수정 권한 요청
Parent Association Survey
We appreciate your feedback!  Thank you. -Elizabeth Overland and Chris Sourov, Parent Association Co-Chairs
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Parent Association Mission
The stated mission of the Parent Association is “to facilitate, encourage and ensure ongoing community building by providing activities, events, and service to the parish school. Parent Association is a vehicle supporting communication between home and school, offering a mechanism for education and serving as a structure for political action when needed.” This will be accomplished in accordance with the policies of the Archdiocese of Seattle and the goals of this parish in collaboration with the Pastor and Principal. Did the PA fulfill this mission this year? If not, where do you see room for improvement? *
Do you have thoughts, comments or concerns regarding the 2017-18 PA sponsored events (Back to School BBQ, Families Help the Homeless, Sweetheart Dance, Scavenger Hunt, Grade level off-campus socials)? *
Parent Education Nights
Please share your thoughts on the Parent Ed nights (Emergency Preparedness with Kelly Kasper, Growth Mindset with Abby Mansfield and Great Conversations with Julie Metzger). If you were unable to attend, why? Do you have any suggestions for future speakers or topics?
Join The Parent Association Team
I would like to volunteer to support the Parent Association during the 2018-19 school year *
Thank You!
Additional Comments or Suggestions for Parent Association?
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