Breaking News No More: Latest Windows 10 Update Breaks Things (Yet Again)

Rafia Shaikh
taskbar windows 10 1809 fix windows 10 update Windows 10 20h2
To update or not to update...

Released just last week, there are already several complaints around this month's Patch Tuesday Windows 10 update. As always, the issues aren't widespread as only a handful of users have reported the same problems, however, those who have encountered these issues obviously aren't happy seeing a cumulative update bringing bugs.

The issues come through Windows 10 KB4556799 released for Windows 10 versions 1903 and 1909. From Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) to fonts being replaced to Outlook and audio issues, different users have reported different hiccups after installing the latest Windows 10 update.

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One user reported:

Last night, the last thing my computer did before shutting down was installing KB4556799 and KB4552931. This morning, it BSOD'd twice in 10 minutes. Each time, I was in a browser (Firefox for the 1st BSOD and Chrome for the 2nd one.) I could not see what the error message was as the BSOD screen with the frowning face flashed too quickly.

I immediately uninstalled both updates and the problem disappeared. Anyone experiencing this?

Another wrote (emphasis is ours) about the update messing up with system fonts:

Today I received a Windows 10 update in my Dell laptop so I continued with the update and installed the update and had o restart the Windows once the update was completed and it prompted me to restart with "Restart Now" button on the update page so I restarted the Windows.

But after the Windows restarted, I was shocked to see that the update has changed my system's default font to some weird font that is very difficult to read as well as the font size is quite big too. Now I am not able to read or do anything on my laptop due to this font as I cant read whats there on the screen. I am horribly shocked that Microsoft has provided such a horrible update. This has happened earlier a month ago as well ( I don't remember the update identifier number from last time but this time it is KB4556799) and I have had to uninstall the latest update to get back to better, readable and usable Windows system and this time again I am having to do the same by uninstalling the latest update.

I tried everything to change the system default font by going into font settings in Control Panel but the option there doesn't do any action and its become quite useless option.

As both these users have mentioned, uninstalling the latest Windows 10 update addresses the problems. Microsoft hasn't added any of these problems in the list of known issues yet. However, if you are experiencing any problems, it might help to give feedback (start > search for feedback to open Feedback Hub) to help the company address the issue.

In the meantime, you can uninstall this latest Windows 10 update by following these few steps:

  1. Start menu > Settings app.
  2. Once in the Settings app, click on Update & Security.
  3. Click on Windows Update and go to View update history.
  4. Next, click on Uninstall updates, choose the problematic update (KB4556799) that you want to uninstall and click the Uninstall button.
  5. Confirm the process by clicking Yes on the next popup.
  6. Restart your device to go back to the earlier build.

Microsoft is currently fixated on delivering the next version of the operating system, the May 2020 Update. Baked for the longest time internally, it is hoping the upcoming version would move away from the now-routine stories of Windows 10 update bugs, especially since Windows is now under a new leadership.

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