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Nasdaq Rotation Deepens; Tech Leaders Routed

Tech stocks are getting hammered early going, with the NASDAQ down more than 70. The divergence between tech and retail is palpable. I suppose people want to buy shitty soon to be bankrupt companies and swap out of immensely profitable ones. Either way, the sell off was overdue and we’re just getting started. Here are some of the standouts.

ADBE -4.2%, STX -4%, NVDA -4%, AAPL -3.5%, GOOGL -3.1%

On the upside.

GE +4.5% (Immelt retired), KSS +4%, RIG +3.5%, LB +3.5%

The essence of this market is tied up in the high flying shares of NVDA, so watch that for a tell. Since the leaders are down in the magnitude of 3%, expect lower tiers names to get their brains blown out. I see WIX, MKSI, AEIS, PANL and CAVM are down in the magnitude of ~8%.

This is going to be a fucking bloodbath. Never buy the first leg down. Always wait for the fuckheads on the StockTwits boards, who were just appraising tech as being ‘way undervalued’, to cry in agony and misery first, then step in and ‘buy the blood’ and make your forte.

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  1. oilerua

    the selling is the real deal
    I guess that while Trump lock inside the WH with the family, Mueller squad is determined to castrate him sooner then later

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  2. oilerua

    doesn’t look like a volatily gamble but liquidation of a bull ( for a good while at least )

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  3. sarcrilege

    Don’t everybody panic – this is just another healthy sell off that won’t last very long in these rigged markets. The FED is still not ready to pull the plug just yet. This is not a crisis. The timing is not right just yet.

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  4. oilerua

    cant see the indexes run @ +15 +20% this year

    and volume charged into the last rally where ( all robots ) double then normal

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  5. snoozer

    a second day of rotation into energy. still way to early but sometime likely in 2018 WTI and Brent will get propped up leading into the Saudi’s Aramco IPO. Should be a great buying opportunity just a question of timing.

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  6. thinair

    already bought this morning and made and sold most. these will hit new highs.

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