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Xenu and the Space Aliens: The lies and deception behind Scientology space opera

by Robert Minton

If you are interested in learning about the lies and deception that surround Scientology's cover reads xenu and the space aliens, the lies and decepiton behind the scientology space opera beliefs, this pamphlet is for you. If you are one of the few people who are considering Scientology, this will give you a brief view of their cosmology and help you decide if this is a group you wish to be associated with. And, if you are already a Scientologist planning on moving up the ''bridge to total freedom,'' this document will give you a heads-up on what to expect.

L Ron Hubbard was a mediocre writer of science fiction and westerns who decided that real money could be made in religion. Scientologists might say that the story that follows came about by something like divine revelation but others would contend that it came about from the over-active imagination of a poor and struggling science fiction writer. Whatever you believe about the stories origin, it is the core belief in the group known as Scientology. This story is only revealed to Scientologist after they have paid a lot of money over several years and reached a ''higher level of awareness.'' If the people in Scientology at the lower levels knew about this story, maybe they would question why they are staying on the Scientology treadmill.

The story goes like this: 75 million years ago, there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu who was in charge of 76 planets in our sector of the galaxy, including planet Earth, whose name at that time was Teegeeack

All of the planets Xenu controlled were over-populated by, on average, 178 billion people. Social problems dictated that Xenu rid his sector of the galaxy of this overpopulation problem, so he developed a plan.

Xenu sent out Tax Audit demands to all these billions of people. As each one entered the audit centers for the income tax inspections, the people were seized, held down and injected with a mixture of alcohol and glycol, and frozen. Then, all 13.5 trillion of these frozen people were put into spaceships that looked exactly like DC8 airplanes, except that the spaceships had rocket engines instead of propellers.

Xenu's entire fleet of DC8-like spaceships then flew to planet Earth, where the frozen people were dumped in and around volcanoes in the Canary Islands and the Hawaiian Islands. When Xenu's Air Force had finished dumping the bodies into the volcanoes, hydrogen bombs were dropped into the volcanoes and the frozen space aliens were destroyed.

However,Xenu's plan involved setting up electronic traps in Teegeeack's atmosphere which were designed to trap the souls or spirits of the dead space aliens. When the 13.5 trillion spirits were being blown around on the nuclear winds, the electronic traps worked like a charm and captured all the souls in the electronic, sticky fly-paper like traps.

The spirits of the aliens were then taken to huge multiplex cinemas that Xenu had previously instructed his forces to build on Teegeeack. In these movie theaters the spirits had to spend many days watching special 3-D movies, the purpose of which was twofold:

1) to implant into these spirits a false reality, i.e. the reality that WOGS (Hubbard's derisory term for anyone not a Scientologist) know on Earth today; and,

2) to control these spirits for all eternity so that they could never cause trouble for Xenu in this sector of the Galaxy. During these films, many false pictures were implanted into these spirits, which resulted in the spirits believing in all the things that control mankind on Earth today, including religion. The concept of religion, including God, Christ, Mohammed, Moses etc., were all an implanted false reality that to this very minute is used to control WOGS on Earth. When the films ended and the souls left the cinema, they started to stick together in clusters of a few thousand and remained that way until mankind began to inhabit the Earth. Today on Earth all the spirits of these aliens have attached themselves to our bodies and are the root cause of the false reality that all but Scientology's "Homo Novis" or OT 8's on earth experience. It is the job of all Scientologists to remove this false reality from the world by auditing each and every space alien spirit and human on earth to CLEAR not only this planet but the universe. For those who oppose Scientology and stand in their way like the Lisa McPherson Trust and all Scientology critics, Scientology promises to do away with them "quietly and without sorrow".

We have calculated that on average, each person on planet earth has 2,209 of these Body Thetans (BT's for short), Hubbard's term for the alien spirits, attached to you causing you and all mankind to be constrained by Xenu's false reality. The average cost for Scientology to OT 8 is a mere USD 360,000, meaning that each BT only costs USD 163 to clear. Now that is a bargain if there ever was one.

Hubbard never said the overall cost to the planet would be cheap, but let's examine it. The planetary cost equation is as follows: 13.5 trillion spirits times USD 163 equals a mere USD 2,205,000,000,000,000. Just think about it -- USD 2.2 quadrillion -- WOW!, that's enough to keep Rear Admiral Miscavige, the current head of Scientology and Marty, his number two, in casino chips for a long time. To finish the story, the Loyal Officers of the Marcab Confederation finally discovered how evil Xenu was and overthrew him. He is now locked away in a mountain on one of the planets and kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery. Several of Xenu's relatives can often be found on the internet newsgroup called alt.religion.scientology or ARS for short battling Scientology daily. Many Scientologists who have left from the highest levels of Scientology have told us that they have sat in a room at Scientology's Sandcastle building in Clearwater, Florida for 5-7 hours per day for up to 10 years, holding two asparagus cans together, attached to a primitive lie detector, talking all day to these dead space aliens. And guess what? You'll never ever finish talking to dead space aliens until you leave Scientology.

We are repeating this story to in the interest of full disclosure. If you become involved with Scientology we want you to do so with your eyes open and fully aware of the sort of material it contains. And, if you're in Scientology you should know how you will be spending the rest of your life.

If you need to know more about Scientology, start at the following web sites: and .

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We do not object to anyone, Scientologists included, believing in alien cosmologies and practicing their truly held beliefs. In fact, the core beliefs of Scientology discussed above are a very colorful addition to the richness of the Tapestry of beliefs held by mankind in the "spiritual" realm.

We do have at least two problems, however, with Scientology's deception about its alien space opera--

First, Scientology lies when it says that it is compatible with all other religious beliefs. It cannot be and is not compatible with ANY religious belief since it clearly teaches that all religion is an implanted false reality. In fact, any other religious belief by a Scientologist is not even tolerated. Talk about your faith in Christ or about prayer in an auditing session and off to the Ethics Officer you will go for some PTS ("Potential Trouble Source") handling because you are indulging in "other practices". OT3, the level when a Scientologist learns about the alien cosmology and that religion is an implanted false reality, obviously ends any possibility of further illusion that Scientology can be compatible with ANY religious belief Second, Scientology keeps its alien cosmology a secret for financial reasons. A Scientologist is required to go through a gradual progression of expensive steps before they are allowed to learn about the alien cosmology. They are told if they learn about it prematurely, it will create a life threatening situation -- it will give them pneumonia and they might die. We know of no reports of anyone ever getting pneumonia, much less dying from exposure to Xenu and the alien story. Hiding the truth about these alien beliefs serves several functions, including, a) recruitment -- who would join if they were told about the alien beliefs up front; b) money -- holding back the information buys time to collect more money from a recruit before the colorful information is revealed; c) control -- holding back the information allows Scientology to use the "tech" to indoctrinate and induce a person not to bolt when they do hear the alien story. This entire cover-up of this alien cosmology in Scientology is all about deception, lies and money. The Lisa McPherson Trust's mission is to expose the abusive and deceptive practices of Scientology and help those who have been victimized by it. Clearly, the deception and lies surrounding the alien cosmology is something we must stand up against. Let me make this clear: it is not the alien cosmology itself that we object to; it is the deception and lies surrounding it.

We are all well aware that Hubbard wrote all the policies used by Scientology management today which are at the heart of the entire war that Scientology has declared on its critics. Hubbard wrote the Manual of Dissemination, for example, in which he instructed his followers that the purpose of a lawsuit is to harass, not to win. He also wrote the Manual of Justice, in which he says that a reporter who dares to write anything critical about Scientology should be harassed and intimidated until he shudders into silence. He also wrote Attacks on Scientology, Additional Policy Letter, in which he details how to destroy the reputation of anyone who is critical of Scientology. There are many, many others, including the most vile of Hubbard's policies, the "Fair Game" policy which has been in continuous use by Scientology since it was written in 1967. Current management is revising these Hubbard policies for the reprints of the OEC and Tech volumes for legal and PR reasons, because Miscavige and his lawyers don't want the public to know how rabidly insane and vindictive Hubbard really was. But these are Hubbard policies, without any doubt. Current management continues to apply the original versions of these directives, but do not delude yourself that it was anyone but L. Ron Hubbard who wrote them. We have spent many hours with former Scientologists all over the world and have never hid our feelings about Hubbard. To politely summarize those feelings, we think Hubbard was a sinister con man and believe that view is shared by the vast majority of people who know anything about him. The point here is that while Miscavige may be seen as a monster, he is merely a proxy for carrying out the evil policies of L. Ron Hubbard. Miscavige is definitely not "misapplying" the evil parts of Hubbard's tech -- we believe he is using them just as Hubbard intended.

Further, we believe the creed of Scientology has many noble elements to it but think the creed is a fraud because Scientology and most Scientologists do not act in accordance with their creed. The creed is pure PR and Scientology and most Scientologists are hypocrites. A simple example of this hypocrisy is that their creed says that all men have an inalienable right to free speech yet in practice that right is only supported by the church when the speech is laudatory of Scientology. Otherwise you are publicly labeled a bigot and hatemonger and the fair game policies are applied against you.

One of the most difficult aspects of recovering from Scientology seems to be former members coming to terms with their irresponsibility while they were in Scientology. Over and over we have had ex-Scientologists say to us, "I didn't know about all these bad things going on in the church," only to come back later and admit that they just didn't want to see it. Former Scientologists regret that they had bought into the church's lies so thoroughly that they couldn't see what was going on all around them. Many ex-Scientologists have told us that it was simply a lot easier not to have to take responsibility for these things. But everyone in the church is responsible for what the church is doing.

Remember that Scientology breeds irresponsibility and that Scientologists become addicted to that irresponsibility. What else could happen when throughout your experience in Scientology a) "Engrams" and your reactive mind are the root cause of your problems, b) then it's space aliens (BT's), c) then it's drugged BT's, then sleeping BT's, then unconscious BT's and d) you find that the entirety of the physical universe is a false reality that can be done away with by auditing all the BT's so that you are able to step out of the physical universe and be above matter, energy, space and time. Read Stacy Brooks' auditing post to ARS and her post on how Scientology views the family .

Then, read the outstanding Cartesian Award winning essay by Erik Snead to get an insight into how this addiction to irresponsibility happens.

The above being said, we will defend the right of anyone to practice any truly held belief they choose. As some have chosen Scientology "outside the church" we believe they should begin by publicly renouncing the evil and destructive policies of Hubbard and renounce the church's use of those policies. You see, as long as those policies remain in place, we don't have a lot of confidence that another brand of Scientology would not just become another "Church" of Scientology, if given the opportunity.