pois é ele que provoca o ciclo do dia e as estações do ano. As outras festividades são relacionadas com o reino animal e vegetal (gado e a agricultura - que eram fundamentais para o modo de vida celta)
- O autor no final de cada capítulo deixa exercícios que remetem o leitor para a comunhão com a natureza e focar no seu eu interior e espiritual.


Adorei esta leitura.
Cada capítulo é mais interessante que o anterior e é um livro tão completo sobre a temática dos druidas. O autor tenta corroborar as suas afirmações através de obras científicas e outras fontes.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Indigo Crow.
275 reviews18 followers
September 29, 2022
This book is 20 years old as of the time I wrote this review, and it aged okay, but not great.

This is a decent introduction to druidry, and at the time the book was new there may not have been many books on druidry available. That has thankfully gotten better in more recent years, but it reminds me a lot of how the only books on witchcraft or paganism you could find in the 80's and 90's were about Wicca.

Incidentally, though the author does talk some about Wicca, he doesn't try to force the two traditions together. He claims there are some similarities, and given that Wicca does have an involvement with nature, I suppose that it's fair to compare. But it ends there and the author seems to say as much himself, though not in a many words.

One thing that ticked me off, though, was something said toward the end of the book, in that mankind has become "like an autistic child, emotionally isolated but fascinated by mechanical devices". Would I ever love to give him a good whack for that thoughtless comparison! Being autistic myself with an autistic husband and child, I can tell you that the notion that we're emotionally bankrupt and apparently "fascinated by mechanical devices" is quite far from the truth. We have as much emotion as anybody and our love for nature is just as strong as a neurotypical person, so that's just utter bullshit.

Anyway, there really are better books on druidry out there now, so you needn't hurry to get this if you're starting out studying it. If you happen across a copy, such as how I ended up with the copy I've got from a used bookshop, it's worth it to get it, but not overly necessary.
Profile Image for Carolina.
321 reviews8 followers
February 21, 2024
Livro que li para o BookClub de Paganismo do Círculo dos Cogumelos.

Apesar de não ser esse o meu caminho espiritual, sempre nutri alguma curiosidade sobre o druidismo. Este livro veio esclarecer as minhas dúvidas e estabelecer em absoluto que não, esse não é mesmo o meu caminho.

Através de uma escrita bastante clara, o autor explica a estrutura religiosa e histórica do druidismo, com as várias categorias de druida e a forma como se passa de categoria em categoria (com muito estudo e memorização, pelos vistos). Apesar de a base histórica ser bastante abrangente, a um ponto que é quase fantasioso (Atlântida? A sério?), a parte que gostei mais foi mesmo a explicação sobre a estrutura dos ritos e da organização.

Achei também que os exercícios eram bastante inúteis, porque meditar sobre "estou a imaginar que estou no século II ao lado de uma pedra" não me parece muito claro para os objectivos em mente.

Foi um bom livro para perceber que nunca vou ser um druida.
Profile Image for Mark.
Author 2 books9 followers
July 11, 2022
Perhaps the fullest summary of Druidry I've yet read by Carr-Gomm. More systematic than 'The Druid Way' and more comprehensive than 'What Do Druid's Believe?'. I enjoyed reading it, and each chapter ends with an imaginative meditation exercise that gives a flavour of Druid spiritual practice. The emphasis is on Druidry as practiced by the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and makes no claims to be representative of Druidry more broadly, which from reading other reviews can make or break your enjoyment of the book. I found the chapters on 'The Turning Year', 'The Spirits of the Circle' and 'Druid Tree Lore' particularly interesting. I struggled with the all the 'masculine-feminine' dualism, and Christianity in general is spoken about in quite a sloppy and sometimes inaccurate way. The book unfortunately ends with a very negative statement about autism.
Profile Image for Diogo.
17 reviews7 followers
March 19, 2018
Excelente livro para iniciar as bases da teoria teológica pelas quais se rege o Druidismo. Excelente trabalho de Philip Carr-Gomm em trabalhar a parte histórica do Druidismo antigo, e em fazer ponte ao Druidismo mais contemporâneo. Falta apenas talvez uma maior introdução às práticas druídicas em si, apesar de quase poder funcionar como um manual de iniciação, uma abertura do véu do que é o mundo do Druidismo.
Profile Image for Francesca Aniballi.
Author 1 book5 followers
July 8, 2023
I love this book!
It was a great introduction to the druidic worldview, which called out to me from the mists of time and space. It features thirteen in-depth chapters about various aspects of Druidry, spanning the ancient and the modern. There are chapters on the bards, ovates and druids, seasonal ceremonies and rites of passage, tree and animal lore, to mention a few. The author's style is clear and engaging.
Profile Image for Josephine.
Author 1 book10 followers
May 7, 2018
Lovely concise book on the wisdom and joy to be found within the path of Druidry. Particularly insightful are the chapters on the turning year and the spirits of the circle.
February 2, 2021
This book is a must if you want to go forward on your path. I read it thinking it might be something I was already clued up on but I was definitely surprise. The script is easy and a pleasure to read and it's one of those books that you do not want to put down. You'll miss a treat without this book.
Profile Image for Thomas.
247 reviews12 followers
March 5, 2022
The first 10 chapters were really good and thoroughly thought out. After that it kinda just petered out. Would recommend though!
Profile Image for Joana Silva.
27 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2023
O primeiro livro que li sobre druidismo e que recomendo a quem queira começar ou a quem simplesmente é curioso.
Profile Image for Rupert Owen.
Author 1 book11 followers
October 11, 2023
A fairly no-nonsense overview of druidic history and practice. Philip writes openly and pragmatically from the viewpoint of a practicing druid but also as someone looking in from the outside. He covers many aspects of druidic thought and associations connected with it. A worthwhile introductory book on the matter.
Profile Image for Claudia Loureiro.
Author 4 books26 followers
March 2, 2014
Um livro magnífico e muito bem escrito: sem dúvida uma viagem inspiradora. Um bom ponto de partida para quem está ou quer fazer o curso de Bardo.
• A história antiga dos Druidas e a sua importância para a nossa vida actual.
• As classes distintas de Bardos, Ovates e Druidas e suas respectivas funções.
• As cerimónias sazonais e os conceitos druídicos de tempo e espaço.
• Os círculos, pedras, estrelas e caminhos druídicos.
• Os segredos das árvores e dos animais no Druidismo.
• A relação entre o Druidismo e o Wicca.

«O Druidismo é um mistério que (tal como o amor) apenas consegue revelar-se lenta e cuidadosamente.» - página 27
Profile Image for Kevin.
39 reviews8 followers
October 11, 2012
Excellent overview of Druidry. Includes the academic point of view, as well as the more ethereal or esoteric perspective. I may not agree with all of Philip's views, but his arguments are compelling and his style of writing is engaging.

Definitely worth the read for those being introduced to Druidry or for those with a passing interest.
30 reviews20 followers
September 15, 2014
If the whole section on "The lost world of Atlantis" were removed, this book probably would have been a 4/5 stars. Its early enough that it made all of his theories in the rest of the book suspect.

There are some interesting tidbits though: the dynamics between festivals made me think of the wheel of the year in a different way than I had before.
Profile Image for Jio Butler.
47 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2016
Essentially a concise, light OBOD course, giving a great introduction to Druidry with some lovely exercises. Even as someone who has been studying the subject for a while, I found it informative but not overwhelming. In my opinion this is a must- read for anyone interested in making Druidry a stronger part of their lives.
Profile Image for Lisa Veldkamp.
Author 13 books31 followers
January 26, 2014
Great how-to-do-it book on modern day druidry. Filled with understandable theories and practical and useful exercises.
Profile Image for Gonçalo Silva.
61 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2022
Apaixonado por druidismo, mas o livro não foi muito cativante. Contudo é uma óptima introdução ao tema.
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