Ron Peters's Reviews > Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America's Mayor

Giuliani by Andrew Kirtzman
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bookshelves: biography, politics

Rudy Giuliani’s life has the arc of a Hollywood melodrama. A poor kid from Brooklyn, the son of a house burglar, he went to law school and rose to Attorney for the Southern District of New York and U.S. Attorney General. He became the New York mayor in 1994 and his fame peaked with his high-profile role in leading the public through the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

He accomplished great things such successfully prosecuting mob bosses, a crooked Congressman, crooked cops, and Wall Street criminals such as Michael Milliken and Ivan Boesky. He decreased crime in New York, especially homicides. He achieved global fame for his role in providing the leadership to get New York and the nation through the aftermath of 9/11. Every conceivable door was open to him after 9/11 but his only reaction to the public’s adoration was ‘How can I cash in on this?’

He tried and failed to gain the Republican Presidential nomination for the 2008 campaign, which ended a lifelong dream and threw him into fits of depression and heavy drinking. He floundered around (e.g., late night infomercials) then tied his wagon to the Trump presidency, becoming a “leading figure in the Trump psychodrama.” Enmeshing himself in innumerable scandals and making each of them worse, he screamed and ranted in the media, until interviewers openly asked him on-air ‘What has happened to you?’

He is aggressive to an ugly degree, hugely self-righteous, a grand stander, a drunk, a racist, a man with no moral compass who always claims the moral high ground, a womanizer, an attention-whore, and now a walking joke. (See Giuliani on Borat 2: Behind his every accomplishment are many carefully buried complaints about lies and shady, dangerous, incompetent acts. He is desperate for constant adoration, and lives for power and the public spotlight. But, not content with constant approbation, he greedily does everything he can to cash in his fame in the most money-grubbing, immoral, and off-putting ways possible: “in the end he was a captive of his insatiable self-interest.”

Giuliani is still loved by many far right wing Americans. Like Senator Huey Long, or Senator Joe McCarthy, or his pal Donald Trump, his life is a classic illustration of who rises to the top in American populist politics.

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Reading Progress

September 29, 2023 – Started Reading
September 29, 2023 – Shelved
September 30, 2023 –
page 142
October 1, 2023 –
page 330
October 2, 2023 –
page 458
October 2, 2023 – Finished Reading

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