Utilization of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Books For Pregnant Women in The Working Area of The Siulak Gedang Health Center
Utilization of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Books For Pregnant Women in The Working Area of The Siulak Gedang Health Center
Utilization of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Books For Pregnant Women in The Working Area of The Siulak Gedang Health Center
ISSN No:-2456-2165
As in the initial observations made in the Siulak Gedang III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Health Center Work Area, regarding the use of MCH Books.
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers do not understand how to The Siulak Gedang Community Health Center is one of
use the MCH book. It can be seen that there are still pregnant the Community Health Centers in the Kerinci Regency, Jambi
women who have not read and do not include the book when Province. The Siulak Gedang Health Center provides services
consulting the Community Health Center. This is in line with in the health sector in the form of promotive, preventive,
previous research by Sistiarani 2014, that the use of maternal curative, and rehabilitative with a number of activities in
and child health (MCH) books are still not optimal, this can be accordance with the function of the public health center,
seen from the lack of use and ownership of MCH books for namely as a center for driving health-oriented development, a
pregnant women [8]. Meanwhile, cadres of pregnant women center for community empowerment and a center for first-rate
have a role in increasing the possibility of using MCH books health services. In order to improve healthy living and provide
by 1.6 times [9]. Agreeing with Amalia, 2021 explains that comprehensive and integrated health services to the
midwives have not been optimal in implementing health community.
services using MCH books [10].
This research was conducted on 15 mothers who were
The MCH book should be used as a means of attending services at the Siulak Gedang Community Health
communication for pregnant women and to establish good Center. The following are the characteristics of the informants
communication in improving the quality of services. There is used:
a lack of consultation opportunities so communication
between pregnant women and MCH polyclinic midwives is Table 1. Characteristics of Research Informants Utilization of
less than optimal. This can be seen from initial observations Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Books for Pregnant
of MCH poly midwives and pregnant women in the Siluak Women in the Working Area of the Siulak Gedang Health
Gedang Community Health Center Work Area which did not Center
show any communication between MCH poly midwives and Informant Age Level of Education Work
pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct IBH01 32 Senior High School Housewife
research on "Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Books IBH02 32 Senior High School Housewife
(MCH) for Pregnant Women in the Working Area of the IBH03 29 Bachelor Profession Pharmacist
Siulak Gedang Health Center". IBH04 29 Senior High School Housewife
IBH05 37 Senior High School Teacher
II. METODE IBH06 29 Bachelor Teacher
IBH07 30 Bachelor Teacher
The type of research used in this research is qualitative IBH08 30 Senior High School Housewife
research. The research approach uses descriptive analysis. 20 Senior High School Housewife
This research was conducted by interviewing pregnant
IBH10 28 Junior High School Housewife
women, MCH polyclinic midwives, and the Head of the
IBH11 24 Bachelor Housewife
Siulak Gedang Community Health Center. So that from these
answers you can then answer existing problems. The place IBH12 26 Bachelor Housewife
where this research was carried out was at the Siulak Gedang IBH13 27 Bachelor Teacher
Kerinci Community Health Center, Jambi Province. The time IBH14 28 Bachelor Teacher
this research was carried out was January-July 2023. The IBH15 35 Bachelor Teacher
informants in this research were pregnant women in the
working area of the Siulak Gedang Health Center, Midwife Based on Table 1 it is known that the informants in this
Clinic and Midwife Practice in 2023. study were pregnant women aged 20-35 years. In addition,
most of the education levels of pregnant women entered the
middle and high levels with 6 junior high schools, 8 graduates
or professions, and 1 lower education level. Most of the jobs
The research was carried out on 3-29 May 2023 at the "to check blood type, for Hb, for ee.. especially ee.. to
Siulak Gedang Community Health Center and Main Clinic. see if we have any complaints or not, everything is filled in the
This research was carried out in 2 places, namely the Siulak book" (IBH11, 24 yrs, Bachelor, Housewife)
Gedang Community Health Center and the Nanti Serak Main
Clinic, Jambi Province. Information for this research was "What's it called, um.. medical history, patient data
obtained from interviews with pregnant women and health um..the stages of child development, then there's um..good
workers (Public health center midwives, practice midwives, food for mothers and children like that" (IBH13, 27 Years,
and heads of health centers). Bachelor, Teacher)
The results of the study showed that most pregnant
Pregnant Women's Knowledge of the Use of MCH Books women were correct in explaining the benefits of the MCH
Based on the research results, it can be seen that the handbook, namely as a tool to help monitor the growth and
informants are mostly pregnant women who already know the development of the baby and the dangers to the mother during
MCH handbook. Respondents answered that the MCH book is pregnancy. Based on interviews, pregnant women mentioned
a book that contains information about pregnancy, womb, and that the MCH handbook could be used as a tool for measuring
child care. After conducting in-depth interviews with pregnant weight and height as well as immunization for children.
women, it was discovered that pregnant women had
insufficient knowledge of the meaning of the MCH handbook. "Monitoring the progress of pregnancy, monitoring the
According to pregnant women, the meaning of the MCH book completeness of maternal and child vaccines, ee... whether the
is a book that discusses mothers during pregnancy. Several child's growth and development is normal or not, such as
informants have answered correctly that the MCH Handbook height, head circumference and weight of the child" (IBH03,
is a book on maternal and child health. 29 years, Bachelor Profession, Pharmacist)
"Know about the development of the fetus in the womb "Can provide information related to the health of
and the child's growth and development after birth" (IBH03, mothers and children, one of which is how to maintain
29 years, Bachelor Profession, Pharmacist) children's growth and development so that it remains good"
(IBH04, 29, Senior High School, Housewife)
Results of interviews with pregnant women regarding
the function of the MCH book. From the interview, the Attitudes of Pregnant Women towards the Use of MCH
pregnant mother explained that the function of the MCH book Books
is as a tool to find out the child's development and as a The majority of respondents did not read and used the
nutritional guide. Apart from that, pregnant women answered MCH book independently. This was revealed by pregnant
that the function of the MCH book was to find out about women that the MCH handbook was only read when it was
pregnancy complaints and about pregnancy. handed over to the midwife to fill it out. This means that
pregnant women are less motivated to diligently read MCH
"The function of this MCH handbook is, uh... we can see books. Of all the informants interviewed, the majority
how... um... the development of the fetus, the development of answered that they had read the MCH book. However, the
the womb is like that" (IBH14, 28 years, Bachelor, Teacher) reading intensity is low. In fact, quite a few have read just one
MCH book.
Pregnant women's knowledge regarding the contents of
the MCH book is generally good. This can be seen from the “no ah, “yes, never, nothing, because there was nothing
answers of pregnant women that the contents in the MCH in my opinion so I didn't read it” (IBH05, 37 yrs, high school,
book are health records either before or after pregnancy. teacher)
Another informant answered that the MCH book could be a
medical history tool for mothers and children. Apart from "I did, but I wasn't very diligent" (IBH07, 30 years old,
children, pregnant women also said that the MCH book Bachelor, teacher)
contained information regarding health during childbirth.
This research also looked at the extent to which pregnant "Usually it's sneezed ee... if you're pregnant, it's checked
women brought MCH books to health services (Integrated ee... what kind of equipment do you use ee... to see if the
Healthcare Centers, Community Health Centers, or Clinic). baby's heartbeat is active inside or not, whether it's healthy or
Data from interviews obtained that all pregnant women not. "If the child is too big in the womb, we are told to eat
carried an MCH book when consulting with a Midwife or less" (IBH07, 30 years, Bachelor, Teacher)
Health Officer.
The role of health workers is good in providing services.
"Yes there is, there is no book, people don't want to Midwives always carry out examinations well and provide
check it" (IBH02, 32 years old, Senior High School, medication according to pregnant women's complaints.
The research results showed that the majority of
Based on the research results, it can be found that pregnant women answered that health workers did not provide
pregnant women respondents do not know clearly about IMR information and explanations regarding the function, benefits,
and AKI. So efforts have not been made to prevent infant contents, and how to fill out the MCH book.
mortality and maternal mortality. However, there are still
many pregnant women who have not implemented AKB and "By providing counseling, carrying out examinations...
AKI because they do not know about this. carrying out curative measures if for example there is
something that needs to be treated" (IBH03, 29 years,
"Um..for mothers, by eating nutritious food, maintaining Bachelor Profession, Pharmacist)
weight ee..even though every girl wants to be skinny all but
pregnant women don't want to be thin, let the body get fat first “Ee..as long as this book is, yes, many of them don't
right (IBH13, 27 yrs, Bachelor, Teacher) understand so they just fill in this if it's an old book ee..yes the
service is good" (IBH12, 26 years, Bachelor, Housewife )
From the interview results, there were pregnant women Based on all the variables above, it can be concluded that
who answered that they had carried out activities to prevent the role of health workers in carrying out examinations is
MMR and IMR, namely by means of nutritious food good. By doing an inspection. However, midwives have not
according to the recommended 4 Healthy 5 Perfect. And socialized or explained the MCH book to pregnant women.
always keep food clean and healthy. Next, do light exercise
regularly, such as gymnastics or walking. Immunization or The MCH book is a notebook used with the aim of
vaccine is also important as a simple step in efforts to prevent improving maintenance or health care for mothers and
or reduce IMR and MMR in Indonesia. MCH books play an children and improving the quality of MCH services.
important role as home-based tools to ensure sustainable Utilization of the MCH handbook is not only for health
maternal and child health. workers but also for pregnant women. The utilization is based
on the results of interviews that there is still a lack of use of
"Yes, it's effective, because in the book you can say that the MCH handbook in daily life.
it's complete, right? Information about maternal and child
health... so it can be used for guidelines on maternal and child Utilization of the MCH handbook The indicator of
health. There is also a check column for each pregnant observation is ownership of the MCH handbook. Based on the
woman taking blood-boosting vitamins. do you know if you results of interviews with pregnant women, all informants
drink or not" (PB03, 36 years old, D3) already had MCH books. Ownership of the book from the
pregnancy of the first child was given by the Siluak Gedang
The Health Workers in Utilizing the MCH Handbook Health Center. This is supported by the statement of Sistiarani
Based on the results of interviews conducted with et al 2014 that the use of maternal and child health books can
pregnant women, health checks were carried out during visits be observed from the ownership of the MCH book. This
to the Community Health Center or Integrated Healthcare means that it is mandatory for every pregnant woman to have
Center. During pregnancy, there are several examinations a MCH book [8].
carried out by health workers on pregnant women. These
activities include ultrasound examination, measuring LILA, Utilization of the MCH handbook is said to be effective
checking heart rate, measuring blood pressure and weighing if the mother has read, understood and applied the contents of
pregnant women. Apart from that, pregnant women also the MCH handbook. The availability of MCH books at
measure the uterine fundus. Community Health Centers is sufficient and facilitates
pregnant women in obtaining health facilities. Based on the
results of interviews, pregnant women still do not bring MCH