Find cheap bus tickets from Southampton to Brighton

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TomorrowMay 4
from $27
SunMay 5
from $28
MonMay 6
from $34
TueMay 7
from $60
WedMay 8
ThuMay 9
FriMay 10
from $31
SatMay 11

Cheap buses leaving tomorrow

One passenger / one way

  • This trip is recommended because it is: Cheapest
    Departure time: May 4 at
    Departure city: Southampton
    Departure location: Southampton Coach Station
    Arrival time: May 5 at
    Destination city: Brighton
    Destination location: Hove Bus Stop (opp King Alfred Sports Centre)
    Operated by: National ExpressNational Express
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: 2nd Cheapest
    Departure time: May 4 at
    Departure city: Southampton
    Departure location: Southampton Coach Station
    Arrival time: May 5 at
    Destination city: Brighton
    Destination location: Hove Bus Stop (opp King Alfred Sports Centre)
    Operated by: National ExpressNational Express
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: Fastest
    Departure time: May 4 at
    Departure city: Southampton
    Departure location: Southampton Coach Station
    Arrival time: May 4 at
    Destination city: Brighton
    Destination location: Hove Bus Stop (opp King Alfred Sports Centre)
    Operated by: National ExpressNational Express
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • Departure time: May 4 at
    Departure city: Southampton
    Departure location: Southampton Coach Station
    Arrival time: May 4 at
    Destination city: Brighton
    Destination location: Hove Bus Stop (opp King Alfred Sports Centre)
    Operated by: National ExpressNational Express
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • Departure time: May 4 at
    Departure city: Southampton
    Departure location: Southampton Coach Station
    Arrival time: May 4 at
    Destination city: Brighton
    Destination location: Hove Bus Stop (opp King Alfred Sports Centre)
    Operated by: National ExpressNational Express
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
Bus Southampton to Brighton: Trip Overview

Bus Southampton to Brighton: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$41
Average bus trip duration6h 20m
Number of daily buses4
Earliest bus departure1:35 PM
Distance54 miles (87 km)
Latest bus departure10:20 PM

Southampton to Brighton Buses

Information on this bus route

Daily Departures4
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures1:35PM - 10:20PM
Minimum Price$14
Average Ticket Price$41
Minimum Trip Duration5h5m
Average Bus Trip Duration6h20m
Distance54 miles (87 km)
Bus Companies on This RouteNational Express
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip Southampton - Brighton

You can take a bus or a train to go from Southampton to Brighton. The two options are convenient and sustainable ways to reach Brighton. You can also use carpool services and share a car ride with other travelers.

On average, the trip from Southampton to Brighton takes around 6h 20m, but you can get there in as little as 5h 5m with the quickest bus. This is the time it takes to travel the 56 miles (90 km) that separate the two cities.

The distance separating Southampton and Brighton is 56 miles (90 km).

You can choose from 4 travel times and travel with National Express. Depending on the day of the week, the number of buses available from Southampton to Brighton may vary. Simplify your trip from Southampton to Brighton by checking the schedules and selecting the bus that fits your travel style and budget on Busbud.

The bus service operates between 1:35 PM and 10:20 PM.

The majority of buses traveling from Southampton to Brighton start their journey at Southampton Coach Station and wind up at Pool Valley Coach Station. These are the main pick-up and drop-off locations on this route, but you can find others that could fit better into your travel plans.

The cheapest way to travel this route is by bus. The lowest price for the bus on this route is $16.

You can expect to pay around $41 for a bus ticket. In the past 30 days, prices have fluctuated between $16 and $83, so it's best to compare them to make sure you get the best deal.

Once in Brighton, you can start exploring the city and discover its surroundings. The top sights and things to do are Komedia, Brighton Marina, Royal Pavilion, Brighton Fishing Museum and Sea Life Brighton.

About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

Meet and talk to locals at the bus stations while traveling from Southampton to Brighton.There is no better way to get inside travel information while exploring a new city than to go straight to its people.

From miles long of beauteous natural landscapes to impressive man-crafted sights, you're bound to be in for a visual treat on your bus trip from Southampton to Brighton.

Buses are energy-efficient. Carrying a passenger over 100 kms by coach only takes 0.6-0.9 liters of gas. Compare that to the 2.6 liters required by high-speed train, 6.6 liters by airplane and 7.6 liters by gas-powered car, and it's clear that the bus is a more environmentally-conscious option for your bus transportation from Southampton to Brighton.

Make a music playlist for your bus ride from Southampton to Brighton, and enjoy the scenery to tunes from your own personal soundtrack.

Did you know?

The bus driver with the longest career in the world drove more than 2,000,000 miles and is a happy World Record holder.

Did you know some bus companies in Germany offer to their passenger low-costs snacks and regional beer based on their destination? Prosit!

9.2% of ground transportation in Europe is done by bus versus 7.4% by train.

Will you be returning to Southampton by bus?

Bus from Brighton to Southampton

You can also go to Brighton by train

Train from Southampton to Brighton

Why choose Busbud?

The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets

Busbud helps you easily search, compare and book intercity bus tickets on a worldwide scale with our comprehensive list of bus routes and schedules. With several language and currency options available, Busbud seeks to cater to international bus travelers no matter where they are in the world. Busbud prides itself on its worldwide partnerships. We make it possible for you to buy tickets with its large network of trustworthy bus partners like Greyhound, Eurolines, ALSA, OUIBUS (BlaBlaBus), National Express and many others.