Student Registration for 2020-2021
**Fill in all applicable information
***Complete even if you are moving out of the district
Current Homeroom Teacher *
Current Grade Level - 2019/2020
Student ID #
Student Legal Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Middle Name *
Student's Physical Street Address *
City *
Home Phone Number *
Father's Name *
Father's Cell Phone Number *
Mother's Name *
Mother's Cell Phone Number *
Child Lives with *
If you chose "other", please list the name and relationship to the child.
Transportation Information After School *
If student rode the bus home, what was the drop off address? (Street address and City)
If student walked after school, where did they walk to?
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แบบฟอร์มนี้ถูกสร้างขึ้นภายใน Needville Independent school district รายงานการละเมิด