Tokareva Anna Alexandrovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Even babies now know about the need to brush their teeth. But toothpastes often contain a lot of substances harmful and hazardous to health: sodium lauryl sulfate, preservatives, antiseptics and antibiotics, abrasives, etc.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to industrial remedies - the natural and safe miswak stick, which copes with and without the use of toxic toothpastes.

What is miswak (siwak) for teeth cleaning?

Misvak, or sivak - a brush for , which is a piece of a branch or root of a tree, split at the end like a brush. Traditionally, miswak is made from arak tree (mustard tree), but olive, orange, Nim tree, Pilu (Salvador Persian) are also used.

By the way! Sivak has been known in the East since pre-Muslim times, but it does not lose its popularity today. Chewing sticks are also in demand in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Stick composition

Miswak is a completely natural dental care product. These "magic wands" contain more than 25 natural ingredients for dental health:

Important! Miswak is a 100% natural, natural dentifrice, it is just part of the plant.

Unlike the usual one, it does not contain any harmful substances like sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, dyes, fragrances, etc.

Beneficial features

The rich natural composition of the stick determines its excellent properties in maintaining the health of teeth and their treatment.

  • Thanks to silicon miswak helps to remove stains on the enamel.
  • Sulfur and galvanic substances do not allow bacteria to grow on the gums and in the space between the teeth.
  • Trimethylamine in a stick will relieve inflammation, soothe pain during teething.
  • Fluorine in the composition of the stick protects the teeth of adults and children from caries.
  • Tannic acids and tannin relieve bleeding and, heal wounds, have an astringent effect, protect against inflammation, protect against stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Soda bicarbonate serves for effective cleaning of teeth, preserving their natural whiteness and shine, gives freshness.
  • Essential oils act as an antiseptic and anesthetic, prevent the formation of tartar, the appearance of putrefactive processes.
  • Flavonoids serve to neutralize free radicals and protect against destruction of cells and intracellular structures.

According to studies by American scientists, the substances contained in a wooden stick are similar in their action to the usual antibiotic and antiseptic - triclosan and chlorhexidine, but unlike them, do not suppress the beneficial flora of the oral mucosa.

It has been clinically proven that the use of miswak can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria up to 75%, the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, candida is suppressed, and the effect lasts up to 2 days.

For your information! When using miswak, biologically active points in the mouth, located on the border of the gums and teeth, are affected. Their stimulation has a positive effect on vision, vocal cords, eliminates the lethargy of the body, raises vitality.


Along with an extensive list of miswak's merits, it also has several disadvantages:

  • Small brush difficult to clean the back teeth and inner surfaces of the teeth.
  • Also, due to the small area of ​​the bristles, it will take longer to brush your teeth than usual. Cleaning will take 5-10 minutes, as opposed to the usual 2-3 minutes when using a traditional nylon brush and paste.
  • After using miswak there will be no habitual "mint breath" as if using a paste.

How to use it correctly?

For cleaning use sticks 12-17 cm long and 0.8-1.5 cm thick made from the twigs or root of the arak or Salvador Persian tree. Tooth sticks from other trees are made less often.

Freshly cut sticks are sold packaged in a vacuum package, in which they remain fresh for a long time.

Good quality miswak must be flexible, not dry, have a pungent smell of spicy wood resembling horseradish or anise. The thinner the siwak, the softer its bristles will be..

Before use, the sticks are freed from the packaging, washed with warm water and one end is cleaned from the bark. This can be done with a knife, teeth or just nails. The cleaned end must be split to form bristles.... To do this, you need to chew the stick, or also use a knife. The resulting brush can be used to brush your teeth and tongue.

The inner surface of the teeth should be properly cleaned with the side of the brush, as if sweeping away plaque from the teeth. The movement is reminiscent of removing excess paint from the brush on the edge of a can.

Attention! Do not press hard on the stick to avoid damaging the enamel and gums.

Miswak should be used in the morning, in the evening and every time after meals... After use, the stick must be rinsed with water. If the miswak bristles become sparse, you need to cut the tip and make a new brush. Usually sticks are enough for 1 month of use.


The natural stick should be stored in a cool, damp place as it is at low humidity, it will dry out and become hard... You should not store siwak in closed packaging to avoid mold. A great option is in the refrigerator in an open bag.


1. Is it possible to give a stick to children and at what age?
The child can be given a stick if at least one tooth has erupted. This will help him get used to the need for dental care, and chewing the stick can relieve teething pain.

2. When is the best time to trim used fibers?
It is recommended to trim the used brush after 2-3 cleanings.

3. How long to chew miswak?
The stick should be chewed until the fibers separate from each other and you get a soft brush. Usually requires 5-10 pressing of the chewing teeth.

4. Can siwak be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications for miswak use. There are no substances in the stick that can provoke an allergy in a child or affect the contractility of the uterus. It is believed that during lactation, the mother needs to be excluded from the diet that have a pungent and strong odor. Miswak, of course, has a specific smell, but it is not eaten and is unlikely to affect the taste of milk.

5. Will the product damage the enamel of the teeth??
Miswak does not contain abrasives and is not capable of damaging enamel.

6. You just need to brush your teeth with a spine or add toothpaste?
When using miswak, there is no need for toothpaste, since all the elements useful for the health of teeth are already contained in the stick itself.

Errors in use

When using miswak, it is important not to forget the simple rules:

average cost

The average price tag for miswak brushes is about 100 rubles.

You can buy them in shops for Muslims, Ayurvedic shops, shops selling organic and natural products.

- "chewing stick" (literal translation of the Malay name. "Kayu Sugi"). Traditional use as a toothbrush extends from the Middle East to South and Southeast Asia.
Common names: El Salvador, Miswak, Miswak, Meswak, Siwak, Sivak, Sewak, Siwan, Peelu, Pilu, Arak.
Now miswak has a religious significance among Muslim peoples, but mentions of it were made even before Islam.

Scientific research on miswak by WHO in 2003 showed that compared to a regular toothbrush and toothpaste, when used correctly, a simple stick made from Salvadora Persica roots is much more effective. And recent studies of miswak report positive effects not only on teeth and gums, but also on the entire immune system.

Application Miswaka helps to strengthen the gums, prevent tooth decay, soothe the dental nerve and eliminate toothache. In addition, the use of miswak refreshes the oral cavity, breathing, polishes and whitens tooth enamel, improves appetite, positively affects the vocal cords, digestion and the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Basic properties:

  • Miswak removes food debris, freshens breath, eliminates bad odor, strengthens teeth and gums
  • The oils contained in the plant cleanse teeth from plaque and remove tartar. Discoloration components eliminate stains and specks of tooth enamel, silicon substances whiten teeth. Calcium provides remineralization of tooth enamel
  • The extract of this tree in its action on pathogenic flora is similar to such antibacterial and anticaries substances as triclosan and chlorhexidine, but unlike them, it does not suppress the beneficial flora. It has been clinically established that after using Miswak, the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases to 75%, and the effect lasts for 2 days from the moment of use. Suppresses the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Effective against Candida Albicans
  • Misvak helps with dental caries in adults and children. Thanks to the contained fluoride, both the prevention and the treatment of the disease are provided. Reduces bleeding and inflammation of the gums thanks to its tannin content. Relieves inflammation and facilitates the eruption of new teeth, thanks to the content of trimethylamine. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is effective in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Reduces toothache
  • Miswak improves vision, has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, promotes the process of digestion in the stomach, eliminates the lethargy of the body, raises the general tone of a person, helps to get rid of smoking

Benefits of using:

  • It is a 100% natural, environmentally friendly product, just a plant root
  • Free of sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, dyes, fragrances and other harmful substances
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties without side effects
  • More effectively than most toothpastes, it cleans teeth from plaque, enamel stains, removes tartar and whitens teeth
  • Allows you to brush your teeth less often due to long-term maintenance of optimal microflora of the oral cavity
  • Fully biodegradable and non-polluting


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anesthetic
  • Remineralization of enamel
  • Suppression of stone growth

Brushing your teeth
Gently peel the tip of the stick (0.5 - 1 cm) from the bark. The bark of miswak is soft and easy to clean with your hands or even your teeth.
The cleaned tip of the stick should be lightly pressed with your teeth several times so as to separate the fibers and turn the tip of the stick into a brush.
Now you can start directly brushing your teeth.
Do this in much the same way as with a toothbrush. The difference is that the surface of a regular brush is larger than that of a miswak brush (it will take longer to brush your teeth at first), but the most significant difference is that it completely eliminates the need for toothpaste.
The elements that are contained in miswak (currently six main active elements + fluorine have been identified) prevent caries, cope with bacteria, restore acid-base balance, eliminate plaque and freshen breath (more precisely, after cleansing with miswak, there is absolutely no breath will not, miswak does not leave its own smell, like, for example, mint).

After using the brush, it is necessary to cut off the used fibers with scissors, making a stick again from the brush. This makes miswak the most hygienic cleaning agent, because bacteria from the mouth will not collect between the bristle fibers and enter the mouth again! The stick must be stored in a bag to prevent drying out.
This also makes this brush "marching", i.e. you can always carry it with you and, if necessary, use it in any conditions, because the absence of paste, and, accordingly, the absence of mouth rinses, makes the procedure for brushing your teeth available at any time and under any circumstances.
Although there is an opinion that the brush can be cut off after the first use and reused (and even several times), we do not recommend doing this without adding additional natural antibacterial agents. Of course, you can rinse the miswak fibers with water and leave until the next time (it will be more hygienic than washing with an ordinary synthetic brush), but very few active substances will remain in the fibers, almost one "bristle" will remain, which may not wear out for a very long time and be used as natural a toothbrush, for example, with the addition of blue or white clay powder, a mixture of clays, crushed herbs, etc.

Massage and strengthening of the gums
Misvak has a very beneficial effect on the gums, strengthening and restoring them, relieving inflammation.
Gum massage can be performed regardless of the need to brush your teeth. The fibers of the "chewing stick", if chewed 🙂 become very soft, in this state the stick is an excellent massager for the gums, without causing harm or pain even to the weakest and most sensitive gums, gradually strengthening them. In this way, bleeding of the gums, as well as various other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, are treated.
Studies have shown that after the application of miswak, the antibacterial effect lasts for two days, protecting the tissues of the oral cavity from inflammation.

Tooth enamel polishing and whitening
Studies show that the substances contained in miswak also have bleaching properties, which have traditionally been successfully used for thousands of years by peoples who have long been familiar with this miracle plant. Miswak extracts are now used all over the world for whitening and cleaning teeth.

This is a small stick for brushing teeth made from the root of the Salvador Persian tree, Arak and some others.

One end is split and used to clean the tooth surface.

This tool is most popular in Islamic states.

The first mentions of this remedy can be found in the lines of the Quran, where the Prophet Muhammad recommends Sivak for cleaning teeth. At the same time, Misvak got the name - chewing stick.

It is not at all surprising that such roots were actively used in ancient times. There are practically no contraindications for its use, there is only individual intolerance to individual components of the composition, but this is an extremely rare situation.

To date, a wide range of people have become aware of the positive effects of this small bacillus on the health of the oral cavity.

Gorgeous composition - effective impact

The Misvak brushing stick has a unique composition enriched with vitamins and microelements. It contains a large amount of natural substances:

  • dibble clota;
  • fluorine;
  • cellulose;
  • mineral salt;
  • fragrant resin;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • sulfuric substances;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • alĸaloid;
  • twoyoĸisьĸ;
  • capponins;
  • styrene;
  • flavonoids;
  • trimethylamine.

Each of the above components has great benefits for dental health and prevention of oral diseases.

In the photo of Salvador Persian - the tree from which Miswak is made

Due to the presence of silicon substances in the composition, effective and elimination occurs. Sulfur substances prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

Trimethylamine suppresses the inflammatory process and is especially effective in.

Fluid substances prevent development.

It has been proven that after the first application of the stick in the oral cavity, up to 80% of pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, and the effect lasts for a day.

How do I use the cleaning spines?

For cleaning the tooth surface, it is better to use sticks with a diameter of 1 centimeter. If her size is larger proposed, this is to talk about an older age of the tree, respectively, Misvak will be tough. Large sticks are not able to penetrate into hard-to-reach places, which means that the cleansing will not be of high quality.

Before using Sivak, it must be rinsed well under running water.

Taking a stick, one end of it must be cleaned of a layer of bark, and then chew it well to get a kind of bristles. With this end, the teeth and the surface of the tongue are cleaned, on which more bacteria also accumulate. If the teeth have thinned enamel, then the chewed root should not press hard on the surface so as not to damage it.

When cleaning, there is no need to use additional toothpaste. In addition to the prescribed morning and evening procedures for cleansing the oral cavity, you can use a stick after each meal.

How to store it correctly?

The product should not be stored open. It is imperative to keep it in a sealed package, otherwise the stick may become moldy, which once again confirms its natural composition. One branch should be enough for one month of regular use.

When the villi become sparse and become stiff, they must be cut off. Before the next use, repeat the cleaning procedure on one edge again. Trim the edges as needed.


The tool is not as popular with us as in Muslim countries, and therefore there are still a lot of questions.

Can a stick be given to children and at what age?

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the product and its natural composition, Misvak can be started to be given to children after four months. But it should be used under strict parental control to prevent accidental swallowing of the villi.

When is the best time to trim the used villi?

It is best to trim the hairs after each use to prevent bacteria from accumulating there, or after the hair has become very thin.

How long to chew?

Here it is necessary to build on the preferences of the person and chew until the rigidity becomes comfortable for use. Typically, chew for at least five minutes to achieve fiber separation of the end. Soak it with water before use.

Is it allowed to use on restored teeth and with removed nerves?

Yes, there were no complaints from consumers about this. It should only be borne in mind that the product can lead to whitening only natural enamel. Therefore, the color of the artificial material may subsequently begin to differ from the rest of the teeth.

Can I use the product during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use the product due to its natural origin. There are no substances in the composition that can lead to contraction of the uterus or cause an allergic reaction in a child.

Using the product will not damage the enamel?

Miswak does not contain abrasive substances, therefore it does not have a negative effect on enamel. But if the enamel is thinned, or prone to erasure, then the stick should be used carefully, without pressing on it with force.

Alternatively, you can use a thinner tool. In addition, you should monitor the condition of the product, avoiding severe drying out.

What is the expiration date?

In undamaged packaging, it can be stored for 12 months, but at the same time observing the temperature regime of +15 degrees. After opening the package, the stick must be fully used no later than three months.

What does the white bloom on the twig say? Is it flawed?

No, everything is in order with Sivak if the expiration date has not expired. In general, a white bloom is formed due to the dried salt contained in the plant itself. This is normal for this product.

Do you just need to brush your teeth with a root or use toothpaste with it?

If you use Miswak sticks, then there is no need for toothpaste. The tool perfectly replaces both a brush and toothpaste.


How it works?

Basic properties.

Main advantages:

Beneficial Effects:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Pain reliever
- Remineralization of enamel
- Suppression of stone growth


Natural Teeth Cleaner - Salvador Persian Root (Miswak)

Every morning starts with brushing our teeth. This procedure has already become so much a habit and does not raise any doubts about its safety. However, most modern toothpastes contain unsafe ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, ethylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, and broad-spectrum antibiotics (for example, triclosan). These ingredients are not recommended even when washing your body and hair. The mucous membrane of the mouth absorbs various chemicals much more intensively, and the ingestion of unsafe components of toothpaste on it can cause serious harm to human health.
However, there is a safe, natural alternative to toothbrush and toothpaste - the Salvadora Persica cleaning stick, also well known as Misvak. Such sticks have been used since ancient times and have not lost their popularity in the east until our time. The cleaning stick does NOT contain any dyes, fragrances or other chemicals. This is a 100% natural product - just the root of a plant. The World Health Organization recommended it for use back in 1986. According to research, from the point of view of preventing gum disease, brushing with miswak is preferable to brushing with toothpastes.
Miswak(Sivak) - this is brushing your teeth and what you brush your teeth with, remove food debris, remove plaque. (Arabic) In general, the concept of miswak (sivak) is applied to a tree knot, twig or root, as well as other objects that massage the gums and clean the teeth. There are different spellings: miswak, meswak, meshvak, siwak, sevak, miswak, misvak, meswak, miswak, meshwak, mefaka, siwak, sewak.
Roots or twigs of various trees can be used as miswak: mustard tree (arak), neem tree, olive tree, orange tree, and others. It is used both fresh and dry. Miswak (sivak) can clean and whiten teeth, remove food debris, massage the gums, brush the tongue. Moreover, in terms of effectiveness, it surpasses such a traditional oral hygiene product as a toothbrush plus toothpaste.
Fresh roots of the Salvadora Persica plant are most effective for oral hygiene. It is a plant with a fibrous structure of branches and roots, also known as the Peelu tree. The main country of growth is Pakistan. It also grows in Africa, Central and Southeast Asia. The roots of the plant are more suitable for brushing your teeth, compared to the twigs, because they are softer and contain more nutrients.
Salvador Persian root contains more than 25 natural substances useful for teeth and mouth: calcium, silicon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate (soda), tannic acids (tannins), cellulose, essential oils, mustard oil, aromatic resins, fluorine, alkaloids, mineral salts, benzyl isocyanate, sulfur compounds, b-sitosterol, vitamin C, saponins, flavonoids, trimethylamine, chlorides, etc.
How it works?
The stick for cleaning teeth from the root of Salvador Persia has a fibrous structure. If you wet the tip of the stick, peel it by 5-10 mm, and chew it with your teeth, then the wood fibers turn into a brush. This brush is convenient for cleaning teeth from food debris and plaque. Thanks to the content of a large amount of bioactive substances, the result is ensured: clean and healthy teeth, strong gums.
Basic properties.
- Miswak removes food debris, freshens breath, eliminates bad odor, strengthens teeth and gums.
- The oils contained in the plant clean the teeth from plaque and remove tartar. Discoloration components eliminate stains and speckles of tooth enamel, silicon substances whiten teeth. Calcium provides remineralization of tooth enamel.
- The extract of this tree in its action on pathogenic flora is similar to such antibacterial and anticaries substances as triclosan and chlorhexidine, but unlike them, it does not suppress the beneficial flora. It has been clinically established that after using Miswak, the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases to 75%, and the effect lasts for 2 days from the moment of use. Suppresses the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Effective against Candida albicans.
- Misvak helps with dental caries in adults and children. Thanks to the contained fluoride, both the prevention and the treatment of the disease are provided. Reduces bleeding and inflammation of the gums thanks to its tannin content. Relieves inflammation and facilitates the eruption of new teeth, thanks to the content of trimethylamine. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is effective in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Reduces toothache
- Misvak improves vision, has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, promotes the process of digestion in the stomach, eliminates the lethargy of the body, raises the general tone of a person, and helps to get rid of smoking.
Main advantages:
- The Miswak cleaning stick is a 100% natural, environmentally friendly product, just the root of a plant.
- The Miswak cleaning stick does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, dyes, fragrances and other harmful substances.
- The Miswak cleaning stick has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties without side effects.
- The Miswak cleaning stick is more effective than most toothpastes, cleans teeth from plaque, enamel stains, removes tartar and whitens teeth.
- The Miswak cleaning stick allows you to brush your teeth less often due to the long-term maintenance of the optimal microflora of the oral cavity.
- The Miswak cleaning stick is completely biodegradable and does not pollute the environment
Beneficial Effects:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Pain reliever
- Remineralization of enamel
- Suppression of stone growth

As a means for oral hygiene, it was known in ancient times - it was used by the ancient Greeks and the inhabitants of Babylon. Over time, the root was undeservedly forgotten, but since 1986, on the recommendation of WHO, the use has been resumed. How effective is the miswak chopstick, how to use it, and is it suitable for everyone? We will try to answer these questions.

Effects and benefits of miswak

Miswak is a stick for brushing teeth, one end of which is split and used as a toothbrush. At first glance, such a remedy may seem inconvenient and useless, but the secret of its effectiveness lies in the composition and properties of this plant.

The root contains:

  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannic acid;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • trimethylamine;
  • silica;
  • sulfuric substances;
  • styrene.

These substances are beneficial for the health of teeth and gums. Due to the presence of silicon dioxide in the composition, misvak (sivak is the second name) easily removes plaque from enamel, brightens it to a natural shade. Sulfur substances and essential oils have antibacterial effects, and trimethylamine helps fight inflammation.

The effectiveness of miswak for eliminating and is noted. It has also been proven that its use has a positive effect on digestion, immunity and vision, increases overall tone and gives strength, reduces.

The root has a pleasant spicy taste and is very refreshing. The therapeutic effect lasts up to 2 days from the moment of application.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of miswak over a classic toothbrush? Firstly, the root of the mustard tree is completely natural, does not contain harmful chemical compounds and does not require the application of a paste.

Secondly, sivak allows you to brush your teeth less often without losing the effectiveness of this procedure. In addition, with its help, you not only remove plaque, but also improve the condition of the oral cavity and the whole body.

Thirdly, it is very compact, which is convenient when traveling. And, finally, miswak sticks are easily decomposed in nature, which means they are safe for the environment.

But there are drawbacks to using mustard root. Since its cleaning surface is small, it will take more time to clean all teeth properly. In addition, the stick can be difficult to find on the market.

How to use the miswak brush?

Miswak brushing stick - how to use:

  1. Open the package and take out the stick.
  2. Peel one of the ends from the bark by 0.5-1 cm, to facilitate this process, it can be slightly moistened with water.
  3. Chew the end of the stick to make it look like a brush.
  4. Clean your teeth thoroughly with gentle horizontal strokes, working from the edges to the center. If desired, miswak can remove plaque from the tongue and massage the gums.
  5. After completing hygiene procedures, rinse the stick and put it away for storage.

If the tip of the miswak has become too hard and sparse, it is trimmed to the bark and a new piece is peeled. It is recommended to renew the stick after 2-3 uses.

A natural miswak toothbrush is suitable for both adults and children. To facilitate teething, it can be used from 4-5 months. In order to avoid injury, hygiene procedures for young children should be carried out by parents.


The only contraindication to the use of sivak is individual intolerance. It is undesirable, although possible, to use it while wearing and (dental jewelry), as the bristles can get stuck in the structures.

There are no restrictions for pregnancy and breastfeeding. When brushing teeth with the root of a mustard tree, no harmful components enter breast milk and blood.

How to store the stick correctly

So that the useful properties of miswak are not lost earlier than the due date, it is important to adhere to the rules of its storage. In the intervals between uses, it should be protected from light and dry. It is recommended to place it in a vacuum package or case. This will prevent drying out.

The optimum storage temperature is 16-20 ° C. If you purchased sticks for future use and have not yet started using them, it is better to place them in the refrigerator (do not freeze). It is possible to determine that an unopened root has deteriorated by swollen packaging; for a miswak that has already been used, an indicator is a sour taste. In both cases, the use of the tool is unacceptable.


Applying the roots of the mustard tree is one of the most affordable ways to care for your teeth. Despite its exoticism, the price of miswak is acceptable for a person of any income level.

The average cost of this tool is from 60 to 150 rubles. for 1 pc. The price depends on the specific manufacturer and type of packaging. Sticks in a special storage case are more expensive, in a vacuum bag - cheaper. The easiest way to find this product is in online stores that specialize in oriental or environmentally friendly products. The price is valid for October 2017.

A mustard root toothbrush is popular for many reasons. It is environmentally friendly, safe for health, effective and affordable. Is it right for you? This can only be found out by trying it personally.

Useful video about miswak