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EcoAstrology: Aquarius-Leo Full Moon

August 11: Full Moon 6:35 PM PDT (19º21’ Aquarius-Leo) square Uranus
August 14: Sun opposite Saturn (22º Leo-Aqu); Mars trine Pluto (27º Tau-Cap)
August 16: Mercury trine Uranus (19º Virgo-Taurus)
August 17: Sun squares April 30 lunar eclipse (25º18’ Leo-Taurus) 11:28 PM PDT
August 18: Venus trine Jupiter (8º Leo-Aries)
August 22: Mercury trine Pluto (27º Virgo-Capricorn)
August 24: Uranus Rx (19º Taurus) 6:53 AM PDT

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean — Ryūnosuke Satoro

Imagination lays the tracks for the Reality Train to follow — Caroline Casey

When things come to a head, head for the heart — Swami Beyondananda

August 9, 2022
Dear Friends,

Strong tailwinds for change continue. In addition to the galvanizing triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node that we experienced on August 1 plus the Lion’s Gate energies (see my July 28, 2022 Leo New Moon Forecast), a solar wind stream, originally expected to arrive August 9-10, impacted the Earth’s magnetic field on August 7th, triggering a G2 (moderately strong) geomagnetic storm. Solar flares disturb the Earth’s magnetic field for several days, affecting satellites, navigation, and internet transmissions. Radiation from solar winds has been shown to alter chromosomes, disrupt circadian rhythms, and affect our brain, heart, and nervous system. Light also encodes information; emanations from coronal holes, solar flares, and CMEs have the power to alter consciousness, stimulating the release of deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs. Extra rest, hydration, and time in Nature helps ground and integrate these solar bursts.

The next full moon, which peaks at 19º21’ Aquarius-Leo on August 11 at 6:35 PM PDT, reveals where we are primed to break free from an old pattern, belief, and way of being. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, closely squares this full moon, spotlighting where we need to make a major change, while Saturn’s conjunction with the Moon cautions us to be realistic and responsible. Where do we need to reclaim our power? Where do we need to be more courageous and creative?

This is the fourth of four Super full moons in a row, where the Moon is at perigee, closer to the Earth, increasing its tidal and electromagnetic effects. As each of us has a personal electromagnetic field and the average adult body is composed of 60% water, SuperMoons have a greater affect on us as well. They occur because the Moon’s orbit is elliptical, rather than a perfect circle, so that the Moon’s distance from the Earth varies from 225,623 to 252,088 miles (363,105 to 405,696 km). SuperMoons are 15% brighter than an average full moon and 30% brighter than when the Moon is farthest from the Earth (apogee). For more on the astronomy of SuperMoons, click here.

We receive intensive programming from the day we are born, from our parents, education, culture, religion, nationality, and more. It takes a great deal of courage and effort to individuate, to transcend our conditioning and live from essence rather than ego. Leo is the Latin word for lion, a being long associated with courage and sovereignty, symbolizing the strength it takes to follow our heart and remain true to our soul intentions. The Aquarius Water-Bearer stands for our baptism into collective consciousness, which honors unity in diversity and recognizes that we are all equal members of the human race.

Full moons bring light to the shadow side of each sign, as well as their spiritual intentions. Leo’s shadow side either craves the spotlight and personal power or hides from it, afraid its authentic self will be ridiculed and rejected. The dark side of Aquarius blindly follows authority or what’s popular, not questioning or thinking for themselves. Healing and opening the heart dissolves the dark sides of both Leo and Aquarius, and is the doorway into the Aquarian age, where we realize that each of us is a creator and an integral part of a larger whole.

Sometimes labeled the “Me” generation, those born with Pluto in Leo (1938-1958) carry the evolutionary intent of transforming the shadow side of Leo. The more we learn to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, the less we require recognition or approval from others. The more we become our own star — the more we express our own creative essence — the less we need to idolize movie stars, athletes, or other public figures. The more we realize our inherent divinity, the more connected we feel with all life, with our inner guidance, and with our role to play at this pivotal time in human history.

Because this full moon squares Uranus and conjuncts Saturn, it intensifies a major aspect that has been in effect for some time. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus, the modern ruler, formed three exact squares in 2021 (February 17, June 14, and December 23, 7-13º Aquarius-Taurus). They remained with 8º of square to each other all of 2021, and will be within 10º all of 2022. Because of their respective retrograde passages, Saturn and Uranus will be within 2º square of each other from August 27 to November 9, and will be only 1º apart from September 15 to October 23 (17-19º), continuing to push for fundamental, not just superficial, changes. This full moon, and the Sun’s exact square with Saturn on August 14, highlight where we need to trust our inner guidance and bravely take a big step forward.

Saturn and Uranus are in a waning square, which Dane Rudhyar termed “a crisis in consciousness,” requiring a shift in perspective and a release of whatever is blocking our moving forward. As Saturn and Uranus come close to squaring each other again, areas or issues that were important in our lives around mid February, June, and December of 2021 may resurface for further development. Where do we need to question the status quo? Where do we need to listen to our heart?

Saturn symbolizes where we are learning about limits, responsibility, and becoming our own authority. Uranus, orbiting far beyond the bounds of Saturn, represents where we need to be inventive and willing to operate without social approval. Any aspect between Saturn and Uranus intensifies the contrast between old and new, reactionary and progressive, conformity and individualism. With Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, we are challenged to transcend herd mentality, and redefine our relationship to power, security, and the Earth. Saturn says: Recognize limits. Set healthy boundaries. Focus on what’s most important. Uranus says: Be proactive. Be creative. Think and live out of the box.

Leo deals with individuality and self-expression, Aquarius with community and collaboration. Don’t Be a Sucker, a short video originally released by US War Department in 1943 and again in 1947 to support integration in the armed forces, illustrates the ancient principle of “divide and conquer,” how splitting people into different factions makes them easy to manipulate and exploit. Using the example of how Hitler came to power, the film warns Americans that they will lose their country if they let fanaticism and hatred turn them into "suckers." It ends by saying: ”Let's forget about 'we' and 'they' -- let's think about us!” Even though it was made many years ago, its themes are still very relevant to these times. To watch it click here.

Uranus’ intimate involvement with this full moon urges us to “question authority,” to do our own research, come to our own conclusions, and trust our intuition above all. Experts can be wrong, and often are. Some famous examples of just how wrong experts can be:
“Fooling around with alternating current is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever." —Thomas Edison, 1889.
“There is no danger that Titanic will sink." — Phillip Franklin, vice president of the White Star Line, producers of the Titanic, 1912.
“If excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one.” — W.C. Heuper, National Cancer Institute, 1954
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” — Ken Olsen, founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977
“Two years from now, spam will be solved.” — Bill Gates 2004

Approximately 90 days after an eclipse, the Sun squares that degree, re-stimulating the themes encoded in that particular eclipse. August 17 the Sun reaches 25º Leo, squaring the degree of the last solar eclipse (April 30 at 25º18’ Taurus), illuminating where we may still need to reassess our values and lifestyle. That eclipse involved Uranus by conjunction, urging us to transcend old mindsets around money, self-esteem, and security. It also highlighted the importance of clarifying our bottom lines and not being swayed by what other people think. Mars reaches 25º Taurus just as this full moon peaks, intensifying the call for change. How have we simplified our lives since then? Where do we still need to do something different?

The next few weeks bring a number of trines, which can help us make changes with less effort and resistance. August 14, Mars trines Pluto (27º Taurus-Capricorn), facilitating recognizing and releasing stuck patterns, while on August 16, Mercury trines Uranus (19º Virgo-Taurus), helping us see things from a new angle. August 18 Venus trines Jupiter (8º Leo-Aries), supporting creativity and courage, while on August 22 Mercury’s trine with Pluto (27º Virgo-Capricorn) helps us see what’s true now.

Whenever a planet stations retrograde, its archetypal energies are intensified that day, and often for a few days before and after as well. August 24 Uranus begins its yearly retrograde passage at 18º55’ Taurus, moving backwards until January 22, 2023, when it stations direct at 14º56’ Taurus. While retrograde, Uranus urges us to reexamine our values and explore alternatives. In Taurus, Uranus calls for a revolution in how we deal with the physical plane — to reinvent our relationship to matter, and awaken to what really matters. Uranus in Taurus also supports remembering our intrinsic value; that we don’t need money or a lot of possessions to feel worthy or be happy.

The HeartMath Institute's research on heart intelligence and the power of collective intention exemplifies the Leo-Aquarius polarity. In addition to offering a wealth of information on the science of the heart, as well as tools for reducing stress and transforming consciousness, each full moon they orchestrate a "Global Coherence Initiative" to help stabilize and shift consciousness towards compassion and peace. From their August 9 Care Focus email: “At this time in history, there is an amazing opportunity for groups of people to come together in the heart with the collective intention to create beneficial changes for humanity and our planet… The power of collective intention is not a new concept. Throughout history positive social change often started from a small group. Lynne McTaggart, one of the most respected researchers on collective intention, found that even a small number of people coming together with a collective heart intention can work wonders. Gandhi started the movement of nonviolence with small communities in India. Martin Luther King started the civil rights movement with a small group... Sending love and compassionate care helps to soften the energetic field that connects us all, making it easier for others to feel a deeper resonant connection in their heart. We can come together to create the difference we want to see, rather than waiting for something to happen… Each person’s emotions, attitudes and intentions affect the energetic field… We need to replace our judgments with compassionate latitude, realizing that people are doing the best they can from where they’re coming from, given the extreme pressures and indecisions of these times. Opening our hearts more is the remedy…” For more on the HeartMath Institute's work and how to participate, click here.

Stephanie Austin

Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since 1986. She also teaches astrology, and wrote the New and Full Moon column for the Mountain Astrologer magazine for 15 years. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies, and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For information on her forecasts, sessions, classes, and eBooks, please visit www.EcoAstrology.com.


Photos by Stephanie Kendra Austin


Your Body on Joy by Marigo Farr on the importance of joy here.

The Labyrinth of Life, an inspiring podcast with Patricia Pearce here.

Botanical Animation: A Story of Flowers, a beautiful 3 minute video here.

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