Divine Guidance: How the Universe is showing you the way

Today I was walking in the forest which I do almost every day during the summer. There was something in particular I wanted clarity about. When I’m not quite sure what to do in a situation and the message doesn’t come right away via my intuition I like to ask the Universe for a sign. I needed Divine guidance.

We’re always being guided by our intuition, by the Universe and by the angels, but not everyone knows how to listen for the messages or to trust them. I’ve learned that the only times my life isn’t working is when I’m refusing to listen to the subtle messages from my intuition. It always backfires. I’m sure you’ve felt the same way and afterwards say: “I knew better. I knew this would happen yet I didn’t listen.”

Sometimes our minds get too cluttered for us to hear messages and we miss them altogether. If there are too many thoughts and noise in our minds, we can miss very important messages and opportunities. This is why silencing the mind is so important in order to receive guidance and why I meditate daily to quiet my mind. I believe our intuition and inner guidance will always lead us to our highest good, even if the path that it’s asking us to take doesn’t always make sense. The Important part is to listen and trust.

Guidance can show up in many ways. Sometimes it comes via repetitive messages from the outside to get your attention. For example, recently, I had been asking for a specific answer to a question related to a situation and a person, and I wasn’t sure the particular route to go.

For a while a certain message kept showing up for me related to a certain goal that I wasn’t sure exactly how to best approach. I was getting so many external messages about this particular thing I couldn’t ignore it.  This was showing up way too often for this to be random and it was clear the Universe was trying to tell me something. (And did you know there are no coincidences?)

Today, I needed further clarity regarding a question and situation. I went on my daily walk and after I still didn’t have a clear answer about half way through my walk, I asked the Universe for a sign. I said it needed to be a clear sign I couldn’t misunderstand.  

Actually, a sign had already showed up before I asked, but I hadn’t been paying close enough attention, I think I was just too much in my head, and I missed what the Universe was trying to tell me.

The sign that had already showed up came in the way of an animal. Animals bring symbolism into our life and the animals that show up in our presence are not random. If you are curious about this, think of an animal you’ve been seeing a lot lately and try to google that animal and “animal symbolism”. See what comes up. What is the message for you?

So, the first message I got was via a baby deer that literally stumbled upon me on the trail today. It’s the first time I’ve seen a baby deer alone without the mom close by. It was abandoned. It was clearly scared and I sat down to be less threatening as it stood there frozen, scared and confused, not knowing what to do. We just stared at each other for probably a few minutes, before it had the courage to slowly walk away.

Afterwards, reflecting on the message I got from the deer I realized it had to do with my inner child. The deer was a reflection of my own inner child’s fear. The deer has to do with the heart chakra, and there was another layer for me to heal. Probably why I had a hard time getting clarity about my question. A part of me was afraid of the answer as there was unresolved pain underneath. The pain had to do with feeling abandoned as a child, just like this deer was abandoned by its mother.

However, I only got this insight from the deer afterwards. When it happened, I completely missed it. So, since I completely missed this message I asked the Universe for a sign, not realizing I already got it!

I forgot that I had asked, which is actually important in order to receive the message. If you’re too focused on getting the message and obsessing over it, you’re too much in your head and you will be blocking the divine guidance from coming through, like I had done earlier.  

Then, just a few minutes later, I heard these light, beautiful ringing bells. I was wondering where they came from, as I was deep in the forest and the music made no sense in terms of where it could come from. We’re not talking about cowbells, more like angel music. Obviously, I wasn’t too connected as I didn’t realize the bells were a message from the divine and the sign I had been asking for!

So I go home and a few hours later I jump on Pinterest. I come across a post that says: “Signs from your angels”, followed by a list of ways the angels communicate with us. Of course, one of the things on the list was literally “bells ringing”. Wow! How could I have missed such a beautiful sign?!

But the good thing is, the angels are always with you and will keep sending you messages until you understand the message. If you don’t get the message the first time, there will be more opportunities and the messages are likely to get stronger and stronger.  

If you want to read more about how the Universe communicates with you, you might also want to check out this article: God is speaking: Are you listening?

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I think people often don’t get the messages right away for the same reason I didn’t get it today. It was safer for my subconscious mind to block out the messages than to dive into the underlying fear of doing what was involved with the message. If I got this message and had to act on it, it would trigger me facing a very deep wound and fear.  The unresolved pain and fear was blocking the message from coming to my awareness and instead I just felt confused and uncertain what to do. It was safer to block it out, even if the message was beautiful and the answer to my prayer.

Messages can also show up in music, or random things you come across or see. It may show up in a social media feed, as a sign on the street, numbers or really in any other way.  Lately, every time I go in my car, as the bluetooth hooks up to my phone, my phone starts to play random messages for me. There will be music coming on that I don’t even know where it’s coming from and had no idea was even on my phone, just to give me the exact answers I’ve been looking for. And the name of the song shows up on the dashboard screen, almost like a bulleted list of what I need to understand.

Recently, I had a rather pressing situation that I knew I needed to resolve at the core. As I got into my car, knowing how my phone has behaved lately, I asked the Universe for a sign. The first message came via  a song: Rock Steady by No Noubt. OK, so I was supposed to be rock steady and not doubt the situation. I got that. Then it went to an inner child meditation! Followed by a meditation for forgiveness. I’ve probably had these on my phone for years and didn’t even realize they were there. The phone would literally skip to the next message as soon as I got the message, only playing for a few seconds on each track.

Be rock steady. Don’t doubt.

Heal your inner child.


Pretty good recipe for manifesting pretty much anything, if you ask me. The Universe is pretty freaking amazing! If you knew the real details about this situation you would be blown away by this answer. It couldn’t have been more perfect and divine.

How often do you miss opportunities like this because you’re not tuned in to the messages you receive? These messages can show up from the outside, like they did in the examples above, or as a voice in your head, visions, knowings or feelings. I know today that the voice in my head was too confusing, clouded by fear, and so the Universe decided to give me external messages so that I could understand it from a different angle. I usually get clear when I listen to my intuition, but not today, again for the reasons explained above.

I see this happen with business owners all the time. They miss important opportunities and guidance because they fail to see that they are opportunities. Their subconscious mind blocks the opportunity from being seen.

Like Napoleon Hill said, “opportunity often comes disguised as misfortune or temporary defeat.”

Like my opportunity today was clouded by a wounded child and fear of being hurt, you too may be blocking the very opportunities that would literally fulfill your deepest desire because you’re too afraid or too busy in your mind to hear the guidance.

Remember; when you ask, you will always get an answer. Whether you hear it, is a completely different thing. If you’re confused about something, it’s likely because you’re afraid of what you need to do when you hear the answer.

Ask and you shall receive, but you need to be able to recognize the opportunity and “walk through the door” before your manifestation will appear and your dream can be answered. If fear is blocking you in either step, you’re likely to stay right where you are.

These are ways you may be blocking the opportunities that show up:

  • You tell yourself now is not the time.
  • You explain away the message as being random and having no meaning
  • You get triggered and run in the other direction
  • You tell yourself you don’t have the money/time or resources to follow through on the opportunity
  • You’re not willing to do what the opportunity requires of you.
  • You don’t believe you’re worthy or good enough so you continue to dismiss the opportunity
  • You don’t dare to face your fears, and find it easier to stay right where you are, not realizing it’s keeping you stuck
  • You keep saying you’re confused and that you need to know more before you can make a decision when in truth you don’t, you just need to face the part of you that is scared or insecure.
  • The opportunity seems too good to be true: You tell yourself it must be a scam or that it can’t be real!

And as I’m writing this, the music I’m listening to says: “I want to see beyond these illusions to what is real…” – Obviously, that message was for you 🙂

I think that’s a good note to leave you on. <3

How are you receiving Divine messages? Please share below.

P.S. – If you feel like you could use some help stepping into the life and business you really want, I invite you to click this link to ask for a complimentary session with me. We will get clarity on what’s standing in your way and how to step into the reality you want.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.