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WHEREAS, a watershed is the area of land that contributes runoff to a lake, river,
stream, wetland, estuary, or bay. A watershed management plan defines and
addresses existing or future water quality problems from both point sources and
nonpoint sources of pollutants. Experience over the past decade has shown that
effective watershed management includes active participation from stakeholders,
analysis and quantification of the specific causes and sources of water quality
problems, identification of measurable water quality goals, and implementation of
specific actions needed to solve those problems, and

WHEREAS, Nine Element Plans are consistent with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation
framework for developing watershed plans, and funding is available from the N.Y.S.
Department of State for 75% of the plan’s cost, and

WHEREAS, a Summary of the nine minimum elements to be included in watershed

plans is as follows:
A. Identify and quantify sources of pollution in watershed
B. Identify water quality target or goal and pollutant reductions needed to
achieve goal
C. Identify the best management practices (BMPs) that will help to achieve
reductions needed to meet water quality goal/target
D. Describe the financial and technical assistance needed to implement BMPs
identified in Element C
E. Describe the outreach to stakeholders and how their input was incorporated
and the role of stakeholders to implement the plan
F. Estimate a schedule to implement BMPs identified in plan
G. Describe the milestones and estimated time frames for the implementation of
H. Identify the criteria that will be used to assess water quality improvement as
the plan is implemented
I. Describe the monitoring plan that will collect water quality data need to
measure water quality improvement (criteria identified in Element H)

WHEREAS, such plans use adaptive management, have strong implementation

sections, are effective plans for restoration or protection, and projects identified in
such plans are eligible for federal and state funding, and

WHEREAS, consistent countywide efforts to protect the watersheds of the lakes are
preferable to town-by-town measures which may be inconsistent and ineffective due
to the geography of the county and the watersheds,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ovid Town Board supports the
development of a Nine Element Plan for the Seneca Lake Watershed and Cayuga
Lake Watershed, and calls on Seneca County Government to work with
representatives of the Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association, the Finger Lakes
Institute, the Cayuga Lake Association, the Cayuga Watershed Improvement
Cooperative and other interested stakeholders in preparing an application for
funding for a Nine Element Plan, and ultimately in preparing and implementing
the plan.

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