Sunday, May 10, 2020

Trump's Biggest Failure (China)

The State Department would have prevented Trump from falling into this trap, but he eviscerated the State Dept., as he does whenever people tell him what he doesn't want to hear.  He, himself, is ignorant and unaware that he is,  he believes that everyone else is as ignorant as himself.  This fantasy is propped up by people working their own designs, who find Trump to be the ideal front man for their plans.  Ignorant and self interested, he's the ideal dupe for crooks of all stripes.  Simply praise him for some stupidity you want him to engage and poof, the task is done, he selling drugs that don't work and/or telling people to drink bleach and disinfectants.  Mitch McConnell knows Trump is a nation destroying fool, but since Mitch gets to put his selection of judges on the bench, he cannot allow Trump to be removed from office.  Nor can Putin stomach losing Trump in the next election because of how useful he's been.  Oh well, since the fools who vote for Trump and his Republican cohorts won't wake up, even as they sink into the morass he's created,  another method of survival must be found, eh? Watch the video and weep!

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