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Portland Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum reacts after making a three-point basket against the Golden State Warriors during the first half of Game 3 of an NBA basketball first-round playoff series Saturday, April 22, 2017, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer)
Portland Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum reacts after making a three-point basket against the Golden State Warriors during the first half of Game 3 of an NBA basketball first-round playoff series Saturday, April 22, 2017, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer)

Portland Trailblazers guard CJ McCollum has had a lot to say about the Warriors this summer.

On Wednesday, a video surfaced of McCollum talking to CCTV in China about the Warriors’ recent moves in free agency. In the clip, said the notion of joining the Warriors, “disgusting” and pushed back when the commentator floated the idea that free agents will flock to the Bay Area.

“I think some players will take that route,” McCollum said. “But most guys have too much pride, want to really win on their own or in their certain organizations, and aren’t going to just jump the bandwagon.”

McCollum doubled down on his disdain when asked if he’d ever join the Warriors.

“I’m not built like those guys,” McCollum said. “I was raised differently.”

McCollum’s comments are just his latest tiff with the defending champs. Last month, the Blazers guard got into a back and forth on Twitter with Kevin Durant. After Durant appeared on McCollum’s podcast, the Blazers’ guard responded to a tweet asking if Durant should be called out of his name.

McCollum responded, tweeting: “I still think the b word is harsh and shouldn’t be used. . He know that decision was soft but I respect it. It’s like getting jumped with ur brothers by a gang you should’ve beat then joining the gang that jumped u and ur brothers 2 months later & forgetting about your bros.”

Durant didn’t take too kindly to the tweet, saying, “So,I would get into a gang fight, lose, plot on my brother for 2 months in our home and then go get the gang we lost to and beat him up? U think that low of me CJ?”

Considering the brewing hostility between McCollum and the Warriors, its safe to assume the Blazers’ first visit to Oracle Arena Nov. 23 will be must-see television.