Secret OW2 image?

its from 4chan so…who knows…but here you go anyway

hero gallery screen…not much new there…though i guess doom isnt on there…and sym is still in the dps section for anyone thats been curious…also another picture further down with QP either gone or just renamed “unranked”…but again…4chan

Kinda weird which icons are updated and which aren’t.

Hard to tell without a full picture, but feels like the design is going to end up awfully cramped looking once rosters fill out. Then again…probably just another sign they have no intention of ever properly fleshing Tank/Support out.

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really weird looking UI compared to current. dont think i would get use to that. maybe not for a long while heh

made an image link. here it is…


Link on the images:

As Graphic Designer, I can get some opinions.

The first image is the most suspicious of it being a fake:

  • The characters, to be playable in game, simply have a photograph of their outfit in game, and it is applied to the Gallery. It makes no sense that there is a strong discrepancy between the use of concept designs (e.g. Junkrat, Tracer, Sojourn …) and photos of the in-game skins.
  • Even less sense is to see heroes who still have their OW1 outfit … as a concpt design, as we can see for Junkrat. The same is true of the useless display of Bastion, Torb, Cassidy, Reaper etc … in their versions of OW1 when we have already defined their definitive OW2 outfir for some time.
  • A silly thing that supports the theory that it is a fake image: the image used for Sojourn is that of the short film Recall (a video from 2015). But we already have the definitive concept design of the new hero: No sense to use a very old image for the gallery. Look also this image from Blizzconline gameplay: isn’t the same sojourn draw of this “”“leak”“”
  • What mistake do I find the silliest? Baptiste. the colors match his new design but … the lens has clearly been mirrored, it should be on the other eye. the model confirms it:
  • The image of the new soldier is nothing that you can’t find from the Blizzconline gameplay.
  • Oh, and a general consideration: what better way to show Sigma and Orisa’s reworks with their new designs and concept art? What’s the point of keeping them both as OW1? And you know hce the design of Zarya ver. Has OW2 already been defined by New Blood 5?

Here we can already conclude that it would be a 100% fake since we are talking about 4chan … but let’s give the benefit of the doubt.

The second image is difficult to interpret, because cunningly photographing without taking screenshots masks well the photomontage of the writings on a screen. I can only say that that asymmetry about “Unavaiable for Alpha” in Experimental isn’t exactly … professional. it should be noted that it is not difficult to find the same font of the texts online with an accurate search.

The third image - doesn’t really tell us anything new. We know that image all too well and photography only offsets the colors, not the poses:

The last image convinces me that it is a fake and who post is a TROLL:

  • There is a good symmetry of the central cells (dps) but for those of the tanks and supports do you create an annoying alignment in its rigidity? This is a big mistake for anyone who is into basic digital graphics.
  • “Casually” for baptiste he goes back to using his 1.0 concept design. and Sojourn have her photo from Archives Storm Rising. GG
  • From the size of the cells, you can see that Lucio is selected. By contrasting his skins, that bust on the background corresponds to the Andes skin (winter wonderland epic skin). Now I invite you to reflect: it makes sense that the Overwatch team has saved a lot in the graphic accuracy of the selection menu between the various heroes but it would be allowing to have the EVENT skins unlocked through the connection of the existing game account in live , considering that it is certainly more complex to manage than the simple UI? It would not make sense to put this priority in a demonstration test, especially setting aside the graphics sector in such an extreme way.

Interpret these images as you like but … I have too many assumptions that make me think they are fake :grimacing: . I’m relying on the logic of the images used. I highly doubt they have recycled so much to make a fool of the graphics setting with so many regressions to the menus already existing in OW1.

final judgment in my opinion: they are fake. (EDIT: some post later, maybe it isn’t)

I hope it was useful for those who may not have noticed these details. :hugs:


Thank you for the insight ^^

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The accidental leak from OWL’s official Facebook account could honestly disprove most of the claims you say about the first, second, and fourth pic:

The inconsistent art could be just them focusing on the most important parts of the game first and then worrying about the art/UI later.

Not entirely sure what you mean by this. You can clearly see it’s just the graphics set to low. You don’t even need to look hard to see that they’re different images. Look at Rein’s beard, top left of his head (the two chunks of hair sticking out), the fire coming out of his hammer, the gloss on the lion symbol on his chest, the gloss on Mei’s eyes, etc. I could go on and on pointing out differences that can easily prove it’s just the game set to low.


right observation. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: if before I had a 0% truthfulness, now I would say … 20%.

because there continues to be a stylistic inconsistency in the backgrounds of the screen leaked from OW’s facebook and the last leak. there could be a retrieval of images of Sojourn and soldier from the official one but why regress Junkrat’s profile in concept art and not leave it unchanged as for Ana?? Same for Widow, Pharah, Reaper, Cassidy and other OW2 outfit already defined before Soldier. or give a wrong version of Baptiste’s concept design (the lens put in the wrong eye)? You have rightly linked to the correct source, but this doubt remains.

on the quality of Rein it is not said that I took the exact image, and the quality can be manipulated with photomontage. we cannot be sure of the actual quality of the photo as it is a screen and not a screenshot. the real doubt about the veracity of the screen is the beard, as you rightly noticed.

I continue to reserve doubts about the presence of Lucio Alpine. unless I’m confusing it with another epic or common skin. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I found another “”“leaks”""
if the author is the same (probable) this feeds more the visibility of the images (and in that case I easily recognize that I was wrong :grin: ) but 4 chan is full of strange leakers. we remain cautious.

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hey bud, would u mind embedding the image, i can’t view this page

But I’m not sure if they are new or Blizzconline images.

these aren’t blizzcon images, we never saw sojourn in the practice range in any blizzcon footage

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I hate lucio’s redesign so god damn much.

And yet, there have been some leaks on 4chan that have proven useful/accurate, as far as I’m concerned, I’d choose to believe they’re real just because I’d like to keep huffing that hopium and feed off juicy leaks that are already infinitely more content/updates/announcements about ANYTHING we’ve ever gotten from the Overwatch team in YEARS.

Fake or real, this doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. I don’t see why someone would go through the effort to fake something so uninteresting.


These don’t look like anything that someone would go through the effort to fake,it’s nothing we don’t know.

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Altho it looks off, and i even say junk pickture to me looks weird, if i remember correctly, before OW2 was announced, there were bad quality leaks of new tracer look and OW2 logo.
It might just be rought non finished version and they just put stock images in

Why is everything so boxy it really looks ugly like what

This doesn’t include new hero icons for heroes like Reaper, Pharah and Sombra, who we have already seen have new looks in OW2. It would be weird if the alpha and beta build later don’t already have the new hero icons.

This makes me think this is fake because the person that made it wouldn’t have access to the new hero icons if they are in the alpha build of the game.

Overwatch, where even our trolls don’t provide new content!

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People need to learn how to make screenshots.

It looks terrible so it must be legit.