戦後置き去りにされたフィリピン残留日本人孤児の声を日本政府に届けたい! Save the War displaced Filipino Japanese people!

戦後置き去りにされたフィリピン残留日本人孤児の声を日本政府に届けたい! Save the War displaced Filipino Japanese people!



署名の発信者 NPO法人フィリピン日系人リーガルサポートセンター











  1. 厚生労働省は、厚生労働省設置法、同組織令、同組織規則に基づき、中国残留邦人と同様にフィリピン残留日本人についても、その状況調査並びに身上資料(フィリピン残留日本人名鑑)の作成・保管を行ってください。
  2. 「中国残留邦人等の円滑な帰国の促進及び永住帰国後の自立の支援に関する法律」(以下中国残留邦人等支援法という)に係る通知等を改正し、フィリピン残留日本人を同法の援護対象としてください。
  3. 中国残留邦人等支援法12条を改正し、「中国残留邦人等」に対する「就籍その他戸籍に関する手続きを行う場合の便宜の供与」が、日本に永住帰国していないフィリピン残留日本人にも供与されるようにしてください。

(English ver.)

As Japan remembers the war dead on the 73rd anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, there is unsolved issues: to save the War Displaced Filipino Japanese People. They are children of Japanese immigrants who migrated to the Philippines from late 19th up to the end of WWII. Before the war, the number of Japanese immigrants in the Philippines reached 30,000 in the highest stage of development.

As the Philippines became the center of the battlefield, they were forced to be separated from Japanese fathers or family due to the turmoil of the war. Even if they survived, male Japanese immigrants were repatriated while their Filipina wife and kids were left behind in the Philippines.

After the war, most of them were continuously persecuted by the Philippines community as children of hostile national. They hid Japanese identity to survive. Applicable laws in Philippines and Japan state that those, whose father is a citizen of Japanese, is Japanese national. Thus, 2nd generation should be recognized as Japanese by rights. However, many of them still don’t have been registered in Japanese Family Register, Koseki. Practically, they are stateless persons. Now, these war-displaced people are seeking to recover their identities as Japanese nationals.

 Total number of 2nd generation who have not recovered Japanese identity


(2,625 including those who have already passed away)

The Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to a nationality. As the government of Philippines ratified the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless persons, it is dedicated to support stateless people including the Japanese descendant.

It is Japanese government’s time to take an action

There is little time left, but it is not too late to save the displaced Japanese. Japanese and Chinese government have been supporting Japanese orphan left in China. Thus, we hereby request urgent actions of Japanese government to recover the identities of the 2nd generations.

Petition taking urgent actions of Japanese government to recover the identities of the War displaced Filipino Japanese people

 To: The Honorable Prime Minister of Japan, the Honorable President of the House Councilors, and the Honorable President of the House Representatives

 The Undersigned petitioners hereby respectfully request that:

 1.     The Japanese government, especially Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, should make an overall survey of war-displaced Japanese in Philippines based on the act for Establishment of the ministry, the order for Organization of the ministry, and the ministerial ordinance. Moreover, the government should make a master list of them.

 2.     To revise notices and announcements related to the Support Law for War-displaced Japanese Left Behind in China to include war-displaced Japanese left behind in the Philippines as eligible subject of this law.

 3.     To revise the Article 12 of the above-mentioned the Support law as those who did not return home permanently are covered under this law.

