Test of Times New Roman: Effects of Font Type on Mathematics Performance
Thu, April 8, 3:00 to 4:00pm EDT (3:00 to 4:00pm EDT), Division C, Division C - Section 1c: Mathematics Roundtable SessionsAbstract
Mathematics is presented in a variety of font types across materials (e.g., textbooks, online problems); however, little is known about the effects of font type on students’ mathematical performance. Undergraduate students completed three mathematical tasks in one of three font conditions: Times New Roman, Kalam, or handwriting; and we examined whether font type affects students’ performance on expression comparison, error identification, and equation solving. We found that students in the Times New Roman condition were less accurate on the expression comparison task compared to students in the other two conditions. The findings have implications for teaching and learning across contexts. Specifically, teachers and publishers may consider presenting mathematics in fonts that are easy for students to process and learn.