Ron Peters's Reviews > Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany's Wealthiest Dynasties

Nazi Billionaires by David de Jong
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bookshelves: corporateering, history, war

“The tycoons clearly had no qualms about funding the demise of their democracy.” Without discussing these issues directly, de Jong’s book makes an airtight case for eliminating the self-regulation of corporations and dark money contributions to elections.

He describes the massively rich dynasties created when a small group of businessmen threw their wealth behind the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party during World War II. These companies continue to grow in wealth and power and include a “Who's Who” of German corporations, e.g., Daimler-Benz, Allianz, Porsche, Volkswagen, BMW, and Dr. Oetker.

Though the book does not focus on them as much, these events would have been impossible without the active and enthusiastic participation of German banks. De Jong notes, “Nazi Germany’s endless drive to expand arms companies, establish concentration camps and death camps, and extend conglomerates at home and in occupied territories was bringing in millions for the banks.” This included Commerz bank, Desdnerbank (which also funded GazProm for Putin in 1998 and is now owned by Deutschbank), and Deutschbank.

He also describes how nearly all these patriarchs walked free after Nazi Germany fell because of the American desire for an economically strong Germany during the Cold War and Germany’s need to fund economic reconstruction. He also describes how, today, many of the dynasty's heirs do little to acknowledge the crimes of their forebears, forging corporate histories that keep these matters opaque. Finally, he describes the charitable foundations, media prizes, and corporate headquarters still named for their Nazi collaborator patriarchs.

See also Glenn C. Altschuler, Nazi billionaire dynasties built on Jewish blood explored in new book, The Jerusalem Post, March 24, 2022.
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